PRESENT :Councillor Hatherell - Vice Chairman








APOLOGIES Henderson - Chairman




In the absence of the Chairman, Councillor Hatherell Vice Chairman chaired the meeting. Apologies were received.

389/13 - OPEN FORUM

Councillor Budgen said that if we wish to apply for any waiting restrictions - this must be done by the end of January. It was agreed that the unofficially 'coned off' area in Barley Close would benefit from being put onto a more official footing. Councillor Budgen proposed we apply for double yellow lines there; this was agreed unanimously. Councillor Budgen will speak to residents and make the necessary application.


Councillor Budgen said there is a Seminar to be held on 7th February 2013 in Chippenham and explained it will be a brainstorming session aimed to build upon the “feelgood”and health factors after the success of the Olympics. Councillor Budgen suggested we take part and support this. Councillor Pym agreed and mentioned that Common Road is on the Wiltshire Cycleway. Councillor Lee requested details with a view to attending. The Clerk wills action accordingly.


Councillor Budgen reported that at the recent Area Board, Town and Parish Councils were encouraged to get involved in emergency and flood planning and many have signed up to undertake table top exercises; Wiltshire Council are encouraging use of a pre-prepared template. The town is running an exercise on 30th January. The Chairman asked the Committee for their views for joining this exercise. It was agreed as the Town Hall has good facilities and many parts of the Parish are adjacent to the town - we should join this exercise and liaise with the Town Council; but at the same time we have our own emergency and flood plan which could be updated in the light of this exercise. Caroline Parfitt the co-ordinator will be informed of our intention of attending.

Councillor Ingham said we are not strangers to these exercises and that they have been formerly held at his home.


There were no declarations of interest.

393/13 - MINUTES OF 20TH December 2012

Councillor Pym proposed an amendment to Page 2 Item 380/13 and stressed the importance of the details being correct as they are read by the public and Developers. The Chairman asked the Council for their views and all agreed this amendment should be added:-

Councillor Pym reported on the concern expressed by Wiltshire Council that an email had been received from the Chairman stating that “we (the PC) wish to withdraw from the Neighbourhood Plan” and signed on behalf of the majority of the Council. This was a contradiction of the decision of the Parish Council of 19th October to support and endorse the work of the MNSG to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan.

Councillor Lee asked that the paragraph about Dispensations for the Burial Committee be changed to “all Councillors not on the Burial Committee”.

The Minutes will be amended and will be signed at the next Meeting.


Councillor Payne said he had been in contact with the person who supplies coin operated doors and was awaiting details.


Planning consent forms have been lodged for one oak at the Corston Play Field and one maple at the Corston/Foxley Road Triangle. Councillor Pym will liaise with Mr. Hinwood the supplier. A suggested date was 2nd February at 11 am and a small Ceremony will be held at the Reading Room at 12 noon. Councillor Pym will arrange mulled wine from the Radnor Arms and the Clerk will prepare some refreshments. Councillor Ingham agreed to obtain commemorative plaques. The local Press and other officials will be invited.

Councillor Pym said the Licences have been obtained but that we need to know the owner of the land at the Foxley/Common Road triangle and it is hoped that Councillor Law will make inquiries with the Land Registry.


Councillor Payne reported that he had removed all the hazardous nails from the play equipment and very kindly offered to make repairs to the bench. The Chairman thanked Councillor Payne for this gesture.

397/13 - PLANNING

Councillor Lee asked Councillor Budgen how the MNSG would have dealt with the planning application on the Solar Park at Rodbourne - Councillor Budgen replied that such issues were not within their Terms of Reference as the Group were tasked, as part of their remit, with identifying sites for future development within the Neighbourhood Area.

They were looking at the two extant supermarket applications only because the Group had been directed to do so by WC unlike the application in question which had already been determined and was now the subject of a minor amendment. Councillor Lee said he was disappointed as the site is a 32 acre development.

Westgate, Corston - Councillor Hatherell offered to look at this plan and report back to Cllr Budgen. Councillor Budgen supplied all at the meeting with the Planning Summary.


Councillor Budgen provided a verbal progress report on the activity by the MNSG regarding the preparation of the draft NP. He reported that the Area Designation consultation had been successful and had been subsequently approved. The important Scoping Report and Sustainability Appraisal were almost complete and ready to be incorporated into the draft NP. The last MNSG meeting had its largest public attendance with many developers and landowners interested in the discussions.

Three new development proposals had come forward recently, these being I) a business park south of the Current Garden Centre site, ii) a detailed proposal for a mixed development of houses and a Supermarket across the B4014 from Dyson, and iii) a mixed Business and Supermarket scheme at Abbey View Farm. These three proposals will be assessed and scored by the relevant MNSG Task Groups. Additionally a proposal had now been received from the Co-op to expand upon their existing site but critically they accepted they had to find a workable solution to the severe flooding issues on the site as a first step.

Councillor Budgen reported that Waitrose had informed the MNSG that revised proposals for their application on the Silk Mills site had been submitted to Wiltshire Council and would be the subject of a three week consultation. The amendments covered improvements/mitigations for the issues of heritage impact, flooding, parking and neighbourliness.

Councillor Budgen then explained that a W-I-P draft Neighbourhood Plan had been submitted to the Inspector of the Gleeson Strategic Land Appeal as evidence that the community were well advanced in delivering a robust draftNP; supporting evidence had also been submitted.

Action: He undertook to circulate the document to Councillors.

Councillor Pym said she felt strongly that we should have an additional meeting to debate and gain better understanding of the detail and nuances of the draft NP as it has to comply with many new planning policies and regulations with which many on the Committee might be unfamiliar with. It was agreed to hold an Extraordinary Meeting to address this suggestion- this was proposed by Councillor Pym and seconded by Councillor Merriman. It is hoped that Councillor Thomson may be able to attend and Councillor Budgen said he would invite a County Council Officer to ensure accurate and up to date information was provided.


Councillor Pym reported that a Meeting took place on 14th January - and that Mr. Weaver’s Licence has been signed and is with the Parish Council. Mr. Baker intends to sign but is not happy with the proposed works. Councillor Pym said she was not happy with the time span and that maybe Sustrans should be given a deadline.

Councillor Pym expressed the importance of a link between the members of the Task

Group and the residents of Cowbridge Mill.

Councillor Pym suggested a sub-group be formed and will ask Councillor Law to undertake this - Councillor Merriman offered to assist.

Councillor Pym said she would write to Councillor Law and ask if she would be prepared to represent the Parish and the Residents of Cowbridge Mill.

Councillor Pym expressed concern over the length of time the Parish Council has taken over checking the Licences. Councillor Lee replied he had checked the leases but would like to have a discussion with the Chairman and hence he would e-mail him. Councillor Lee said he would also like Councillor Law to look at the Licences as they are important legal documents.

The Chairman said that he thought a sub-committee was a good idea provided the Parish Council would be in control of any financial decisions.

W.A.L.C. will be contacted concerning the Terms of Reference of such an arrangement. Councillor Pym will draft a letter accordingly.

400/13 - HIGHWAYS

The Chairman reported that due to the recent flooding Council officers had been on flood alert - normal works will be resumed as soon as possible.

The condition of Grange Lane was discussed as we have received reports of mud on the road due to the work being carried out on the Solar Farm. The Chairman said that this is being monitored by Wiltshire Council and they are looking at the possibility of a motorised brush being used to improve the situation Highways are trying to keep this matter under control - but the Chairman said he had contacted Mr. Parrott of Highways & would follow this up again.

Councillor Merriman said there is still water collecting on the pavement on Cowbridge Hill.

Councillor Payne reported that the post box by Rodbourne is a muddy mess and has worsened by the Royal Mail vehicles driving onto it - the only solution would appear to be a hard surface. The Chairman said he would raise these matters.


Councillor Ingham supplied all Councillors with a detailed spreadsheet of the Income and Expenditure for last and this year and commented upon our Reserved Capital. After much discussion it was agreed unanimously to keep the Parish budget exactly the same as last year at £11,064 – that is no increase which will hopefully feedback into a similar or reduced Precept for 2013/14. This was proposed by Councillor Lee and seconded by Councillor Pym and supported by the Committee.

402/13 - B040 SPEEDWATCH

Councillor Budgen explained that a team of 6 local volunteers would need to be trained by the Police before the scheme could begin. He would speak to Mr. Cross, and active resident of Cowbridge Mill, and Councillor Law with a view to involving local residents. It was agreed the Parish Council would support this.

403/13 - CHEQUES

Abbey Printing - Calendar Printing £175.20

Mrs. J. Warner - Clerk Salary for January£227.00

The Meeting closed at 9.00 pm. The Chairman thanked all for attending.

Councillor Pym gave apologies for the next Meeting which is to be held on February 21st February 2013 at 7.00pm.

……………………………… Chairman

Dated ……………………….