Automated Storage and Retrieval Facilities
Prepared by
Michael Matthews
Randall Library Administration Student Worker
With Sarah Barbara Watstein
University Librarian
November 4, 2016
In the U.S. (in alphabetical order)
For comparison, Randall Library is +92,000 sq feet
- California State University, Long Beach
- Can seat 4,000. 37,430 students. No square footage data
- California State University, Northridge
- Total square footage – 234,712 square feet
- Defense Visual Information Center (March Air Reserve Base)
- No square footage data
- San Francisco State University
- Can seat – 1,896. No square footage data
- Santa Clara University
- Total square feet – 194,000 square feet
- Sonoma State University
- No square footage data
- Georgia Southern University
- Total square footage – 235,000 square feet
- Valparaiso University
- Total square footage – 105,000 square feet
- Chicago State University
- No square footage data
- University of Chicago
- Total square footage – 577,085 square feet
- University of Louisville
- Total square footage – 290,000 square feet
- Eastern Michigan University
- Total square footage – 270,000 square feet
- Grand Valley State University
- Total square footage – greater than 150,000 square feet
- University of Missouri – Kansas City
- Student population – 16,699. No square footage data
New York
- Colgate University
- Total square footage – 152,000 square feet
- Cornell University
- 20 total libraries. No square footage data
- University of Nevada, Las Vegas
- 5 libraries, with the biggest one being 350,000 square feet
- University of Nevada, Reno
- Total square footage – 295,000 square feet
North Carolina
- North Carolina State University
- Total square footage – 221,000 square feet
- Duke University (not automated)
- No square footage data
- Not automated, needs personnel with a lift
- Marywood University
- No square footage data
- University of Utah
- Total square footage – 488,000 square feet
- Utah State University
- Total square footage – 305,000 square feet
- Liberty University
- Total square footage – 170,000 square feet
Other countries (in alphabetical order)
- Macquarie University
- Total square footage – 17,997 square meters = 193,718.1 square feet
- University of Technology, Sydney
- No square footage data
British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
- University of British Columbia
- No square footage data
Tokyo, Japan
- Waseda University
- No square footage data
Scholarly Articles on Automated Storage and Retrieval Facilities
- Amrhein, Rick, and Donna Resetar. "MAXIMIZING LIBRARY STORAGE WITH HIGH-TECH ROBOTIC SHELVING."Computers in Libraries24.10 (2004): 6,8,51- 54,56.ProQuest.Web. 26 Oct. 2016. < xtPDF/7D4BF2D5EF074BA1PQ/29?accountid=14606/>.
- Cogan, Sarah, and Rita Bullard. "The Automated Retrieval Collection at Bruce T. Halle Library."Library Hi Tech18.2 (2000): 142-3.ProQuest.Web. 26 Oct. 2016. < D5EF074BA1PQ/20?accountid=14606/>.
- Haslam, Michaelyn. "The Lied Library Automated Storage and Retrieval (LASR) Unit."Library Hi Tech23.3 (2005): 306-12.ProQuest.Web. 24 Oct. 2016. < C4B8EPQ/1?accountid=14606/>.
- Heinrich, Helen, and Eric Willis. "Automated Storage and Retrieval System: A Time-Tested Innovation."Library Management35.6 (2014): 444.ProQuest.Web. 24 Oct. 2016. < F/BD9517BF64CF42A6PQ/1?accountid=14606/>.
- Kennedy, Michael. “New Robotics System to Put Ekstrom among Top University Libraries.” The Louisville Cardinal. N.p., 21 Apr. 2003. Web. 22 Oct. 2016. < among- top-university-libraries/>.
- Kirch, Sarah E. Automated Storage and Retrieval The Next Generation: How Northridge’s Success Is Spurring a Revolution in Library Storage and Circulation. N.p.: n.p., n.d. American Library Association. ACRL Ninth National Conference. Web. 22 Oct. 2016. >.
- Mathisen, Kari. "From Traditional Stacks to an Automated Storage and Retrieval System."Library Management26.1 (2005): 97-101.ProQuest.Web. 24 Oct. 2016. 0D72140DFPQ/1?accountid=14606/>.
- Shirato, Linda, Sarah Cogan, and Sandra Yee. "The Impact of an Automated Storage and Retrieval System on Public Services."Reference Services Review29.3 (2001): 253- 61.ProQuest.Web. 24 Oct. 2016. < /4508B4F5C34C4B8EPQ/6?accountid=14606/>.
- Smith, Brian R. "Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems."Public LibrariesJan 2016: 47.ProQuest.Web. 24 Oct. 2016. C34C4B8EPQ/7?accountid=14606/>.
Non - Scholarly Articles on Automated Storage and Retrieval Facilities (MLA)
- Bell, Steven. “One Technology That Will Change the Academic Library Experience.” Library Journal. N.p., 03 Dec. 2015. Web. 22 Oct. 2016. < change- the-academic-library-experience-from-the-bell-tower/#_/>.
- Long, Valeria, and Patricia Bravender. “Weeding an Outdated Collection in an Automated Retrieval System.” Selected Works. Grand Valley State University, 2011. Web. 22 Oct. 2016. <
- Nagy. Attila. “The Giant Robots That Serve the World’s Largest Library Archives.” Gizmodo. N.p., 29 Apr. 2015. Web. 22 Oct. 2016.
- Nancy. “Largest Libraries of the Future.” Authormaps. N.p., 01 Oct. 2013. Web. 22 Oct. 2016. <
- O’Connor, Mary Catherine. “RFID Helps CSU Library Automate Sortation, Storage.” RFiD Journal. N.p., 04 Jan. 2007. Web. 26 Oct. 2016. <
- Thompson, Kalee. “How It Works: Underground Robot Library.” Popular Science. N.p., 09 Mar. 2012. Web. 24 Oct. 2016.
- Verbeek, Olga and Cathy Rowe. “The Future of Automated Systems in the Academic Library.” Digital Commons. N.p., 01 Sept. 2000. Web. 22 Oct. 2016. < ub/>.
- Williams, Alaia. “Advances in Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems.” One Organized Business. N.p., 19 May 2016. Web. 22 Oct. 2016. < and-retrieval-systems/>.
Websites that have information on the topic
- This company sells many forms of automatic storage and retrieval systems, from pallet runners to mini/unit loads to even high speed variations.
- “Dematic provides document storage solutions for colleges/universities, public libraries, government and private sector businesses. Systems are implemented within new buildings as well as existing building structures. These solutions are engineered to accommodate the specific document storage requirements of colleges/universities, public libraries, Federal Reserve Banks, and financial/insurance services companies.”
- Worked on University of Chicago
- This is a company specializes in “tailor-made multi-column vertical storage system[s]” and has several variations ranging from: multi column for rapid picking and single columns for either normal storage or long and bulky items.
- This company also provides products and services pertaining to ASRS. They have several products and systems and many of those listed are coupled with videos and pictures to help give a visual aid. The products listed are: CUBY, High Bay Warehouse, Exyz Crane, SCHAEFER Compact Crane, SCHAEFER Lift & Run, Navette, 3D-MATRIX Solution®, SCHAEFER Carousel System, SCHAEFER Miniload Crane, SCHAEFER Quad System and the SCHAEFER Tray System. Each are very different in their own way and each add something vital to the automatic storage and retrieval system process.