



- The service requested is particularly urgent [no] [yes]

and therefore a 15% increase is applied

- The service is particularly difficult to design and execute [no] [yes]

- The service concerns the transformation of buildings or systems, for which the partial rates

[a] [c] [g], indicated below are increased by 100%.


a) Main services, with fees to be determined as a percentage.

a) concept design(0.10) ...... [yes][no] ......

b) summary estimate(0.02) ...... [yes][no] ......

c) detailed design(0.25) ...... [yes][no] ......

d) detailed estimate(0.10) ...... [yes][no] ......

e) construction and decorative details (0.15) ...... [yes][no] ......

f ) specifications and tender contracts(0.03) ...... [yes][no] ......

g) construction supervision (0.25) ...... [yes][no] ......

i ) testing assistance(0.03) ...... [yes][no] ......

g) settlement of the works (0.07) ...... [yes][no] ......


Total = ......

The services indicated above are thus identified as:

  • drafting theconcept design of the construction in order to identify the elements of the work in sketches or a report;
  • preparing thesummary estimate, even parametrically, on the basis of qualified and recognized tables/parameters;
  • drafting the detailed design using drawings of the whole in a sufficient number or scale to identify

all parts of the work;

  • compilation of the detailed estimate by means of analytical calculations of the individual works with relative unit prices and totals;
  • execution of the construction and decorative details through documents that allow the implementation of the work in details and on a scale suitable for the nature of the object represented;
  • assistance in negotiations for supply contracts and for orders, with the possible compilation of the relative specifications;
  • management and general supervision of the works with periodic visits, as many as are deemed necessary at the sole judgement of the architect issuing the provisions and orders for the implementation of the work designed in its various construction phases and overseeing its successful outcome;
  • actions to ascertain the proper execution of the works and assistance with testing the works in the subsequent phases of advancement and their completion;
  • settlement of the works, namely checking the quantities and measures of the supplies and works carried out and settlement of the partial and final accounts.

b) Specific services, with fees to be determined as a percentage / at discretion.

1) study of the use of the area, compensated at 25% of the concept design[yes][no]

2) planimetric and volumetric design, compensated at 50% of the concept design[yes][no]

3) project to obtain the building permit, compensated at 50%

of the detailed design [yes][no]

4) calculation and detailed design of the structures [yes][no]

5) calculation and detailed design of the systems [yes][no]

6) extent and accounting of the works [yes][no]

7) artistic and technical consultancy, compensated at 20% of the construction supervision[yes] [no]

8) daily works assistance, compensated at 50% of the construction supervision[yes][no]

9) technical-administrative inspection of the works [yes][no]

10) static test of the structures [yes][no]

11) review of the stability calculations, compensated at 20% of the detailed design of the

structures [yes][no]

12) land surveys [yes][no]

13) building surveys [yes][no]

14) reports and calculations on the containment of energy consumption[yes][no]


c) Additional services, with fees to be determined on a time basis:

1) carrying out procedures at the Offices for Environmental Heritage, Superintendence, ANAS,

etc. or for loans; etc. [yes][no]

2) calculation of urbanization charges and contributions linked to the issuing

of the building permit [yes][no]

3) carrying out procedures to obtain the fitness for occupancy certificate[yes][no]

4) Cadastral procedures (plans, maps, divisions etc.)[yes][no]

5) ......

Note: [yes] [no] check the services to be performed


- The fees, additional remuneration and the reimbursement of expenses to be paid to the Professional for the services specified above, shall be determined as follows:

- Fees on a time basis shall be calculated, for each hour or part of an hour, based on:

€ xx/hourfor the appointed Professional

€ xx/hour for assistance from a individual enrolled in the Register;

€ xx/hour for assistance from an individual not enrolled in the Register;

- The fee includes what is owed to the Professional for the performance of the task, including strictly necessary research costs.

- The compensation for expenses to be reimbursed shall be combined in an amount equal to ...... % (...... per cent) of the fees as a percentage;

- In addition to the payment of the remuneration, the Professional shall be paid VAT and the

INARCASSA contribution at the legal rate at the time the invoice is issued.

The presumed cost of the works in order to determine the remuneration:€xxxxxxx.xx

Percentage xxx %

Partial rate:

a)Concept design0.10

b)Summary estimate0.02

c)Detailed design0.25

d)Detailed estimate0.10

e)Construction and decorative details0.15

f)Specifications and contracts0.03

g)Construction supervision0.25

i) Testing assistance0.03

l) Settlement0.07

Total partial rate1.00


REMUNERATION as a percentage of the amount of the works:

€ ******.** x 00 % x 1.0000 =€xxxxxx.xx



TOTAL€ xxxxxxxx.xx