Accreditation in HungaryNr. 8
The Hungarian Accreditation Committee
and its Work in 1999
Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC)
This book and other information about the HAC may be accessed on the Internet in English at in Hungarian at
© HAC, Budapest, 2000
ISSN 1416-2024
Published by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee
Ajtósi Dürer sor 19-21
H-1146 Budapest, Hungary
Editor: Mrs. György Homonnay
Managing editor: Péter Kiss
Editor of the English edition: Christina Rozsnyai
Printed in Hungary by Alfaprint Press Ltd.
Director Gábor Barabás
Accreditation In Hungary 8
HAC meetings in 1999......
Report on HAC activities in 1999......
I. 1. PhD and DLA programmes......
Approved PhD programmes......
Transformed PhD programmes......
Withdrawn PhD applications......
New PhD Programme Directors appointed......
New PhD subprogrammes......
I. 2. State recognition......
Supported Application for the Establishment of a College......
Rejected Applications for the Establishment of a College......
Supported Applications for the Establishment of a Faculty......
Rejected Applications for the Establishment of a Faculty......
I. 3. Establishment/launching of new degree programmes......
Supported applications for the establishment and launching of new degree programmes
Rejected applications for the establishment and launching of new degree programmes
Withdrawn applications for the establishment/launching of new degree programmes
Suspension of decision-making on applications for the establishment/launching of new degree programmes
Supported applications for the launching of new degree programmes......
Rejected applications for the launching of new degree programmes......
I. 4. National qualification requirements......
Supported qualification requirements......
Rejected qualification requirements......
I. 5. Accredited vocational higher education training programmes......
Accredited vocational higher education programmes supported by HAC:......
Accredited vocational higher education programmes rejected by HAC:......
Launching of accredited vocational higher education programmes supported by HAC
I. 6. Approval by the Ministry......
Approved applications for the establishment/launching of new degree programmes
Accredited vocational higher education programmes supported by HAC and approved by the Ministry
Vocational higher education programmes supported by HAC and approved by the Ministry
HAC’s International Advisory Board meeting......
Recommendations of the Advisory Board of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee
IV. 1. Institutional accreditation in 1999......
Accreditation of the Hungarian University of Physical Education......
Accreditation of the Engineering Industry and Automation College of Technology...
Accreditation of the Eger Theological College......
Accreditation of St. Paul Academy......
Accreditation of the Police College......
Official position of the Police College on accreditation:......
Accreditation of the Miskolc University......
Evaluation of programmes run by the Adult Education and Human Resource Development Institute of Janus Pannonius University of Arts and Sciences (completed under a special procedure)
Accreditation Report on training provided by the off-site courses of the Adult Education and Human Resource Development Institute (FEEFI) of Janus Pannonius University of Arts and Sciences
Comments made by Janus Pannonius University of Arts and Sciences
Communication by HAC
Accreditation of St. Gerard Theological College, Pannonhalma......
Accreditation of Kalazantinum Piarist Theological College, Budapest......
Accreditation of Franciscan Theological College, Budapest......
Accreditation of Budapest Technical University......
Accreditation of the Theological Seminary of the Seventh Day Adventist Church...
Accreditation of the Pentecostal Theological College......
Accreditation of the Pécs Theological College......
Accreditation of Péter Pázmány Catholic University......
Suspension of the accreditation process at John Wesley Pastor Training College....
Repeated evaluation of the general social worker programme run by John Wesley Pastor Training College
Accreditation of the Esztergom Theological College......
Accreditation of the Kőrös College......
Accreditation of János Bolyai Military College of Technology......
Accreditation of the Gate of Dharma Buddhist College......
Accreditation of the Modern Business College......
Official position of the Modern Business College on accreditation......
Accreditation of the College of Business Administration......
IV. 2. Resolutions on accreditation procedures......
Supplement to the rules of procedure for the evaluation of distance education programmes
Postponement of monitoring procedures......
Launching of new undergraduate degree programmes......
Accreditation date for Dénes Gábor College......
Deadline for habilitation procedures underway at art universities......
Resolutions on habilitation and doctoral regulations......
On a complementary programme in pedagogy at Janus Pannonius University of Arts and Sciences
Conditions for and contents of Action Plans......
Special procedure related to Action Plans......
Preliminary accreditation of a new faculty......
Implications of the amendments effected in the Higher Education Act in 1999 for institutional accreditation
Amendments to the Accreditation Guidebook......
Supplement to the evaluation of applications for the establishment of a new faculty
Preliminary accreditation of a new faculty......
Evaluation procedure for faculty establishment applications requesting modifications in the faculty structure of institutions of higher education
Principles for the evaluation of faculty establishment applications......
General principles to support the evaluation of applications......
Evaluation of name change applications submitted by successor faculties......
Classification of programmes run by institutions of higher education by discipline...
Principles of classification by discipline and area of art......
Amending the validity of accreditation......
Changing the validity of accreditation......
Preparation for the second round of accreditation......
Evaluation of distance education programmes......
Evaluation of off-site training programmes......
Amendment of evaluation principles and rules of monitoring procedure......
IV. 3. Visiting committees in charge of accreditation......
Position about doctoral education and obtaining a degree......
Relationship between universities and colleges in technical higher education......
Declining JPTE’s application for the launching of an undergraduate programme in archaeology
PATE’s application to establish a new college-level programme......
Provisional tasks concerning doctoral schools and habilitation processes with regard to reforms in the system of higher education institutions
Special rules of procedure for the DLA programme of Ferenc Liszt Academy of Music
VI. BUDGET......
HAC’s budget in 1998......
HAC’s Budget in 1999......
The HAC’s participation in the Higher Education Reform Project......
HAC and the reform of higher education......
Opinion issued by the Minister of Education (ME) on HAC Resolution no. 1998/8/IX. 3
Opinion issued by the Minister of Education (ME) on HAC Resolutions no. 1999/1/VII/23 and no. 1999/1/VII/24
Requirements for degree programs......
Sociology Subcommittee......
Economics and Business Subcommittee......
Linguistics, Classics and Oriental Studies Subcommittee......
Literature and Ethnography Subcommittee......
Arts and D.L.A. Subcommittee......
Psychology Subcommittee......
Pedagogy Subcommittee......
History Subcommittee......
Philosophy Subcommittee......
Law and Political Science Subcommittee......
Theology and Religion Subcommittee......
Media and Communications Subcommittee......
Agriculture Subcommittee......
Medicine, Pharmaceutics and Health Sciences Subcommittee......
Biology Subcommittee......
Chemistry Subcommittee......
Physics Subcommittee......
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Subcommittee......
Mechanical Engineering Subcommittee......
Architecture, Construction and Transportation Subcommittee......
Mathematics Subcommittee......
Earth Sciences Subcommittee......
Military Science Subcommittee......
European Studies Interdisciplinary Committee......
Environmental Studies Interdisciplinary Committee......
Scheduling of Quality Assurance Report 2000......
Quality control of higher education activities......
1. Prior to integration......
2. Subsequent to integration......
Church Institutions......
Foundation Schools......
Commonly used abbreviatons in the text......
This is the 8th volume of the series titled Accreditation in Hungary. Both the length and the contents of this volume reflect the increased workload handled by the Hungarian Accreditation Committee (HAC) in 1999. The pages that follow aim to demonstrate how the HAC faced the new challenges posed by the integration of higher education institutions and the amendment of the Higher Education Act.
HAC meetings in 1999
15 January 1999 (extraordinary meeting)
29 January 1999
26 February 1999
26 March 1999
30 April 1999
28 May 1999
25 June 1999
24 September 1999
15 October 1999 (Extended Presidency Meeting)
29-30 October 1999
26 November 1999
Report on HAC activities in 1999
HAC activities in 1999 were influenced by the following factors:
the integration of higher education institutions,
the implementation of internal quality audit at institutions of higher education,
other responsibilities arising from the amendment of the Higher Education Act (e.g. new duties related to specialised postgraduate education and accredited vocational higher education organised within the school system, completion of the first round of accreditation at institutions of higher education).
These factors often proved to be interrelated and were given a priority over earlier duties and other ongoing activities (PhD programmes, applications for the establishment/launching of new degree programmes, modifications in the rules of procedure, etc.).
The integration of higher education institutions was stipulated in the amended Higher Education Act. HAC was assigned a major role in the development of this legislations. Recommendations on integration were approved by an extraordinary plenary session in January 1999. Following this, the faculty structure of newly established institutions was evaluated by an extended presidency meeting in the second half of 1999.
To implement ongoing quality assurance, two full-day conferences were organised for deans and for college directors in autumn 1999. The necessary guidelines were developed and a pilot project was launched at an earlier stage. The actions to be taken have already been discussed, and the statutory system of annual reports can be put in place in the course of 2000. The Secretariat is prepared to establish personal contacts with the institutions’ quality officers, and process and evaluate incoming reports.
Pursuant to the amended Higher Education Act, HAC has to accredit the Ph.D. schools of universities in the future. In agreement with the National Doctoral and Habilitation Council, HAC has already developed the necessary rules of procedure. Since under the amended Act only the national qualification requirements of new specialised postgraduate programs have to be evaluated rather than the establishment of such programs themselves, the procedure is expected to be less complicated. As a precondition to evaluation, HAC had to identify the disciplines in which the individual institutions of higher education are authorised to provide specialised postgraduate courses. The related HAC resolution was preceded by a lengthy development process at the Secretariat and multiple reconciliatory discussions with the institutions involved.
Ninety percent of the first accreditation round was completed by late December 1999. The accreditation of the few outstanding private and church institutions was launched in 1999 and may be finished in 2000. When this process is accomplished, HAC will have fulfilled all statutory requirements. The first round of accreditation at Hungarian institutions of higher education will be completed in the near future, which offers HAC a good opportunity for evaluating its performance in light of the above challenges. Self-evaluation has always been present in HAC history. In spring/summer 1999, we carried out a comprehensive questionnaire survey on HAC activities among institutions of higher education. Processed survey results have been presented at several forums and will be published in the near future.
As part of the rules of procedure project, HAC has compiled an Accreditation Guidebook on distance education. Distance education has passed the accreditation test and even the foreign experts involved acknowledged the efficiency of the procedure. New and integrated institutions, and off-site training need to be accredited in the future.
HAC successfully extended its network of international relationships in 1999. The International Advisory Board held its regular meeting in May. The third-party evaluation of HAC was launched by an international body in December. Under this process, HAC prepared its Self-Evaluation Report the first version of which was approved by the Plenum in November. Complex and manifold preparatory activities and a one-week visit scheduled for the last week of February 2000 have been financed under a World Bank project.
HAC managed its 1999 budget in a balanced manner. The Plenum received several detailed reports on budget management during the year.
HAC activities expressed in figures
1998 / 1999Accreditation of institutions / 29 / 21
PhD affairs / 32 / 22
State recognition / 4 / 3
Establishment of faculties / 1 / 39
Launching of new programmes / 179 / 70
National qualification requirements / 9 / 27
Accredited vocational higher education organised within the school system / 48 / 50
The mandate of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee will expire on 30 June 2000. At the end of this period, a comprehensive report will be prepared on accumulated accreditation experience and HAC activities for the Ministry of Education, the Parliament and the general public. This is the reason why the plenary session in January 2000 decided to make this report shorter than usual.
Budapest, January 2000
András Róna-Tas
I. 1. PhD and DLA programmes
Approved PhD programmes
Univ. / Discipline / Code / Programme Director / Title of programme / Type / DatePATE / Agriculture / 420 / Géza Kuroli DSc / Precision Plant Treatment / A / 29.01.99
POTE / Biology / 421 / Ferenc Kilár DSc / Bioanalytics / A / 26.02.99
SOTE / Medicine / 422 / Rudolf DeChâtel DSc / Clinical Endo-crinology and its experimental implications / A / 30.04.99
BKE / Political Science / 423 / Attila Ágh DSc / Applied Political Science / A / 30.04.99
JATE / Linguistics / 435/
22c / Edit Szalamin CSc / Russian Descriptive Linguistics / B / 28.05.99
JATE / Physics / 437/
19 / János Bergou DSc / Quantum Optics / B / 28.05.99
POTE / Biology / 449/ 129 / Béla Melegh DSc / The relationship of molecular biochemical and functional features in genetic diseases / B / 29.10.99
Transformed PhD programmes
Univ. / Discipline / Code / Programme Director / Title of programme / Type / DateELTE / Biology / 44/
237 / Tibor Kukorelli CSc / Behavioural Neurobiology / B / 29.01.99
Withdrawn PhD applications
Univ. / Discipline / Code / Programme Director / Title of programme / DateJATE / Linguistics / 394 / Miklós Kontra CSc / English Descriptive and Applied Linguistics / 30.04.99
ZMNE / Military Science / 418 / János Szabó DSc / The Defence Sector’s Links to the Society / 30.04.99
DATE / Agriculture / 425 / János Nagy DSc / Interactions between soil, water and the environment / 30.04.99
New PhD Programme Directors appointed
Univ. / Discipline / Code / Programme Director / Title of programme / Type / DateBME / Transportation Science / 161 / Éva Kovács Gilicze DSc replacing Elemér Borotvás DSc / Transportation Science / A / 29.01.99
ELTE / History / 73/7493/94 / Jenő Gergely DSc replacing Aladár Urbán DSc / Doctoral School in History / A / 26.02.99
KLTE / Psychology / 246 / István Czigler DSc replacing István Mészáros DSc / Study of Interpersonal Relations at the Level of Psycho-physiological and Psychical Phenomena / A / 28.02.99
KLTE / Linguistics / 267/k / István Nyirkos DSc replacing Árpád Sebestyén CSc / Hungarian Linguistics / A / 26.02.99
KLTE / Literature / 244/
326k / Zoltán Hajnády CSc replacing István Lőkös CSc / Classical Russian Literature / B / 26.02.99
Univ. / Discipline / Code / Programme Director / Title of programme / Type / Date
DATE / Agriculture / 287 / Tamás Bánszki DSc replacing László Veress DSc / Environment-friendly Animal Husbandry Utilising Regional Resources / A / 26.03.99
ME / Law / 187 / Vanda Lamm DSc replacing János Zlinszky DSC / Development of Hungary’s legal and political system / A / 30.04.99
New PhD subprogrammes
Univ. / Discipline / Code / Subprogramme Director / Title of subprogramme / DatePATE / Agriculture / 426/
27 / László Várnagy DSc / Environment Technological Aspects of Biocides and Other Chemicals / 26.03.99
SE / Agriculture / 432/217 / Tamás Kőhalmy DSc / Gamekeeping / 26.03.99
SOTE / Medicine / 436/
351 / Gyöngyi Műzes CSc / Gastrointestinal Immunology / 30.04.99
KLTE / Mathematics / 424c/243 / László Losonczi DSc / Mathematics-Didactics / 30.04.99
I. 2. State recognition
Supported Application for the Establishment of a College
Code / Applicant / Name of Institution to be established / DateL46 / Farkas Heller College / Farkas Heller College for Business and Touristic Services / 26.06.99
Rejected Applications for the Establishment of a College
Code / Applicant / Name of Institution to be established / DateL45 / Town of Nagykanizsa / Kanizsa College / 29.01.99
L47 / European College of Economics / College / 29.10.99
Supported Applications for the Establishment of a Faculty
Applicant / Name of Faculty to be established / Level / DateDebrecen University / Faculty of Regional Development and Agro-Economics / University / 29.10.99
West Hungarian University (Sopron) / Faculty of Economics / University / 29.10.99
West Hungarian University (Sopron) / Faculty of Food Science / University / 29.10.99
St. Stephen University
(Gödöllő) / Faculty of Agriculture
(Gyöngyös) / College / 29.10.99
St. Stephen University
(Gödöllő) / Faculty of Economics
(Gyöngyös) / College / 29.10.99
Budapest Technical University / Donát Bánki Faculty of Mechanical Engineering / College / 29.10.99
Budapest Technical University / Kálmán Kandó Faculty of Electrical Engineering / College / 29.10.99
Budapest Technical University / Sándor Rejtő Faculty of Light Engineering / College / 29.10.99
Budapest Technical University / Faculty of Economics / College / 29.10.99
Budapest Technical University / János Neumann Faculty of Information Technology / College / 29.10.99
College of Nyíregyháza / Faculty of Arts and Humanities / College / 29.10.99
College of Nyíregyháza / Faculty of Economics and Social Studies / College / 29.10.99
College of Nyíregyháza / Faculty of Technology and Agriculture / College / 29.10.99
College Nyíregyháza / Faculty of Natural Studies / College / 29.10.99
Károly Eszterházy College / Faculty of Humanities and Social Studies / College / 29.10.99
Applicant / Name of Faculty to be established / Level / Date
Károly Eszterházy College / Faculty of Natural Studies / College / 29.10.99
Dániel Berzsenyi College / Faculty of Humanities / College / 29.10.99
Dániel Berzsenyi College / Faculty of Natural Studies / College / 29.10.99
Dániel Berzsenyi College / Faculty of Arts and Physical Education / College / 29.10.99
István Széchenyi College / Faculty of Architecture and Environmental Engineering / College / 29.10.99
István Széchenyi College / Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering / College / 29.10.99
István Széchenyi College / Faculty of Economics / College / 29.10.99
István Széchenyi College / Faculty of Transportation and Mechanical Engineering / College / 29.10.99
Rejected Applications for the Establishment of a Faculty
Applicant / Name of Faculty to be established / Level / DateUniversity of Debrecen / Faculty of Dentistry / University / 29.10.99
University of Debrecen / Faculty of Pharmacology / University / 29.10.99
University of Debrecen / Faculty of Public Health / University / 29.10.99
University of Debrecen / Faculty of Mathematics, Information Technology and Physics / University / 29.10.99
University of Debrecen / Economics / University / 29.10.99
University of Veszprém / Faculty of Technical Computing / University / 29.10.99
University of Arts and Sciences in Pécs / Faculty of Pedagogy and Human Development / University / 29.10.99
College of Kecskemét / Faculty of Technical Computing / College / 29.10.99
Sámuel Tessedik College / Faculty of Economics (Békéscsaba) / College / 29.10.99
Applicant / Name of Faculty to be established / Level / Date
Sámuel Tessedik College / Faculty of Pedagogy (Szarvas,
Békéscsaba) / College / 29.10.99
Károly Eszterházy College / Faculty of Economics and Social Sciences / College / 29.10.99
István Széchenyi College / Faculty of Health Science / College / 29.10.99
István Széchenyi College / Faculty of Arts / College / 29.10.99
I. 3. Establishment/launching of new degree programmes
Supported applications for the establishment and launching of new degree programmes[1]
Code / Applicant / Title of Application / Datesz398 / BTF / Press Photographer, college-level programme / 29.01.99
sz557 / ELTE / Psychology, college-level programme / 29.01.99
sz484 / SE / Geodesy Computer Engineering, specialised postgraduate programme / 29.01.99
sz519 / PPKE / European Studies, specialised postgraduate programme / 26.03.99
sz159 / KLTE/
DATE / Molecular biology
(repeatedly approved upon the Ministry’s request) / 28.05.99
Rejected applications for the establishment and launching of new degree programmes
Code / Applicant / Title of Application / Datesz376 / ÁVF / Political Organisation, college-level programme / 29.01.99
sz525 / SE / Light Engineering, university-level programme / 29.01.99
sz537 / CSVMTF / Roma Social Studies, specialised postgraduate programme / 29.01.99
sz540 / ELTE / Museum Pedagogy, specialised postgraduate programme / 29.01.99
Code / Applicant / Title of Application / Date
sz542 / ELTE / Child and Youth Protection, specialised postgraduate programme / 29.01.99
sz517 / MTE / Recreation, university- and college-level programme / 29.01.99
sz451 / ELTE / East-West Economic Studies, university-level programme / 26.02.99
sz504 / JPTE / Romology, university-level programme / 26.03.99
sz527 / HIETE/
VE / Health Care Information Technology,
university-level programme / 26.03.99
sz562 / ELTE / Drama-Mastering Studies, specialised postgraduate programme / 30.04.99
sz574 / DATE / Waste Management Engineering, college-level programme / 30.04.99
Withdrawn applications for the establishment/launching of new degree programmes
Code / Applicant / Title of Application / Datesz566 / JPTE / Social Worker, university-level programme / 29.01.99
Suspension of decision-making on applications for the establishment/launching of new degree programmes
Code / Applicant / Title of Application / Datesz381 / JATE / Family Protection, college-level programme / 29.01.99
sz581 / VE / French Language and Literature, university-level programme / 24.09.99
sz609 / KGRE / German Language and Literature, university-level programme / 26.11.99
Supported applications for the launching of new degree programmes