Strongsville High School PTA
General Meeting
January 15, 2015 at 9:30 am
1. Call to Order – Robin Micko @ 9:40 am; 16 members in attendance
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Secretary’s Report – Sherie Skladany for Laura Wolford
a. Approval of Minutes
b. Thank you note received from DARE program for $100 gift card to Bob Evens for role model breakfast
4. Treasurer’s Report – Angie Branigan
a. Ending Balance: $10,082.48
b. Deposits: $812.01
c. Expenses: $135.64
d. After Prom Balance: $13,130.63 (no change from last month)
5. Teacher’s Report – Mrs. Potter
a. Study Abroad Scholarships: 3 German students have applied for $35,000 in scholarships available to study abroad this summer.
6. 1st Vice President’s Report – Cindy Vaccariello
a. Thanks to all who attended December meeting and luncheon.
7. Principal’s Report – Mr. Steve Deitrick for Mr. Smithberger
a. Building Remodel Update:
i. 600’s hallway/Math closed for construction, will reopen this summer. Construction company has access from outside so no interruption to students, staff, etc.
ii. 700’s hallway/Science will close and be remodeled this summer.
iii. Traffic in halls has been slow but manageable. Teachers are showing leniency for tardies. Courtyard salted for cut through access. Floors mopped to avoid water hazards.
iv. Lockers moved but students have adjusted with new lockers and/or combinations.
b. Believe in OHIO – STEM Initiative:
i. Approx 500 students from SHS participating in science projects that create, adapt, or improve existing products and services connected to Science, Math, Technology, or Engineering (STEM).
ii. Project also involves product marketing and communications skills.
iii. State supposed to provide industry mentors at next stage, but they are little overwhelmed with Strongsville level of participation.
iv. Students will present projects at the Science Fair, January 23 from 7-9 pm.
v. Competing on the local level with $10,000 in cash prizes. All grade levels are participating and all levels will be awarded. Possibility to advance to regional and state levels.
vi. Looking for judges to help at local level.
c. Fire Incident:
i. Room 636 detected smoke and teacher pulled fire alarm to be safe. No fire detected.
ii. Students quickly evacuated without incident to front lot. Fire Marshall swept building and gave all clear about 25 min later. Students were in below freezing temps for 15-20 min.
iii. Fire Marshall did agree that if future fires are isolated and weather is poor, they could move students back into the auditorium if needed or district would start up buses to get students out of the cold.
8. President’s Report – Robin Micko
a. Holiday Gift Wrap: Made $562.01; this is less than last year looking for feedback. Two staff members helped: Mr. Scott and Mrs. Potter.
b. Founder’s Day: Thanks to the committee for reviewing and selecting a recipient. Announcement to come later in the meeting.
c. Parking Lot Raffle: $120 sold. Better participation this month. On TV announcements all week. Winner; Parker Shannon.
d. Received email invitation to Science Fair from Mr. Breuning. Friday, January 23 in gym. All grades. PTA supported Mr. Breuning and Science Fair through grant money this year.
e. Opiate/Heroin Epidemic Talk tonight in SHS auditorium at 7pm. Open to public.
f. Remaining PTA meeting times and locations may vary depending on remodel and room availability. Stay tuned. Day won’t change.
9. Council Delegate’s Report – Laura Housum (with Michel Price, Lisa Thacker, Robin Micko)
a. Council workshop on ‘Nominating Committees’ Jan. 22 9:30 am at Strongsville Library. District 12 rep to attend and consult.
b. Sat, Feb. 7 PTA Council Training at Parma Hts Library 9:30-12:30 FREE
c. Relay for Life to be held Sat, May 16 at Strongsville Stadium.
d. Krupinski/Ryba Report:
i. Targeting grade level meetings across elementary schools to ensure consistency district wide.
ii. SHS Health requirement moving to 9th grade
iii. SHS Government will be yearlong class.
iv. Literacy will be taught across subject areas at elementary level, not just in reading and language arts.
v. Snow day discussion. SHS is fine with ½ extra instruction each day = 30 day cushion. 1/2 kindergarten at risk after 5 days off. Blizzard bags will be implemented if needed.
vi. New Middle School construction on schedule. Partial roof in place.
vii. Founders Day Thurs., Feb. 5. 9:00 doors open. Starts at 9:30 with lunch following. RSVP to council delegate. FREE just need head count.
viii. Reflections: 1 entry from SHS (Marissa Hamm) Only 12 in whole district. 7 moving on to district level. Participation is way down.
ix. RATR next Friday ticket sellers are set, but always need more chaperones.
x. Health and Safety – Feb. 16 (day off school) running a safe sitter program for 11-13 yr. olds from 9-4 that day in the safety town building.
xi. Google Workshop: Thurs., Jan 22 at Kinsner from 5:30-7:30; limited to 25 people; sign up online.
10. Committee Reports
a. After Prom-Cindy Vaccariello, Sherie Skladany
i. Reorganizational Meeting held last night. Theme: “Shipwrecked”
ii. 200+ volunteers will be needed that night to work food, casino, safety, inflatables, LCR, etc. April Volunteer meeting will firm up needs.
iii. Volunteers are needed to decorate the day of the event up to 11:30 start time.
iv. Any JR or SR and their date can attend. Don’t have to go to Prom to attend. Separate tickets sold in school. Will try to do a better job of promoting this fun event.
v. CHANGES THIS YEAR: Doors close at 12:30. Super raffle drawings to be held throughout the night in case students are tired and want to leave early.
b. Bylaws and Standing Rule-Robin Micko and Lisa Thacker for Moira Cohen
i. Lisa Thacker read Art 18 on Electronic media which must be read again at the next meeting and voted into our by-laws. Change dictated by National PTA. Copy available through Robin Micko.
ii. Robin Micko read all changes made by Moira Cohen. Items will be read again at the next meeting and a vote will be taken to accept the changes. Copy available through Robin Micko.
c. Fundraising – Laura Housum
i. Gift wrapping results reported earlier. Need to discuss whether it’s worth our time next year.
ii. Chipotle Night Mon, Jan 19 from 4-8 at Pearl Road location. 50% of the proceeds benefit SHS PTA. Flyers available. Will post on social media and try to get students to network event and support. Morning announcements and other avenues of communication to be used.
d. Grants – Robin Micko for Michelle Soltis
i. All items have been ordered and paid for as awarded by PTA. Some are yet to arrive, but are on the way.
ii. Feedback on headphones used in the Library and partially funded by PTA has been very positive.
e. Health and Safety – Nanette Palacko NO REPORT
f. Membership –Karen Rebholz NO REPORT
g. School Board Representative – Robin Micko for Jane Ludwig
i. Asked membership to please take the survey that is online and spread the word. It is about how the district can better communicate with parents.
ii. Contract set with administrative staff. 2% raises approved in new contract.
iii. SEA contract expires in July. Negotiations to begin soon.
iv. Jan. 22 is the next board meeting; all are welcome to attend.
h. Teacher Appreciation-Michel Price
i. Next conference dates are Feb 11 and 12. Will once again be providing sandwiches, salads, water, and pop for teachers on day 1. Leftovers available for day 2. Staff appreciated food.
ii. Look for sign up genius to provide food items.
i. Webmaster – Beth Venter NO REPORT
i. Forward Beth any items needing to be posted.
11. Special Committee Reports – Founder’s Day – Cindy Vaccariello
a. Honoree announced. Michelle Kiefer will be personally presented the award – possibly this weekend. She has been in the hospital and could not attend meeting. Members asked to keep it a secret until Michelle knows.
12. Unfinished Business - NONE
13. New Business
a. Nominating Committee – 2014-15 school year
i. Robin Micko asked for three volunteers to chair the nominating committee this year. Three members stepped forward: Karen Rebholz, Laura Housum, and Susan Wenninger.
ii. Cindy Vaccariello made a motion to accept the three volunteers as our nominating committee for this year. Seconded by Lisa Thacker. Membership voted in favor of the three volunteers.
14. Announcements - NONE
15. Adjournment at 10:35 am.
Dates to Remember
January 15, 2015 – Heroin Opiate Program at SHS at 7pm
January 19, 2105 – Chipotle Fundraiser
February 5 - Founder’s Day at Ehrnfelt Recreation Center
February 12 – SHS PTA Meeting