Omicron Delta: Meeting Agenda and Minutes

December 14, 2016 Time: 12:00 noon Phoenix Time (MST)

Address: 10115 E Bell Road – Suite 107 - #150

Scottsdale, AZ 85260

Roll Call: Attending members listed in bold. (Quorum is 3)

Voting Members / President : Antoinette Dziedzic / President-Elect: Angie Strawn / Treasurer: Sandra Wise
Secretary: Kerrie Downing / Vice President: Angie Strawn (Also President-Elect) / Counselor: Lisa Radesi / Leadership Succession Chair: Carol Bauer
Non-Voting Members / Director of Operations: Alison Collins / Director of Member Engagement: Marilyn Klakovich (Also Immediate Past President)
Invited Guests: Rebecca Hathaway
Agenda Item / Notes / Discussion / Action
Review of Minutes / Annual Meeting Minutes / ·  Marilyn and Alison both reviewed. Changes have been made and posted on the website.
·  No additional recommendations / Approve as amended
Motion – Carol
Second - Sandra
November Minutes / ·  Marilyn and Alison both reviewed. Changes have been made and posted on the website.
·  No additional recommendations / Approve as amended
Motion – Carol
Second - Sandra
President’s Message – Antoinette / ·  Antoinette – Wishes everyone a peaceful holiday. Everyone works so hard, we all need to take some time to do more for ourselves. So please take some time and complete some self care this holiday season.
·  Congratulations Dr Strawn on your successful defense of your dissertation.
·  Antoinette has submitted her proposal and it has been accepted. Next step is IRB
·  Antoinette – let’s consider nominating our chapter for the creative communications award.
o  Alison – let’s wait until we have our circle website updated.
o  Marilyn – let’s have the Technology committee review the award and consider when we could feasibly apply. Marilyn will also attend one of the Making the Most of The Circle webinars to learn more about updating our Circle and will encourage committee members to attend as well.
o  Antionette – thank you. This may also help us strive for something in future years. / · 
Finance: Treasurer’s Report – Sandra Wise / November Financials / ·  Sandra – Financials are posted. There is nothing about expenses to talk about. Revenue for November has increased because of increased renewals. This is a testament to everyone’s hard work.
o  If this trend continues, we may have more revenue than what we budgeted.
o  This may mean next year we are able to do more than we have this year.
·  Antoinette – this may also be a testament to the renewed connection with UoPX.
o  Especially if we have more new inductees. / · 
Operations: Director Report – Alison Collins / Operations Calendar / ·  Alison – December is eligibility report time. Has reached out to UoPX to begin that process. They are probably reviewing criteria at this time. Not expected to be an issue.
·  Call for nominations is December 31st. May want to promote this one more time. Second quarter scholarship is also due at the end of the month.
·  Circle posting schedule – Kerrie to ask if anyone presented at STTI, nursing, or non-nursing events, what they presented on and their experiences.
o  Alison – will send some ideas on sparking discussion / · 
Directors and Officers Insurance - Update / ·  Alison – STTI has received our interest but nothing has been sent back yet. / · 
Reimbursement/ Compensation Discussion - Alison / ·  Alison – we discussed last month on if we need to consider helping people who do community events on their own.
o  To count this on chapter key we need to financially support (even if small) some of these activities.
o  We should create a letter to send to people who are interested in completing a service activity that includes tips and links. We would also create a form for them to send back if they were asking for reimbursement. We should create a spreadsheet that tracks what people have done and the reimbursement.
o  We could do up to 4 groups at $25 each group. First come first served. Could be visa gift card vs a check. The gift card is more of a thank you than a true reimbursement.
§  Antoinette – would this be seen by STTI as supporting the event?
§  Alison – Yes.
o  Once the form is developed we could post to the website so anyone can see. / · 
Past President Marilyn Klakovich / Inductions – Marilyn Klakovich / ·  Marilyn – we now have all induction reports back. We had a total of 122 RSVPs and 72 attendees (59% attendance rate). We had 477 total new members join, 25% rsvp’d to attend an inductions, but only 15% of total new members actually attended a ceremony. A total of 297 guests RSVP’d and 242 attended. We had 7 ground inductions and one virtual.
o  Angie – has consulted with the Phi Pi chapter who are having issues with inductions. They like how we morphed our events over time.
o  Lisa – we still have 11 campuses.
o  Antoinette – we would need to map out potential locations, but it may be a worthwhile endeavor.
o  Alison – we previously discussed that this year we were going to do 2 face to face (one in phoenix and one at Biennium) and one virtual. If that works well we said we would consider adding more. These could be done in conjunction with Phi Pi.
§  Marilyn – you are correct. Thank you for reminding us. We voted on this at the annual meeting. / · 
Membership Engagement Committee – Angie Strawn / SPARK - Report on plans for chapter usage / ·  Angie – Talked with Kathy Watson (now Dr Watson) and gathered the Tucson report.
·  Marilyn – 90 day report tracking. Compared the 2nd quarter renewal report and 1st quarter inactive report (people who received the letter). 19 renewed out of 226. However, based on the timing of letters and reports we may not see more significant changes until 3rd Quarter. Will continue to complete this review for a few more cycles to ensure these efforts are making a difference. If this seems to be useful information to track on an ongoing basis, we may consider utilizing the membership engagement committee to do the monitoring. / · 
Education: Director Report - Marilyn Klakovich / Collaboration with Phi Gamma / ·  Marilyn – Discussed another webinar with Phi Gamma leadership and suggested a session on human trafficking.
o  They are taking on running this webinar (june)
·  Marilyn - One of our past presidents award winners and Marilyn will be presenting February 23rd (5pm PT) regarding presenting at international conferences.
o  Antoinette – links well to our circle discussion this month. / · 
General Membership Meeting – 2016/2017—Follow up Officer and Committee Chair postings / ·  Marilyn – follow-up officer report posting – not a lot of responses yet, but it is good to let our members know that we want to hear from them on important issues
·  Marilyn- a few more areas will be discussed including education and leadership succession.
o  Carol – will post the leadership succession items
o  Marilyn – will follow after 1st of the year. / · 
Fall 2016 Phi Pi Collaborative Conference, St. Louis 10/8/16 / ·  Marilyn – still waiting on final accounting and need to split any losses. / · 
Pre-convention workshop 10/27/16 / ·  Marilyn – nothing new to report
·  Angie – In early November, Angie heard Susan (speaker) was having a hard time after her husband’s death. However, she is speaking at an event in January in Southern California.
o  Marilyn – will reach out after the new year / · 
Odyssey Report 10/13 & 14, 2016 / ·  Marilyn – nothing new to report / · 
European Chapter Collaboration—Cambridge 6/4- 6/6, 2018 / ·  Marilyn – nothing new to report
·  Angie – Louise Sealander said that is a good time of year for her and she is interested if we want to do a Nightingale event. / · 
Leadership Succession Report – Carol Bauer, CHAIR / Leadership Succession Plan and Policies - Update / ·  Carol – has published information about our upcoming elections in the circle and newsletter. Lisa also sent out a flier to the CCC’s and faculty
o  Contacted Barbara Crump as she was interested in leadership succession. Documents were sent but no word back yet.
o  Several other members who were interested have also been contacted (Angie Cook, Erica Boon)
·  Kerrie – Will be applying for Vice President. Will send in consent to serve.
Awards and Recognition Update (Chapter Key, Regional Awards) / Chapter Key Update - Alison / ·  Alison - Will be sending out an email outlining gaps
Governance/Eligibility – Counselor – Lisa Radesi / Eligibility – Meeting Update / ·  Lisa – Rita has started the process
·  Alison – sent email with eligibility criteria and other details
·  Lisa – everything should be complete on time
Communication and Technology Committee - Marilyn / ·  Marilyn - Met with committee and will meet again in January. Committee is planning to review questions on annual survey and how we can increase survey participation
·  Marilyn - Needs ideas for the next STTI connect. Goes out at the first of January, but need by December 22nd.
o  Antoinette – let’s focus on the election. Will also send a few other notes
Research/Scholarship Report – Marilyn Klakovich for Nancy Stuever, CHAIR / Scholarship Application – Decision Update / ·  Marilyn - Academic scholarships application in the December waves.
Chapter Giving Club Request – Update - Alison / ·  Alison – STTI sent the email by mistake
University Relations –
Lisa Radesi / ·  Lisa – everything is going well.
o  Rebecca Hathaway will be transitioning to the University relations position (pending board approval and chapter membership confirmation).