Practice Review #4
Developing Nutrition Goals
Readeachscenario andthen determine a nutritiongoal(s).
Jeffreyis a 4year old boywho loves to playvideo games andcan nameall thesuperheroes andtheirpowers.He is in the 98thpercentile on the weightfor heightgrowthchart. Jeffreysays he likes snacksand McDonald’s chicken nuggets. Jeffrey’s mom sayshe does not likeanyfruitand the familydoesn’t eat manyvegetables.
What goal(s)didyou comeup with for Jeffery?
Amanda is a 17year oldprenatalwho lives in onebedroomapartment with herboyfriendJoey. Amandacomplains of nauseaandhas lostweight sincethe timeshefound out sheis pregnant. Currentlyat5’6” she weighs 108 lbs. Amanda does not cookat home,skips breakfast,andhasmost of hermeals at school. Shedrinks 1-2 32ozsodas at alocalhangouteach day.
What goals(s)didyou comeup with for Amanda?
Alexis a fullterm 2 week old infant whosebirth weight was 7 lbs. 8 oz. andweighed 7lbs. 6 oz. todayat theclinic and is up-to-datewithimmunizations. Mom states hefeedsateachbreastevery2-3hours for about 20 minutes. Mom reports that breastfeedingisuncomfortableandher nipples aresorewhile sheisnursing. Thebabyis fussyandcriesoften especiallyafterfeeding. Themother is planningtogoback to work and does notthink she cancontinue breastfeeding while working. Mom states she does not eatmuchfruits or vegetables andwants to lose weight. Mom also reports sheconsumes about agallon ofmilk in 2-3 days, because hergrandma told herit will increase her milk and willmakeher milk healthier forthe baby. Mom wasformula-fedherselfand is thinkingofsupplementingher babywith formula.
What goal(s)didyou comeupwith for the infant?
What goal(s)didyou comeup with for mom?
Continue on the next page.
Williamis a 4year old that mom describes asapickyeater. William is at the 85thpercentileweight for heightgrowthchart.Williamsnacks on crackersandveggie chips.Healso drinks 2-3 sippycups of dilutedfruitjuicethroughout the day. Mom is upset thatWilliam will not eatanythingat thedinner table with the familyand William will notremaincalmat thetable for longerthan 5 minutes.
What goal(s)didyou comeup with forWilliam?
Mayais a 2year old thatis in the 86thpercentileweight for heightgrowth chart. MomstatesMaya refuses to drink milk “Idon’tevenbuyit because itgetswasted”. She likescheeseandsometimes will trysomeyogurtwhen she sees her olderbrotherJack eatingit.Mom saysMayalikesstrawberries,bananas andapples but will not eat anyvegetablesandstates “Nobodyin thefamilyeats vegetablesanyways.”Maya loves spaghetti and
hot-dogs but will not eat anyother meats. Mom buys Pediasure for Mayaand gives toMayawhen she does noteat hermeals.
What goal(s)didyou come up with forMaya?
Nadia is a5 ½ month old formula-fedinfantthatis in the 98thpercentileweight forheightgrowthchart.Mom states“She just loves her milk,Ican’t keep upwith theformula.Canyougive me more?”Nadiahas notstarted solid foods but mom is addingcereal to each bottle to help herbabystayfull longer.
What goal(s)didyou come up with forNadia?