College Lane Surgery Patient Participation Group

Minutes of the meeting held at 1.30 pm on Thursday28thJuly 2016 at College Lane Surgery, Ackworth.


Dr Yellop, John Whelpton, Kay Fish, Adrian Mosby, Andree Evans, Carol Dorking, Paul Vose, Barbara Cook, Kate Kistell-Bowden and Claire Broome.


SandyGillan, Roger Whitworth, Arlene Collins and Morris Barrows.


Stuart Ensor (SE)


Lawrence Doyle (LD)


Stuart opened the meeting and thanked everyone for taking the time to attend. He also welcomed Dr Yellop and Mrs Claire Broometo deliver the Practice Update.

Practice Update:

Dr Yellop opened by giving an update on staff changes at the Practice. August is the month when there is usually a change in GP Registrar and Foundation Doctors in training at the surgery.

Farewell to:

  • Dr Jennifer Bracher, GP registrar completed her GP training and will now be working as a GP in Leeds. Dr Christopher Kendall, GP Registrar will be working in hospital as part of his further training. Dr Joseph Firmin, Foundation Doctor has gone back to hospital as part of his training.
  • Debbie Bygrave a practice administrator left in August after 4 years here.

Welcoming in:

  • Dr Aine Hannity(female) GP Registrar Dr Muhammad Harris (male) join the team in August 2016 - February 2017. Dr Thomas Bidmead (male) Foundation Doctor will be here for 4 months.
  • Dr Platford was made a partner in April 2016 and he is also now a fully qualified GP trainer.
  • Amanda Stanley, Practice Nurse joined the team in April and has specialist skills in respiratory care.
  • Louise Mills and Kate Finn joined the administration team in July/August 2016

The Practice has been successful in a bid for funding to employ a newly qualified nurse who graduated this summer as part of a workforce strategy to bring nurses to work in primary care. Training funding has been granted by from Health Education England and is aimed at developing the future workforce. Nine other practices in Wakefield will also take part in the scheme.

  • The District Nursing Teams throughout the area are being re-organised and plans to reorganise clinics are being planned. Our usual team is located over several sites and not always based in the surgery in Ackworth.
  • It is likely that we will lose the District Nurse clinic here at College Lane Surgery. The new arrangements commence in September and it is likely that the clinics will operate from Pontefract and South Elmsall. This is not and ideal situation. There are concerns for those patients who are unable to travel.
  • College Lane Surgery nursing team are undergoing further training for wound care (simple) and ear syringing to care for patients who the District Nurses will no longer see. This does not affect the Home visiting service District Nurses provide.
  • Health Visiting Teams are already working this way already, managing and seeing families in their own home. Baby clinic in the surgery is still provided by the Practice Nurse and Doctor.
  • In the recent inspection carried out by the Care Quality Commission the Practice receive a rating of goodacross the board. Dr Yellop thanked the members of the PPG who had been interviewed by the CQC. The next inspection is likely to be in five years.
  • The charity hike completed by members of staff (Yorkshire Three Peaks) raised some £1500. Donated to the hospice and Downs Syndrome local charity. Thank you to all who supported the team..
  • Staff are to raise further charity funds by having a “Jeans for Genes” day on 23rd September 2016.
  • The Practice is working with a group called Novus who have successfully bid for various services. There are a range of NHS services available at College Lane Surgery from a wide range of providers.

Additional Services hosted by the Practice are:-

  • Physiotherapy (Mid Yorkshire Hospital and TICCS services)
  • Audiology (Novus)
  • Dermatology (Novus & Mid Yorkshire Hospital joint service)
  • Ultrasound (Yorkshire Health Solutions)
  • Cryotherapy (GP/Nurse service)
  • The Practice is a level 4 Diabetes service which allow it to commence insulin therapy. Dr D’Costa, Mid Yorkshire Hospitals, holds a clinic with the GP and Nurse on a regular basis for patients with more challenging Diabetes care.
  • Over 1000 patients have now signed up for electronic repeat dispensing. Electronic prescribing is ongoing. You can ask your nurse or GP if this is suitable for you. See the website for more detail.
  • The practice are asking patients to consider registering for “On-Line Access” to book appointments, order repeat prescriptions and have access to your medical record. This is available 24/7 and is a safe method with personal password access for an individual patient.
  • A number of recent issues in Wakefield have highlighted security/safety problems with telephone ordering of repeat prescriptions. The problem is around the initial request, therefore we moving towards banning this service. A date when the ban comes in to operation will be determined and patients informed. It is accepted that this move will cause difficulties for some patients and where this happens it will be dealt with on a case by case basis. Those patients who have signed up on line will not be affected.
  • Electronic prescribing is much more secure and also provides an audit trail. The Practice is seeking to achieve a 24 hour turn-around of on line prescription requests.
  • It is acknowledged that the increase in on line users may require the release of more on line appointments.
  • The Practice, assisted by members of the PPG, are to hold a Macmillan Coffee Morning, Wednesday 28thSeptember at College Lane Surgery.
  • Recent media reports regarding patients who had not seen their Doctor for five years are to be contacted and, if they do not respond are to be removed from the Surgery list. This is an initiative by NHS England to remove “Ghost patients” who may have moved away. Both Dr Yellop and Mrs Broome were unaware of any practice patients being removed under this scheme to date.


Minutes of the meetings held 26.05.16 had been previously circulated and were accepted as a true record and signed by the Chairman.

Matters Arising:

Thenext public meeting is to be on Thursday 29th September at the Surgery starting at 7pm. This will also be the delayed Annual General Meeting. Notification to be sent by the Surgery to all on line registered patients. Details will also be on the screen in the waiting room. Fliers to be posted and details published in the newsletter.

Stuart made members aware of the Autumn Prospectus from Wakefield and 5 Towns Recovery College. Dr Yellop said that she would ensure that copies were available to browse in the waiting room.

The secretary is to ensure that details regarding “Recovery through reading for pleasure” are available in the waiting room.


Kate and Andree have collaborated on the publication of our next newsletter. Kate confirmed that it is almost ready. It will be presented to members shortly for checking and then printed. Kate asked Mrs Broome to thank Jill Nicholls for the assistance she gave to her whilst putting the newsletter together.


The questions have been agreed by the Practice and the group. The survey will be carried out by members on a personal one to one basis by chatting to patients as they visit the Surgery. The format of the questionnaire was agreed and it was also agreed that it was important for patients to have the opportunity to comment.

The survey is to be carried out between 22nd August and 2nd September. The secretary is to contact members seeking volunteers for dates within those mentioned above. It was agreed that we would avoid Monday’s as they tend to be really busy.

The screen in the waiting room will have a message that PPG members are in the Surgery carrying out the survey.

Any Other Business

None raised.

Stuart thanked Dr Yellop and Mrs Broome for giving up their time to be at the meeting. He also thanked members for attending and duly closed the meeting.

Chair…………………………………………………………. Date…………………………