Special Meeting

Public Hearing - Budget

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

7:00 PM – Village Hall

A special meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Seneca Falls, New York held on the above date beginning at 7:05 P.M.
PRESENT: Mayor Smith, Trustees Dressing, Campese, Petroccia, Wenderlich.
Mayor Smith opened the meeting and reopened the public hearing. / REOPEN PUBLIC HEARING
Paul Wenderlich, 10 JoAnne Ave: Spoke regarding the current negative balance in the sewer fund, and questioned the Board as to what is being done to rectify this situation. Mayor Smith responded stating that she and the Administrator have spoken briefly on this topic, and have discussed the interfund loans, which should be paid back in the same year. / WENDERLICH
Jim Stevers, 21 Seneca St.: Spoke regarding the Sewer and Water Deficits which the Village taxpayers have been funding. He also spoke again regarding the Parks Superintendent position with a request the Village bid this work out. He also spoke on the Police Department budget, urging the Village to include the $3000 in the budget for the SUV Grant. / STEVERS
Ann Cramer, 101 Cayuga St: Spoke regarding Park Superintendent position. / CRAMER
John Quattrociocchi, 19 Edgewood Rd: / QUATTROCIOCCHI
Roberta Halden, Auburn Rd: States she concurs with everything in the tentative budget except everything that has been left out. / HALDEN
Paul Wenderlich spoke again regarding the overtime in the police department and the possibility of cutting back on that. Deputy Treasurer Dygert stated that a portion of the excess overtime was due to the fact that the police department is currently down two officers; one on workman’s comp and one position is vacant. / WENDERLICH
Administrator Driscoll read a letter from Gail Caraccilo which is to be entered into the minutes of the meeting. / CARACCILO
The Board requested the Administrator make additions back in budget per the department head requests and bring the impact of such back to the Board at the next meeting. / BUDGET REVISION
Jeff Warrick makes an impromptu request of Mayor Smith that she allow the Water & Sewer Department to go out and pump out sewers, as there was currently flooding in the Village. Street Commissioner/Fire Chief Gladis had to leave the meeting due to the flooding. Mayor Smith consented. / PUMP OUT SEWERS
Deputy Clerk/Treasurer Dygert discussed Budget vs Actual over 4 years, and the net impact that has made on the fund balance. Questions were posed to Ms. Dygert and Mr. Warrick regarding leachate and the anticipated revenue which would be generated from this. / DEPUTY CLERK STATEMENTS
Mayor Smith reiterated that 11% increase was in no way a proposed budget but is just for informational purposes. / MAYOR/TRUSTEE
Trustee Campese, upon speaking with residents in his ward, feels that taxpayers will not tolerate any tax increase.
Trustee Dressing stated he feels this budget should be brought back to a zero tax increase and a directive was given to department heads to bring new proposals to the Board.
On motion by Trustee Dressing, seconded by Trustee Campese to adjourn the meeting at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully Submitted,

Martha Dygert

Deputy Clerk