Regular Board Meeting
June 15, 2015
Meeting was called to order by Jan Baldwin, Supervisor, at 5:00 pm
Present: Yvette Ramsdell, John Fonger, Kelly Graham, Jan Baldwin, Mary Jo Samotis, Alanda Barnes,
Ron Janis
Staff Present: Leisa Sutton, Superintendent, Susie Olpere, Recording Secretary
Press Coverage: Karen Rouse
Pledge of Allegiance recited.
APPROVAL OF MEETING AGENDA: Supervisor Baldwin amended the agenda by moving the order of presentations of Stephenson & Gracik to follow Spicer Group’s demonstration. Superintendent Sutton also requested that under New Business, to consider the new Fee Schedule for Ordinance 106 and also consider approval of resolution for the same. Ramsdell made the motion to approve the amended meeting agenda. Second by Fonger
Unanimous – Roll Call Vote
Motion Carried
PUBLIC COMMENTS on Agenda Items: None
Approval of Consent Agenda:Motion to approve the Consent Agenda was made by Ramsdell. Second by Janis
Unanimous – Roll Call Vote
Motion Carried
A)Treasurer – Bank Balance by Fund Report
B)Clerk –Accounts Payable, Revenue/Expenditure Report, Balance Sheet
A) Ordinance #106 Amendment:
Samotis made the motion to close the regular meeting and open the Public Hearing. Second by Ramsdell
Unanimous – Roll Call Vote
Motion Carried
Time: 5:03
Mr Rollin Reinecke asked for clarification on the changes made to the amendment, which Superintendent Sutton did answer.
No other comments were heard
Ramsdell made the motion to close the Public Hearing and reconvene the regular meeting.
Second by Janis
Unanimous – Roll Call Vote
Motion Carried
Time: 5:05
A) Township Hall Roof Options – Dave Boersma, architect from Spicer Group proposed three different options of reconstruction for the township roof. All preliminary drawings were displayed for the trustees to examine. Mr. Boersma outlined each option along with the estimated costs. They ranged from $39,380.00 up to $105,290.00. No decision was made by the board at this time.
B) Stephenson, Gracik, & Co.P.C.–Mr. Don Brannan from the accountant’s office of Stephenson, Grack, and Co. presented the board with the 2014 Independent Auditor’s Report.
Mr. Brannan followed the same format as presented in previous years. Each trustee received a copy of the report for review. The result was an “unmodified” opinion, which is the best the township can receive.
C) Oscoda Area First Responders – Superintendent Sutton briefed the trustees on the status of the OAFR. She presented a rough draft of the lease agreement that would be between Iosco County and Oscoda/AuSable Townships for the property located at 4871 Sunset St. This would be a location which would house the emergency responders. Mrs. Sutton has just received more information today so she informed the board that there would be more changes to the rough draft. Trustee Fonger was concerned with the liability of the townships and the amount of insurance the responders would be carrying. Information had been received that the OAFR were already operating without the lease being in place which concerned the trustees. There was a consensus for Mrs. Sutton to continue discussions with Oscoda Township and Iosco County regarding this lease.
D) Iosco Exploration Trail / Lead Agency – Mrs. Sutton received correspondence from the Iosco County Road Commission regarding the potential of the township being asked to enter into Lead Agency Agreement. Any applicants that apply for a TAP grant are required to accept the obligation of maintaining the pathway. This would apply to AuSable Township as the first phase would be from River Bank Park to Oscoda High School. The Exploration Trail Committee is investigating alternative options.
No action needed to be taken at this time.
A) Consider Amendment to Fee Schedule Ordinance / Ordinance #106 – An updated version was given to the board for their approval. With the new amounts being changed, Superintendent Sutton asked the board to also consent to these in form of a resolution. Ramsdell made the motion to approve Resolution 2015-5 the amendment to the Fee Schedule. Second by Janis
Unanimous –Roll Call Vote
Motion Carried
BOARD COMMENTS : Trustee Barnes asked that all estimates be included in their meeting packets.
Supervisor Baldwin Adjourned Meeting
Meeting adjourned at 6:10pm
Submitted By: ______
Susie Olpere Jan Baldwin, Supervisor
Recording Secretary Charter Township of AuSable
Meeting Minutes - June 15, 2015
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