Thursday, 2/23/2017
DDH A108
Members present: Sarah Forester, Harvey McCown, Jaimi Paschal, Jong Choi, Chris Livingston, Jacqueline Mimms, Janet Millar-Chair
Guests: Erika Delamar, Claudia Catota
Minutes of 2/9/17 were passed.
Introductions were made and the topics of lactation policy and campus disruption policy were introduced.
New Business:
- Lactation Policy: Discussion involved both guests providing input, Erika stated the Public Health Department came to the Student Health Services (SHS) building to inspect the lactation station located in the SHS. Erika reports they approved the station and pointed to some recommendations offered by them for other stations on campus including : a nearby clean watersource, a refrigerator or ice chest in which to keep expressed breast milk, a room or space with an electrical outlet, a comfortable chair and a small table. Erika noted that these are recommended additions to a lactation station not required by the law.
The law requires a room with privacy and break time available for employees to express breastmilk.
Dr. Choi described how the Social Work department made a private space for a graduate student. It was discussed that currently there are no other identified rooms for students to use, Claudia reports that a ‘nursing mothers/parenting fathers’ room is being established in the residence halls west, specifically in the multicultural center there.
Currently if faculty and staff or students need a specific place, the path to finding that place is unclear and difficult. Claudia reports that students/staff or faculty needing space can contact her office and she will assist in locating a private place that meets the laws requirements.
The committee agrees on the following: A policy needs to be developed and that the policy clearly identify places on campus or the people who can assist them in getting the place. The committee supports identifying other spaces on campus that students may use as lactation stations, suggestions include the Student Union and the Library. It was suggested that Changing stations be added where possible to existing and future restrooms. Claudia reported that the ‘nursing mothers/parenting fathers’ room will have a changing station, Erika reports the SHS is looking into adding one in their building as well.
Questions to answer: who is to write the policy since it will be for the entire campus?, where will the policy be housed?, will there be links to/from natural sites eg Health Center, HR, Multicultural center, etc?, will lactation stations be planned for in future buildings so that a station will be at each of the four sides of campus.
The discussion also allowed for the question of children on campus ( a recent email about employee children on campus was referenced), no one was aware of policy about students bringing their children to campus and if lactation policy would allow for nursing mothers to bring their infants to class or workplace and if that would conflict with the recommendation that employees not bring children to campus.
Committee recommends chair present issues from our meeting with other chairs discussing this topic and bring back a resolution or further info to the committee.
- Campus Disruption Policy:
Committee discussed aspects of disruption as it applies to the classroom, and the importance of the faculty feeling empowered to make decisions in the classroom, including adjunct/part time faculty. Discussed kinds/types of disruptions that are not violent.
Discussed how the policy might be from the student perspective i.e. when other students are disruptive in classroom, library, common spaces: housing, etc. Also questioned how the free speech policy fits within the campus policy on disruption and violence.
The discussion led the committee to believe that a new policy needs to be written that separates violence from disruption and that includes the student perspective as well as options or levels of response by the campus community.