/welcome to the 2017-18 season!!
We can’t wait to kick off the season at Foxglove Oval this weekend, welcoming all our new and returning families and friends to strive for even more Personal Bests in 2017-18.In this pre-season newsletter, you will find information on our Week 1 Program, a reminder on what to bring, dates for the diary, details on how to get important information on our season, plus more!
Week 1 will be more disorganised than most weeks as everyone first settles in. Thank you for your patience and support to help us get off to a great start.
Mark these dates in your diaries, and keep an eye out for related communication:23 September:(Optional) early events start for athletes U11 and
above commencing 7:45AM
5 October:First Thursday night training. Details to be advised
(likely 430pm start)
7 October:CrazyHairSock Day
28 October:State Relay Team announced
18-19 November:State Relay event, Homebush.
18th U8-11, 19th U12-17. Modified meet @ Foxglove
Program 1
(see below for details)NO EARLY EVENTS
U11-17 3000M & TJ
Please be sure to bring the following each week:-Water bottle
-Smiles & best effort!!
duty roster
9 September 2017FROM 7:30AM
U14, 15 & 17
Set-up AND Pack-up (in addition to parental assistance)SPONSORS
Thomson Landscape and Garden Supplies
Mt Kuring-gai Village Butchery
The Coffee Squad (50c from each coffee donated to NDLAC)
Dynamic Motion Physiotherapy, Asquith
Rebel Sports
registrations – IT’S NOT TOO LATE TO JOIN!
We have a healthy and growing registration count, with a great mix of new and returning members, and certainly would welcome more ….. so please spread the word!
Registration continues to be open online, please just refer to our website for details. Trial athletes who first want to get a taste for Little A’s before registering are also welcome to join us on Saturday morning. Please be sure to complete a Trial Athlete Form.
A registration table will be set-up at Saturday morning meets at Foxglove Oval for processing of payments, collection of packs, and other queries. Uniforms will also be available for sale.
In the case of bad weather (generally heavy rain leading up to our Saturday meets):
- A decision on whether our meet is on or off will generally be taken by 730AM Saturday.
- Keep an eye on our website and Facebook page and TeamApp communication for details (see below)
Meets can be held in light rain and wet conditions, albeit with some modifications to the program possible. Athlete safety is our top priority, and this will be the key consideration in any decision taken to cancel or suspend a meet.
BOYS UNIFORM UPDATE!! new shorts guideline
We have been advised that white shorts are no longer available at Lowes, and are proving increasingly difficult to obtain. NDLAC has confirmed with LANSW that EITHER plain white OR plain black shorts will be deemed acceptable as NDLAC Centre Uniform, effective immediately, provided that they comply with the rest of the policy per the LANSW Rules of competition.
stay in touch!
NDLAC uses a range of sources to stay in touch with our member base and families and friends of the Club. To enhance your member experience and ensure you stay up to date with important information, please:
- Ensure your email address registered with the Club is accurate
- Download the “Team App” from the App Store or Google Play (it’s free) – then search for the NDLAC team to access our App page. Some more info is included in this newsletter.
- Read our Information Handbook on our NDLAC website. Keep an eye out for this newsletter and also for information via ourNDLAC Facebook page.
Set up and parental assistance 2017/2018 season
Compared to other sports, Little Athletics needs a larger number of parents to help run all events. Parents find that they get a great deal of enjoyment from active participation in their children’s sport and your assistance is greatly appreciated.
The minimum requirement is for one parent per family to assist every second week
In addition, each age group is rostered twiceeach season to assist with setting up the oval before competition and packing up the oval after the completion of competition.
Please make sure you are at the oval at 7.30am to assist with set-up. You can sign in at the table under the orange Jetstar tent and get pointed in the right direction to help out!
Set-up and pack-up duties are in addition to parental assistance requirements
DATE / AGE GROUP / DATE / AGE GROUP9/09/2017 / U14,15-17 PARENTS / 12/01/2018 / U9 PARENTS – FRIDAY TWILIGHT
16/09/2017 / U13 PARENTS / 19/01/2018 / U8 PARENTS – FRIDAY TWILIGHT
23/09/2017 / U12 PARENTS / 27/01/2018 / U7 PARENTS – SATURDAY
30/09/2017 / U11 PARENTS / 3/02/2018 / U6 PARENTS
07/10/2017 / U10 PARENTS / 10/02/2018 / U14, 15-17 PARENTS
14/10/2017 / U9 PARENTS / 17/02/2018 / REGIONAL CARNIVAL – NO MEETING
21/10/2017 / U8 PARENTS / 24/02/2018 / U13 PARENTS
28/10/2017 / U7 PARENTS / 03/03/2018 / U12 PARENTS
4/11/2017 / U6 PARENTS / 10/03/2018 / U11 PARENTS
11/11/2017 / U14,15-17 PARENTS / 17/03/2018 / U10 PARENTS
18/11/2017 / U13 PARENTS / 24/03/2018 / STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS – NO MEETING
25/11/2017 / U12 PARENTS / END OF SEASON
02/12/2017 / U11 PARENTS
09/12/2017 / U10 PARENTS
We rely on you to get to events early so we can start competition on time. Delays cause unnecessary frustration for all participants! Help us keep things running smoothly and on time by:
- Signing on at 8.15 am so we know where the gaps are for the morning
- Being present at your post at the start of competition
- Introducing yourself to the event’s Key Official prior to the athletes arriving
Thank you for your assistance and cooperation
A good start is key to athletes improving their performances. When doing a standing start:
"On your marks"
• Place one foot forward - behind, not on the line - pointed directly down thetrack
• Place your other foot back (about one foot space) pointed directly downthe track; lift your heel
• Your feet should be about shoulder-width apart
• Bend forward at the hips and knees
• Your opposite arm and leg should be forward
• Look at the ground, about one metre in front of your feet
• Drive your arms and legs forward
• Step through with the back foot first.