Area, ths. sq. km / 603.7
Neighbouring countries / Russia, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia,
Hungary, Romania, Moldova
Capital city / Kyiv
State language / Ukrainian
Currency / Hryvnia
National holiday
Independence Day / 24 August
Size / Total Length of Bordersfrom north to south - 893 km / about 6,500 km
from west to east - 1,316 km / sea coast 1,050 km
The Highest Tops of the Mountains, m
The Ukrainian Carpathians / The Crimean MountainsHoverla / 2,061 / Roman-Kosh / 1,545
Brebeneskul / 2,032 / Demir-Capu / 1,540
Petros / 2,020 / Zeytin-Kosh / 1,534
Gutin Tomnatik / 2,016
The Longest Rivers,
length in Ukraine, km / The Largest Lakes and Estuaries,
area, sq. km
Dnipro / 981 / Sasyk (Kunduk) / 204.8
Pivdenny Bug / 806 / Yalpug / 149
/ 717 / Kugurluy / 93.5Dnister / 705 / Kagul / 90
Siversky Donets / 672 / Shagany / 74
Horyn / 659 / Sasyk-Sivash / 71
Desna / 591 / Svityaz / 24.2
Ingulets / 549
Vorskla / 464
Zakhidny Bug / 392 / Dnistrovsky / 360
Prut / 272 / Molochny / 168
Pripyat / 261 / Tyligulsky / 170-150
Seim / 250 / Khagybeysky / 70
Tisa / 201 / Kuyalnytsky / 60-56
Dunay / 174
Area of Forest Lands, Covered with Forests,
mil. ha – 9.4 (15.6 % of the area)
Reserves and National Nature Parks
Total – 31
area, ths. ha – 887.5
of which:
nature reserves - 16 (145.3 ths. ha)
biosphere reserves - 4 (226.7 ths. ha - Askania-Nova,
Karpatsky, Chornomorsky, Dunaysky)
national nature parks - 11(515.5 ths. ha)
* Source: Geographic Encyclopadia of Ukraine.
Average Monthly Temperature, 2000 *(t0 C)
Climatic zones
steppe / forest-steppe / woodlands / Kyiv
January / -4.1 / -4.8 / -3.8 / -4.1
February / -0.1 / -0.7 / 0.7 / 0.0
March / 2.6 / 1.6 / 2.3 / 1.7
April / 12.9 / 12.6 / 12.1 / 12.7
May / 15.2 / 14.7 / 14.9 / 15.4
June / 19.1 / 17.5 / 17.4 / 17.9
July / 22.2 / 19.0 / 17.6 / 19.1
August / 22.3 / 19.9 / 19.0 / 20.6
September / 14.0 / 12.2 / 11.8 / 12.3
October / 9.4 / 9.0 / 9.9 / 9.5
November / 4.4 / 4.4 / 5.9 / 4.5
December / 2.1 / 1.0 / 1.6 / 1.3
Average Temperature in Ukraine
January - 4.2 0 C
July + 19.6 0 C
* Source: Hydrometcentre of Ukraine.
Ukraine is a sovereign, independent, democratic, social and legal state.
Ukraine is a Republic. Ukraine's people represent the sovereignty and the unified source of power in the country. People executed power directly as well as through state authorities and local self-administration offices. State power in Ukraine is exercised on the basis of its legislative, executive and judicial branches. Ukraine's Constitution has supreme judicial power.
The President of Ukraine is the Head of the State and acts on its behalf. He is elected by the citizens of Ukraine who are entitled to exercise their common, equal and direct right to vote through ballot. His term of office is five years with two terms limit. The President of Ukraine is Leonid D. Kuchma.
The legislative branch consists of a one-chamber Parliament - the Verkhovna Rada. Executive power is carried out by the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine.
Political parties and public organisations are taken an active part in the creation of a democratic state. They are the source of innovation and social and political technologies suggested to the society. They also act as guarantors of the democratic development of Ukraine's state.
There are 109 political parties and 1,267 public organisations in Ukraine which have international and all-Ukrainian status.
*Source: Constitution of Ukraine, K., Yurinkom, 1996.
The majority of believers are Eastern Orthodox. There are also believers of Greek-Catholic, Roman-Catholic, Protestant, Jewish and Moslem and Eastern religions.
The Largest Churches
Ukrainian Orthodox Church
Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Kyiv Patriarchy
Evangelical Christians-Baptists
Roman-Catholic Church
Christians of Evangelical Faith
Seventh-day Adventists
Jehovah's Witnesses
Administrative subdivisionsJan. 1, 1999 / Jan. 1, 2000 / Jan. 1, 2001
Autonomous Republic / 1 / 1 / 1
Regions / 24 / 24 / 24
Rural districts / 490 / 490 / 490
Urban settlements / 897 / 894 / 893
Rural settlements, ths. / 28.8 / 28.7 / 28.7
Towns and cities / 448 / 448 / 451
including cities with more than one million inhabitants, ths.
Kyiv (capital) / 2,618 / 2,624 / 2,629
Dnipropetrovsk / 1,113 / 1,103 / 1,094
Donetsk / 1,058 / 1,050 / 1,042
Odesa / 1,020 / 1,011 / 1,002
Kharkiv / 1,510 / 1,500 / 1,490
Ukraine is a country with many nationalities: Ukrainians, Russians, Jews, Belorussians, Moldavans, Bulgarians, Poles, Hungarians, Romanians, Greeks, Tatars, Germans and others.
(mil.)Urban / 33.5 / Male / 22.9
Rural / 15.8 / Female / 26.4
Resident Population Distribution by Sex and Age,
as of January 1, 2001, ths.
1998 / 1999 / 2000
Births, ths. / 419.2 / 389.2 / 385.1
per 1,000 / 8.3 / 7.8 / 7.8
Deaths, ths. / 719.9 / 739.2 / 758.1
per 1,000 / 14.3 / 14.8 / 15.3
Natural increase, ths. / -300.7 / -350.0 / -373.0
per 1,000 / -6.0 / -7.0 / -7.5
Infant mortality
(number of deaths of infants under 1 year old per 1,000 births) / 12.8 / 12.8 / 11.9
Number of Persons Employed by Industry, mil.1998 / 1999 / 2000
Total / 19.4 / 18.8 / 18.4
of which:
manufacturing industry / 4.7 / 4.4 / 4.3
agriculture and forestry
(incl. private subsidiary agriculture
holdings of population) / 5.0 / 4.9 / 4.7
construction / 1.1 / 1.0 / 0.9
transport and communications / 1.3 / 1.2 / 1.2
trade, public catering,
material and technical delivery and sales, procurement / 1.5 / 1.5 / 1.5
health care, physical culture and social security, education, culture, art, science and science services / 3.6 / 3.6 / 3.6
government administration, credit lending, financing,and insuance / 1.0 / 1.0 / 1.0
Jan. 1, 1999 / Jan. 1, 2000 / Jan. 1, 2001
Registered unemployment level, percent / 3.7 / 4.3 / 4.2
Labour Force Demand and Supply at the Labour Market,
(as of January 1, ths.)
Economic Entities by type of Ownership
as of January 1, 2001
Jan. 1, 1999 / Jan. 1, 2000 / Jan. 1, 2001
Manufacturing industry / 83.5 / 87.1 / 92.0
Agriculture / 61.2 / 63.6 / 74.1
Construction / 57.8 / 59.3 / 61.8
Trade and public catering / 255.2 / 273.3 / 287.8
Transport and communications / 13.9 / 15.1 / 16.6
Economic Entities by Main Type of
Organisational and Legal Forms of Keeping Business, ths.
Jan. 1, 1999 / Jan. 1, 2000 / Jan. 1, 2001
Partnerships, Ltd / 185.3 / 198.1 / 221.9
Private enterprises / 162.0 / 175.9 / 192.2
Collective enterprises / 48.9 / 48.1 / 40.0
Joint stock partnerships / 35.7 / 35.2 / 34.9
Farms / 33.8 / 35.1 / 38.6
State enterprises / 11.2 / 9.9 / 10.0
Enterprises with 100% of foreign investment / 2.6 / 2.7 / 2.4
Organisations, institutions and establishments / 62.7 / 67.0 / 69.4
1998 / 1999 / 2000
Gross domestic product *, bil. hrn. / 102.6 / 130.4 / 173.0
per capita, ths. hrn. / 2.0 / 2.6 / 3.5
Fixed assets *, bil. hrn. / 824 / 837 / 846
of which: productive / 522 / 529 / 533
Budget (consolidated), bil. hrn.
Revenues / 28.9 / 32.9 / 48.4
Expenditures / 31.2 / 34.8 / 47.3
Income, bil. hrn. / 3.4 / 7.4 / …
Inflation rate (December to
December of the previous year), % / 120.0 / 119.2 / 125.8
Industrial output *, bil. hrn. / 82.9 / 107.5 / 144.4
Consumer goods *, bil. hrn. / 17.5 / 21.0 / 29.8
Agriculture output
(1996 comparable prices), bil. hrn. / 25.4 / 23.6 / 25.8
Crop output
(1996 comparable prices), bil. hrn. / 14.4 / 12.9 / 15.6
Animal output
(1996 comparable prices), bil. hrn. / 11.0 / 10.7 / 10.2
Capital investments *, bil. hrn. / 14.0 / 17.6 / 23.6
Residential buildings
put into service, mil. sq. m / 5.8 / 6.1 / 5.6
Retail trade turnover (including
public catering)*, bil. hrn. / 19.3 / 22.2 / 28.8
Paid services provided to the population *, bil. hrn. / 9.8 / 11.6 / 15.8
External trade, bil. USA $ / 32.5 / 28.1 / 33.4
export / 16.4 / 15.2 / 18.1
import / 16.1 / 12.9 / 15.3
Jan. 1, 1999 / Jan. 1, 2000 / Jan. 1, 2001
Foreign direct investments
in Ukraine, mil. USA $ / 2,810.7 / 3,281.8 / 3,865.5
* In current prices.
INDUSTRYOutput of Basic Products
1998 / 1999 / 2000
Electricity, bil. KWh / 173 / 172 / 171
Oil (including gas condensate), mil. t / 3.9 / 3.8 / 3.7
Coal, mil. t / 77.2 / 81.8 / 81.0
Iron ore for sales, mil. t / 51.1 / 47.8 / 55.9
Pig-iron, mil. t / 20.9 / 23.0 / 25.7
Steel, mil. t / 24.4 / 27.4 / 31.8
Rolled metal products finished, mil. t / 17.8 / 19.3 / 22.5
Steel pipes, mil. m / 208 / 155 / 229
Metal-cutting lathes, ths. units / 2.0 / 1.4 / 1.3
Tractors, ths. units / 3.2 / 5.0 / 4.0
Sulphuric acid in monohydrate, mil. t / 1.4 / 1.4 / 1.0
Mineral fertilizers (in terms of 100 % content of nutrients), mil. t / 1.9 / 2.3 / 2.3
Chemical fibers and threads, ths. t / 24.5 / 22.8 / 30.3
Tyres, mil. units / 8.4 / 7.9 / 6.8
Synthetic detergents, ths. t / 35.6 / 62.6 / 68.2
Paper, ths. t / 104 / 81.7 / 101
Cardboard, ths. t / 189 / 229 / 309
Cement mil. t / 5.6 / 5.8 / 5.3
Pre-fabricated ferroconcrete structures
and units, mil. cub. m / 2.5 / 2.4 / 2.0
Building glass, mil. sq. m / 17.7 / 18.9 / 18.1
Fabrics of all kinds, mil. sq. m / 89.9 / 50.4 / 66.6
Hosiery, mil. pairs / 38.9 / 36.6 / 40.0
Knitwear, mil. units / 6.6 / 9.7 / 16.3
Footwear, mil. pairs / 11.4 / 11.9 / 13.5
Radio receivers, ths. units / 9.6 / 27.3 / 36.5
Television sets, ths. units / 92.8 / 81,1 / 62.4
Refrigerators, ths. units / 390 / 409 / 451
Vacuum cleaners, ths. units / 123 / 128 / 109
Electrical irons, ths. units / 193 / 261 / 202
Meat (including 1 category sub-products), ths. t / 396 / 420 / 400
Whole dairy products (in terms of milk), ths. t / 691 / 700 / 699
Butter, ths. t / 113 / 109 / 135
Vegetable oil, ths. t / 511 / 577 / 972
Granulated sugar, mil. t / 2.0 / 1.9 / 1.8
Cans, bil. of conventional units / 1.1 / 1.2 / 1.3
Flour, mil. t / 3.9 / 3.4 / 3.1
Bread, cakes and pastries, mil. t / 2.7 / 2.5 / 2.5
Confectionery, ths. t / 401 / 515 / 667
Grain, ths. t / 409 / 344 / 294
Salt (production), mil. t / 2.3 / 2.2 / 2.3
Industrial Output by Region, 2000
(actual prices of enterprises, mil. hrn.)
1998 / 1999 / 2000
Agricultural land area, mil. ha / 40.4 / 40.3 / 38.4
of which:
arable land / 32.4 / 32.1 / 31.4
Total harvest, mil. t
cereals / 26.5 / 24.6 / 24.5
sugar beets / 15.5 / 14.1 / 13.2
sunflowers / 2.3 / 2.8 / 3.5
potatoes / 15.4 / 12.7 / 19.8
vegetables / 5.5 / 5.3 / 5.8
Yields, centners* per ha
cereals / 20.8 / 19.7 / 19.4
sugar beets / 174 / 156 / 177
sunflowers / 9.3 / 10.0 / 12.2
potatoes / 102 / 82 / 122
vegetables / 123 / 111 / 112
Livestock (end-year), mil. head
cattle / 11.7 / 10.6 / 9.4
of which: cows / 5.8 / 5.4 / 4.9
pigs / 10.1 / 10.1 / 7.6
sheep and goats / 2.0 / 1.9 / 1.9
Animal product production
meat (carcass weight), mil. t / 1.7 / 1.7 / 1.7
milk, mil. t / 13.8 / 13.4 / 12.7
eggs, bil. units / 8.3 / 8.7 / 8.8
wool, ths. t / 4.6 / 3.8 / 3.4
*Сentner equals one hundred kilograms.
Gross Agricultural Output
(1996 comparable prices, bil. hrn.)
Gross Agricultural Output of All Types
of Enterprises by Region, 2000
(1996 comparable prices, mil. hrn.)
Foodstuffs SALES(ths. t)
1998 / 1999 / 2000
Meat and meat products / 291 / 254 / 236
Butter / 29 / 24 / 24
Vegetable oil / 41 / 35 / 34
Cheese / 18 / 15 / 16
Eggs, mil.units / 1,171 / 1,136 / 953
Sugar / 153 / 151 / 118
Confectionery / 190 / 160 / 155
Tea / 3 / 3 / 3
Potatoes / 72 / 69 / 73
Vegetables / 157 / 150 / 139
Fruit and citrus / 76 / 60 / 70
Bakery products (in terms of flour) / 2,050 / 1,840 / 1,493
Consumption of Foodstuffs
(annually; kg per capita)
1998 / 1999 / 2000
Meat and meat products
(in terms of meat including fat and sub-products) / 33 / 33 / 32
Milk and diary products
(in terms of milk) / 213 / 210 / 198
Eggs, units / 154 / 163 / 163
Fish and fish products / 5.9 / 7.2 / 8.0
Sugar / 32 / 33 / 34
Vegetable oil / 8.2 / 8.9 / 9.3
Potatoes / 129 / 122 / 133
Vegetables and melons / 94 / 96 / 101
Fruit and berries
(excluding those used for wine) / 28 / 22 / 30
Bakery products (bread, macaroni products
in terms of flour; flour, grain, beans) / 126 / 122 / 123
Freight dispatched,
mil. t / Passengers carried,
1998 / 1999 / 2000 / 1998 / 1999 / 2000
All transport categories / 1,675 / 1,540 / 1,496 / 7,749 / 7,911 / 7,827
of which:
surface / 1.657 / 1.525 / 1.481 / 7.742 / 7.905 / 7.820
rail / 335 / 335 / 357 / 502 / 487 / 499
motor-car / 1,081 / 955 / 904 / 2,403* / 2,502* / 2,604*
streetcar / - / - / - / 1,451 / 1,457 / 1,381
trolley-bus / - / - / - / 2,718 / 2,735 / 2,582
subway / - / - / - / 668 / 724 / 754
pipeline / 241 / 235 / 220 / - / -
water / 18 / 15 / 15 / 6 / 5 / 6
sea / 9 / 7 / 7 / 4 / 3 / 4
waterway / 9 / 8 / 8 / 2 / 2 / 2
air / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 1 / 1 / 1
In 2000 24 cities had tram way services and 46 had trolley-bus services. The cities of Kyiv, Kharkiv and Dnipropetrovsk have subways. The number of subway stations in Kyiv - 40, Kharkiv - 26, Dnipropetrovsk - 6.