Pen Selwood Parish Council
Minutes of the Parish Council meeting held at the Village Hall 13th September 2017
Councillors present: Cllr. Steadman ( Chair), Cllr. Jenkins, Cllr. Juckes, Cllr. Appleton, Cllr. Ashman, Cllr. FitzGerald.
Anna Groskop County Councillor
Members of the public present : Chris Worrell, Mr. Ian Steadman, Mr. Tony Harrison,
No issues raised.
Cllr. Carter, District Councillor, Mike Beech, PC Tim Russell.
Minutes of the meeting 10th May approved and signed. One amendment to the minutes of the meeting of 12th July to be made and minutes to be re-issued.
2017.37Matters Arising from the Previous Minutes
The Chairman confirmed that Cllr. Carter is prepared to be Vice Chairman for this current year.
The Chairman reported that she had spoken to District Councillor Mike Beech who advised that he has moved away from the area but will continue as District Councillor until the next election. He advised that Local Plan is still being worked on and can expect a bigger housing allocation to rural communities than originally anticipated. Mrs. Groskop advised that she has been asked to cover for Mr. Beech where possible.
The Chairman advised that she has forwarded names to the Chairman Award scheme. She also advised that she has contacted the relevant personnel concerning the drop-in Health Check scheme as a possibility for the village.
The County Councillor advised that libraries are under consultation. The County is looking at the idea of combining libraries with other services, such as benefits and tourist offices.
No cheques to be minuted.
Balances: Business Reserve Account £3470, Current Account £6541, Allotment Account £1051.
The recent queries raised by the external auditor concerning the accounts to 31.3.17 have been dealt with. To date no reply back from the auditors. The main query related to the value of the assets - this has been returned to the figure for the previous year of £37,050 as there is no other way to measure the value of the assets as until this date no assets had appeared on the return to the auditors.
Risk Assessment Reports - Cllr. Appleton has completed a risk assessment form for the salt bins . There is one that will need replacement - approximate cost of £100 and this to be budgeted for in next year's budget.
The Chairman to prepare Risk Assessment reports for submission at the next meeting for the telephone kiosk and defibrillator. The Chairman advised that pads will need to be purchased soon for the defibrillator.
2017.41 A. Planning
Cllr. Jenkins advised that the Parish Council has approved the application at Pen Mill. District approval has been given for the holiday lets at Encie Farm, and for the change of windows at Farhyngs.
The Chairman advised of building taking place on a site past Hunters Inn for which this Parish Council has not received any notification. Cllr. Jenkins to contact the district Planning Department.
Detail had been received via Stoke Trister Parish Council regarding the installation of anaerobic digester plant on the edge of Wincanton. Mrs. Groskop advised that there was concern in Wincanton about this proposed development, mainly on the grounds of increased traffic. The Town Council has rejected the application - the District Council has approved it. It was agreed that this Parish Council would not comment on this application as it felt it would not directly affect this parish.
B. HIghways
Cllr. Appleton advised that the roads generally fair with some small potholes. Resurfacing has taken place. The poor verge cutting report was submitted and the relevant repairs conducted as a result of this. He advised that Pen Selwood was the only parish council to complain about this particular contractor.
The work on the landslide at Coombe Street to commence end of the month.
With regard to the HGV sign for Long Lane, Cllr. Appleton is seeking clarification from Highways at to what actual wording can be put on to a sign or whether the PC can install its own sign. The Highways also gave him a list of sat nav providers that he could contact to see if this routing could be removed for HGVs.
Four people attended the Health and Safety course for working on the Finger Posts and this will now cover other such projects.
A vehicle counter has appeared on the road at Underhill - SSDC does not know who has installed it. Cllr. Appleton to ascertain why it has been installed.
C. Wincanton North Neighbourhood Statistics - August 2017
Community Support Officer, Tim Russell updated the Parish Council on the above via e mail.
D. Employment
No issues to report.
2017.42Reports from Outside Bodies
Cllr. Ashman advised that SSDC have lost the list of volunteers approved to work on the footpaths in the Parish. and this has to be re-registered along with the fact that Mr. Gething is the Parish Path Liaison Officer.
Clerk to despatch relevant form to SSDC that notes that the PC is aware of the appointment of the Parish Path Liaison Officer and that there is regular reporting back to the PC on footpath issues.
The issue of the footpath not being accessible in Church Field is ongoing - SSDC have now contact the Diocese who are the owners of the field.
Surveying of some of the footpaths to be undertaken this week. Some expenses to be paid to Mr. Gething.
The Chairman advised that she has spoken to Cllr. Carter and he will take over from Cllr. FitzGerald as Liaison Officer for the closure of the allotments. A working party is due to start clearing this weekend.
Pen Selwood Community Association
Nothing to report as there has not been a meeting of this Association since the last PC meeting. As Cllr. Ashman will not be able to attend the next meeting of the Association Cllr. Jenkins will report back to the PC.
2017.43 Other
Housing Questionnaire
The draft questions has been circulated earlier to the Council. Cllr. Carter had raised an observation by e mail in that the proposed questionnaire has no provision for respondents to record a view on the total housing growth they consider acceptable. Also that a comment box would be useful for general observations. It was agreed to incorporate these two items.
It was also agreed that the opening paragraph to be reworded to outline the reason why this second questionnaire is necessary. The Chairman felt that the questions were aimed at younger people and their families and that potential developers would not be targeting this section of the market. She also emphasised that this questionnaire is essential so that the Parish Council can get a view if a developer approaches the village with a plan for new housing. Cllr. FitzGerald felt that there should be something in the questionnaire for long term residents as to their preference for housing development, for their particular needs as they get older and perhaps want to say in the village in a smaller house. Cllr. Ashman felt that the Planning Authorities would not recognise such a desire as this is not a planning consideration.
The question of the number of developments residents would deem as acceptable was discussed and it was agreed that respondents could be asked to put such a number in the comments box.
Cllr. FitzGerald felt that Mr. Parcell should approve the final questionnaire - Cllr. Ashman felt that yes show him the proposed questionnaire but he would be more than pleased that the Parish Council had taken over the issue.
Cllr. Ashman to revise and send to all councillors. It was felt that the actual questionnaire could be sent out with the Pen Paper in November and also be available via the website.
Mr. Harrison gave an update. To date still no quote or proposal from Open Reach, and that he chasing them every two weeks for answers. Mr. Harrison advised that he has met with the local M.P. and he has advised that he will ascertain how to obtain the public monies that are available for the scheme Pen Selwood is considering. He will speak to the County Council concerning the same.
Mr. Harrison is going to contact the Culture Secretary concerning the matter, also Ofcom, and the Chief Executive of Open Reach. The Chairman thanked him for all of his work to date.
Cllr. Ashman advised that no reply from the County Council regarding GainShare, despite numerous calls to chase. It was agreed that nothing should be put into Pen Paper regarding the broadband situation until there was something definite to report.
2017.44 Communications
All communications had previously been circulated.
With regard to Emergency Planning document - the Chairman advised that Mr. Steadman as key holder for the village hall had been notified for the purpose of the plan.
Mrs. Groskop advised that the community bus would no longer receive monies from central government for this and therefore local councils were being asked to contribute.
Cllr. Ashman stated that there are people in the village who use this service.
It was advised that the notice board at Leigh Common needs replacing. The Chairman to deal with.
2017.45 Items for the Next Agenda
Housing Questionnaire
2017.46 Date of Next Meeting
8th November, 2017
Meeting closed at 9 p.m.