Promoting PLTW to Elementary students
Instructional Strategies:
Ø  Incorporate fun engineering activities within math and science instruction. For ideas go to: Engineering Education Service Center (EESC) links to Engineering/Tech Universities, Scholarships, Resources
Ø  Show movie “Engineers Can Do Anything” to be exposed to all types of engineering fields.
Ø  Use engineering stories in ELA/Social Studies lessons
Ø  Help students be aware that different people in their units are engineers – ex. Alexander Graham Bell
Ø  Create Stations with different engineering activities
Ø  Play age appropriate games that support engineering concepts, ideas, etc..
Ø  Regular vocabulary in classrooms that surround engineering
Ø  Conduct Games that are about Engineer careers
Ø  During units that include engineering work – show or point out that it is engineering ex: during electricity and circuit work
Orientation/Promotion of STEM Activities:
·  Incorporate the show “Design Squad” into Science class
·  Show clips from to highlight different fields of engineering.
·  Show movie “Engineers Can Do Anything” to be exposed to all types of engineering fields.
·  Service project created with Technology, Math and Science in mind
·  Support a strong foundation in Math for all students
·  Support female students choices towards Science and Math
·  Share with students summer camp opportunities. Go to:
Creation of Clubs and Competitions:
Ø  Organize After School Clubs – Robotics
Ø  Science Fair/Tech Fair
Ø  Promote building different structures with Legos, Kinex, Link & Logs – have competitions and use products for projects throughout the year
Ø  Promote and organize Young Science Olympiad teams
Ø  Encourage participation in science fairs
Ø  Engineers come into elementary schools after school to do fun and age appropriate activities. Have students solve a problem and work in teams. Have both men and women engineers participate.
Ø  Organize mentor opportunities with Engineers in the field
Ø  Show programs explaining engineering; myth busters
Ø  Career Days – bring in engineers to help with presentations
Ø  Engineering Week is in February. Seek out local activities.
Ø  “Show and tell” with parents that are engineers
Ø  Have PLTW® students go into classrooms to conduct interactive activities, share their designs, and provide information about what they are learning.
Ø  Older elementary students visit classrooms in HS/MS
Ø  Expose students to engineering careers by visiting different engineers in their place of employment. Focus on all types of engineering.
Promoting PLTW® to Middle School & HS students

PLTW® Information Sharing:
Ø  Put PLTW® classes in curriculum guide
Ø  Promote during individual scheduling
Ø  Promote during large group scheduling
Ø  Put PLTW® information on school website
Ø  Technology teachers share PLTW® brochures with potential students
Creation of Clubs and Competitions:
Ø  Provide a Robotic and/or Technology club for students
Ø  Coordinate an engineering summer camp for elementary students
Ø  Provide students with information on math, science, technology, engineering competitions
Ø  Have High School Students share information and demonstrate projects about the coursework to Middle School Students
Ø  Conduct classroom presentations and interactive activities on PLTW® activities
Ø  Conduct lunchtime demonstrations and displays around building
Ø  Have High School Students conduct interactive activities in the elementary classrooms
Instructional Strategies:
Ø  Have Technology Teachers team up with math and science teacher for instruction
Ø  Elementary students visit Gateway To Technology® classes and Middle School Students visit High School PLTW® classes
Ø  Field trips to colleges that have engineering or companies that have engineering
Orientation/Promotion Activities:
Ø  Bring in guest speakers on careers in math, science, engineering, and technology
Ø  Highlight design, engineering, and careers- connections from TV shows and movies
Ø  Have an 8th grade parent night or curriculum to share PLTW® coursework and activities to students and parents
Ø  Provide a Girls Reception for engineering coursework- check on PLTW® Website for complete packet or go to to download complete packet
Ø  On Career Day, have an engineer and/or engineering technologist talk about the components of their career, their career path, and indicate skills needed.
Ø  Have PLTW® alumni come back to school to how their PLTW® courses helped them to make decisions on coursework at the college level.
Ø  Electives Fair for Students and Parents: Have demonstrations from Robotics Team, Legos Club, and hands-on experiences
Ø  Use public access TV to promote program
Ø  Promote specific program to encourage more girls to participate in program
Ø  Mentor group with college students
Ø  Show free DVD and share brochures which describe Project Lead The Way® Coursework. Available by going to:
Promoting PLTW to Parents
PLTW Information Sharing:
Ø  Put description of PLTW coursework on school website
Ø  Put description of PLTW coursework in curriculum guide
Ø  Add information to the parent/district newsletter
Ø  Share information during new student orientation
Ø  Highlight PLTW activities and curriculum during a PTO meeting
Ø  Provide promotional brochures to parents
Ø  Staff member provides opportunity for parents to obtain answers to questions by phone or email
Ø  Highlight the career path to math, science, engineering and technology careers
Ø  Have demonstrations during Open House
Ø  Have students present the program to parents
Ø  Conduct a project fair in gym on voting night where students demonstrate and answer questions
Ø  Invite interested senior citizens to view classes
Ø  Presentations in community centers, malls, and libraries with student demonstrations
Orientation/Promotion Activities:
Ø  Have an 8th grade parent night or curriculum to share PLTW coursework and activities to students and parents
Ø  Electives Fair for parents and students:
Ø  Have Career night that also reviews classes that provides information on dual credit courses
Ø  Share clips from PLTW DVD that describes the program
Ø  Bring media (television and newspaper) to school for special story on students involved in program
Ø  Highlight the college credit option
Promoting PLTW to Community

PLTW Information Sharing:
Ø  Highlight the program in the school or local newspaper
Ø  Highlight program on school website
Ø  Add to agenda of Diversity Task Force
Ø  Share program goals with Rotary or Lions Club
Ø  Share information with Jr. Achievement program
Ø  Conduct a demonstration at a Board Meeting (with students) or invite BOE members to the PLTW classrooms.
Ø  Highlight PLTW activities and curriculum during a PTO meeting
Ø  Invite local key business contacts in the school for student demonstrations
Ø  Have displays set up at sporting events
Ø  Go to trade shows to demonstrate curriculum activities
Ø  Market items that are created
Visitations and Connections from Industry:
Ø  Create opportunities for community members to volunteer in PLTW classes
Ø  Seek out internships or job shadowing in local businesses for students
Ø  Bring local business people in to speak about job opportunities
Ø  Share clips from PLTW DVD that describes the program

Engineering Websites of Interest

American Society of Engineering Education (ASEE) /
Discover Engineering /
Engineering Education Service Center (EESC) links to Engineering/Tech Universities, Scholarships, Resources /
Engineer Your Life /
Junior Engineering Technical Society (JETS)- Info on engineering careers /
Sightseer’s Guide to Engineering /
The Society of Women Engineers /
Women in Engineering Proactive Network (WEPAN) /
Design and Discovery /
Youth Exploring Science /


Items generated from PLTW Counselor Conference at RIT- November 2007 and December 2008