Baylor’s Lake Association
General Membership Meeting
August 17, 2014
The August membership meeting was called to order by President Neal Brennan at 3:15 PM in the Pinewood’s Pavilion followed by the pledge to the flag and a moment of silence.
Sandy Nelson substituted for Kathy Genello as Secretary.
There were 18 memberships represented at the membership meeting. There were not enough members in attendance so the meeting was informational only, there was no vote for approvals.
BLA Website Demonstration: Chris Zellers
- Web Address: Baylors Lake – Only members have passwords.
- Password: last name followed by boat number (all are lower case letters)
- Currently directors have access to website. Members can contact directors for questions or information.
- Items on website:
- Directory of members
- Documents – By-Laws, Rules and Regulations, Minutes
- Upcoming Events
- RSVP Page to sign up for meeting attendance
- Photos of lake events
- Contact info for directors
- Host – “Go Daddy”
- Not a blog
- Barry Singer suggested contact directory of members
- Maintenance will be completed by Chris Zellars.
- Directors to send information to Neal to post on website.
Secretary’s Report: Sandy Nelson
Sandy Nelson substituted for Kathy Genello. The Secretary’s report was sent out prior to the meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Nancy Lotz
- 96 members paid – 3 members are not paid and were sent notices.
- As of July 31, 2014 – Merril Lynch account has $67,321.89.
- All bills are paid.
- BLA liability insurance for Aug 2015 (2014-2015) - $6574.00 – this is only $74 more than budgeted.
- Insurance agent is looking for lower rates. Currently using Liberty Mutual.
- Insurance Policies:
- Liability Policy - $2,000,000
- General Aggregate Policy
- Limits: Damage to Property - $100,000 and Medical is $5,000.
- Agent is checking for umbrella policy for BLA.
There was discussion about BLA responsibility if accident or drowning. Barry indicated $21 per year policy available as a Loss Assessment Rider so homeowners insurance would cover if sued for an accident.
President’s Report: Neal Brennan
- Neal is working with Chris Zellar, an independent contractor, for the website.
- Keep sending lake photos to Neal.
- Working on proper wording for Private Property signs.
- Marty Dowling is working on a History of Baylor’s Lake Association.
- 911 – Be sure to indicate Benton Township.
Committee Reports:
Dam Committee: Barry Singer
- The plates will be taken out on September 28th.
Fish Committee: No report was provided.
Water Quality Committee:
- August 11th the lake was tested. Results were not back at time of this meeting.
- The water has been treated 2 times and tested 4 times.
- Neil Brennan decides whether to treat the lake or not.
- Investigating ways to keep the lake clean with options other than copper sulfate.
- There was a fish kill of little perch.
Land and Water Preservation: No report was provided.
Swim Committee: No report was provided.
Bridge Committee: No report was provided.
Unfinished Business:
4th of July Activities for BLA members – Chris Martin
- The 4th of July activities fall on Saturday next year. Chris has asked for input of when to have the celebration.
LLC –A committee was formed to review the By Laws for updates. The committee consists of Tom Curra, Dave Sanders, Helen Lavelle and Tom Lally. A question was asked if members can rent cottages. The By Laws state no commercialization. Further review is need on this topic.
Elections: MaryEllen Dowling - This was not voted on.
Mike Hricko will replace Maria Fay as Director.
Sharon McCrone will replace Joyce Hatala
Joyce Hatala to move to VP.
Tim Bradly and Chris Martin to return as Directors.
Kathy Genello to return as Secretary
Officers and the Board will approve slate if able. If a special meeting is needed, it will be held.
New Business:
Blighted Properties – The Board will contact members of properties by letter. The township should be notified if the property owner is not cooperative.
Speed Controls – There is a speeding problem on Pinewood Road. The suggestion is that neighbors talk to each other. Possibly put speed bumps on the road to control it. Neal is working diligently on all roads surrounding Baylors Lake. He has been in contact with Penn DOT for bridge safety.
Meeting Attendance – Nancy Lotz emphasized that members need to continue to be informed of Baylor’s Lake Association information and business and should be attending meetings and participating in discussions.
Adjournment: A motion was made by Nancy Lotz and seconded by Marty Dowling at 4:40pm. The meeting was adjourned. A reception for the members followed.
Submitted by Kathy Genello
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