11th annual
the international meeting point for the Greek film
7-12 May 2018
Early Deadline: 15 December 2017
Regular deadline: 15 January 2018
Late deadline: 15 February 2018
Very late deadline and final: 15 March 2018
- Submissions must be emailed by the deadline in order to be considered.
- Demos not accepted. We accept ONLY FULL COMPLETED and REGISTERED SCRIPTS. We don’t accept only ideas or brief descriptions of the script.
- Submitted materials will not be returned. Submission fees are not refunded.
- The submitted screenplay must be in English or Greek; both versions are welcome.
- Please DON’T SEND hard copies; we don’t accept hard copies of the script.
- Script categories: fiction feature (70-150 pages), short fiction (1-20 pages).
Sending the submitted material:
a) Sending via email:
- your screenplay in word .doc file or .pdf file
- the submission form and any other text in word .doc file (i.e. author’s CV etc)
- the signed and scanned submission form in pdf or jpg file
- photos in .jpg file and any other possible digital material or URL for online presentation (blog, website, youtube etc)
Email to send the material:
(Information in this section will be published)
Script Category (fiction feature, short fiction):
Original Title:
Original language(s):
English Title:
Greek Title:
Country of origin:
Brief synopsis in English:
Brief synopsis in Greek:
Completed Date:
URL of the blog, website or video online (optional for presentation; otherwise please leave blank):
The screenplay is original idea, adaptation, based in a true story or any other?
If the screenplay is selected for the London Greek Film Festival 2018, this will be a first presentation (yes/no)?
If no, please state where and when presented:
Awards and nominations (if any):
Applicant's details
Website (if any):
Production Company Details [please leave this section blank, if none]
Name on behalf of the company:
Website (if any):
Do you authorize London Greek Film Festival to use excerpts of your scripts – max 3 pages for publication and promotional purposes (yes/no)?
Do you authorize London Greek Film Festival to use the submitted publication material (photos, texts etc) for publicity (press, magazines, news papers, catalogue, London Greek Film Festival web site etc) and promotional purposes (yes/no)?
How do you hear about the London Greek Film Festival?
I hereby allow London Greek Film Festival (or LGFF or London Greek Film Festival Ltd, London, UK) to preview my work, and if accepted for the Festival, I authorize London Greek Film Festival to present my screenplay and/or excerpts from it for publicity purposes and/or publish material provided for publicity purposes. I have read and accept the rules, terms and conditions and submission guidelines of the London Greek Film Festival. I declare that I am the writer and the owner of the copyright of the submitted screenplay above. I declare that all rights have been secured including but not limited to copyrights, trademarks, credits and licensing for all material used in entered work. I also understand that, the festival and its sponsors cannot be held responsible for loss or damage to entry materials. I understand and accept that, the events and activities during the London Greek Film Festival may be recorded, filmed and distribute by the organizer (London Greek Film Festival) in any medium, in any part of the world, internet included. All information submitted to London Greek Film Festival is true to the best of my knowledge.
Printed name:
Place and date:
© 2008-2018: London Greek Film Festival