Monday, November 9, 2015

The Board for the School District of Denmark met in the library of the Elementary School. President Dan Ullman called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. with the Pledge of Allegiance.

PRESENT: Dan Ullman, President

Nancy VanElzen, Vice-President

Joe Duckett, Treasurer

Paula Larsen, Clerk

Scott Knutson, Member

Tony J. Klaubauf, District Administrator

Jill Bodwin, Business Manager

Dave Harper, Early Childhood Center Principal/Director of Curriculum

Oran Nehls, High School Principal

(1) NOTICE TO THE PRESS – A notice of this meeting appeared in the latest issue of the Denmark News.


(3) CONSENT AGENDA – A motion was made by Nancy VanElzen and seconded by Joe Duckett to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held on October 19, 2015, and the treasurer’s report in the amount of $1,472,280.96 expense checks to #115484 in the amount of $676,207.44, automatic payments in the amount of $34,760.56, wire transfer to the Denmark State Bank in the amount of $239,168.38 for the 10/15/15 payroll, $226,438.03 for the 10/30/15 payroll, wire transfer for federal withholding and social security in the amount of $87,132.44 on 10/5/15, $85,571.40 on 10/20/15; wire transfer for state withholding in the amount of $15,794.40 on 10/15/15, $15,334.95 on 10/30/2015, wire transfer in the amount of $91,873.36 for the September State Retirement. Carried on a roll call vote as follows: 5 Ayes (Duckett, Van Elzen, Ullman, Larsen, Knutson) 0 Noes.

(4) SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT – Mr. Klaubauf updated the board on the Village Police/Liaison Officer, Community Cupboard, WASB Convention in January, Veterans Day Assembly at the MS and Insurance consortium.

(5) PRINCIPAL’S REPORTS –Mrs. Birdsall gave a tour of the library and reported on the happenings at the Elementary. Mr. Nehls along with a representative from AVID explained the program and answered questions along with a report of the happenings of the High School.

(6) COMMUNICATIONS – Mr. Klaubauf shared communications with the Board.

(7) PERSONNEL – None

(8) AVID – A motion was made by Scot Knutson and seconded by Joe Duckett to approve the AVID program for the high school, starting the 2016-17 school year. Carried on a roll call vote as follows: 5 Ayes (Duckett, Van Elzen, Larsen, Ullman, Knutson) 0 Noes.

(9) POLICIES – The first reading was made to changes and additions to policies.

(10) DOOR/KEWAUNEE INSURANCE CONSORTIUM – Mr. Klaubauf and Mrs. Bodwin updated the board on the insurance consortium.

(11) BOARD INPUT – The meeting on December 14 will start at 6:30 p.m.


(13) ADJOURNMENT – A motion was made by Joe Duckett and seconded by Paula Larsen to adjourn. Carried on a roll call vote as follows: 5 Ayes (Duckett, VanElzen, Larsen, Ullman, Knutson) 0 Noes.

Time: 9:30 p.m.

Respectfully submitted, DAN ULLMAN, President