Organism names to know for the Marine Biology in Belize practical
Names in maroon font are the names you need to know for the practical. Note that for some groups, you need to know either genus or genus and species (in italics), and for other groups just the common name (i.e. the fish). The practical will be given by laptop where you will be given photographs taken from the online “Identification Tutorial” and you will supply the appropriate name (no word bank will be available).
Macroalgae and Seagrass
Ø Caulerpa
Ø Dictyota
Ø Halimeda
Ø Padina
Ø Penicillus
Ø Udotea
Ø Turbinaria
Ø Syringodium
Ø Thalassia
Sponges (you don’t need to know any common or scientific names, just know a picture of a sponge when you see one)
Ø Millepora
Ø Stylaster
Gorgonians (soft corals)
Ø Eunicea
Ø Gorgonia
Ø Plexaura
Ø Pseudopterogorgia
Ø Pterogorgia
Scleractinian (hard corals)
Ø Agaricia
Ø Diploria
Ø Favia
Ø Madracis
Ø Manicina
Ø Meandrina
Ø Montastraea annularis
Ø Montastraea cavernosa
Ø Porites astreoides
Ø Porites porites
Ø Siderastrea
Ø Acropora
Angel Fish
Ø French Angelfish
Ø Gray Angelfish
Ø Queen Angelfish
Ø Graat Barracuda
Ø Banded Blenny
Ø Seaweed Blenny
Ø Scrawled Cowfish
Ø Spotted Trunkfish
Butterfly Fish
Ø Banded ButterflyFish
Ø Foureye ButterflyFish
Ø Blue Chromis
Ø Brown Chromis
Ø Purple Reeffish
Damsel Fish
Ø Bicolor Damselfish
Ø Dusky Damselfish
Ø Sergeant Major
Ø Yellowtail Damselfish
Ø Eyed Flounder
Ø Peacock Flounder
Ø Clown Wrasse
Ø Slippery Dick (really)
Ø Puddingwife
Ø Yellowhead Wrasse
Goat Fish
Ø Spotted Goatfish
Ø Yellow Goatfish
Ø Neon Goby
Grouper/Sea Bass
Ø Black Hamlet
Ø Rock Hind
Ø Harlequin Bass
Ø Coney
Ø Reef Bass
Ø Blue Striped Grunt
Ø Barred Grunt
Ø French Grunt
Ø Bar Jack
Ø Permit
Ø Crevalle Jack
Ø Yellow Jack
Ø Green Moray
Ø Spotted Moray
Nurse Shark
Ø Nurse Shark
Parrot Fish
Ø Midnight Parrotfish
Ø Queen Parrotfish
Ø Princess Parrotfish
Ø Stoplight Parrotfish
Pointed-Nose Shark
Ø Blacktip Shark
Ø Reef Shark
Ø Lemon Shark
Ø Saucereye Porgy
Ø Sheepshead
Ø Southern Stingray
Ø Spotted Eagle Ray
Scorpion Fish
Ø Spotted Scorpionfish
Ø Gray Snapper
Ø Yellowtail Snapper
Squirrel Fish
Ø Squirrel Fish
Surgeon Fish
Ø Blue Tang
Ø Ocean Surgeonfish
Ø Doctorfish
Trigger Fish
Ø Black Durgon
Ø Queen Triggerfish