Shinto and Buddhism in Japanese history and culture – putting it all together
Directions: In order to understand the role Buddhism and Shinto played in Japanese history and culture, you will have a 1.) look at the role of Shinto in Japanese history and culture and 2.) then combine it with Buddhism to understand the role of religion in Japan.
1. To do this you will need to do some background research on the role on Shinto. Visit the following website and answer the following questions in your own words, briefly.
The Basics of Shinto Questions
1. In your own words, how would you describe Shinto when it first began in 500 BCE?
2. What significant event happened to the religion around 700 CE?
3. What makes Shinto unique from other religions?
4. What is a kami and how is it different from something like a Christian god?
5. What are the similarities between Shinto and Buddhism?
6. Describe 3 general beliefs of Shinto followers:
7. Summarize the 4 Affirmations in your own words:
1) Tradition and the family:
2) Love of nature:
3) Physical cleanliness:
4) Matsuri:
2. Poke around on the internet more figure out how Shinto worked its way in Japanese culture and values and exactly what those values are. Read a couple different websites to get a couple different ideas from cultural anthropologist on this subject. A simple Google search will yield a lot of results, and, as always the BBC’s websites on religion are great places to start.
3. Merging with Buddhism?: Using last night’s HW (pp. 54-58), the internet, and possibly parts of the article “Shinto in the History of Japanese Religion” (pp. 93-101) Answer the following questions in a couple of sentences in your own words: “What impact did the Japanese state have on have on Buddhism in history?”, “What impact did Buddhism have on the Japanese state in medieval history?” & “How did Shinto and Buddhism merge together and impact the socio-culture of Japan”
4. Understand the role of Shinto & Buddhism in militarizing Japan: Using the information you have found on the internet, the article you just read, and the article in your reader entitled “Zen & Samurai,” pp. 59-61, answer the following question in a detailed, specific, yet brief paragraph: “What impact did the two main religions in Japan have on the militarization and the cultural value of the military put on by the Japanese state?”
5. Putting it all together: Write a thesis clearly defining the role religion has had on the country of Japan through the age of the Samurai. This thesis might have to be a couple sentences to be accurate (it’s ok, now that you’re senior you have my permission to write a multi-sentence thesis ).
When you are finished you may hand it in using You may work in a group of two, no more. Every group’s answers should be different and not copied and pasted from the internet.