AP Statistics Syllabus 2014 - 2015
InstructorRebecca Jensen, Ph.D.
TextBock, David E., Paul F. Velleman, and Richard D. DeVeaux.
Stats: Modeling the World, second edition.
MaterialsYou will need a graphing calculator (TI-83 or 84 or higher), which can be checked out from the school. You also need a spiral to be used for taking notes in statistics ONLY and a binder (2-3 inch) or portfolio to keep track of daily activity logs, handouts, homework, quizzes, and exams.
Learning Process
(Required, 20% of grade) Active participation, starting at the beginning of class, including note-taking, completion of daily activity logs, and exit tickets. You should keep your daily activity logs to study, then turn them in (in order) on exam day for a grade. Exit tickets will be graded, but you will have a chance to redo and correct them. Turn exit tickets in with daily logs on exam day. I will occasionally give participation grades for having a calculator and for taking notes in a spiral that is only used for stats notes.
(Required, 15% of grade) Minimal homework: You should expect to complete (and check from the back of the book) a few homework problems every class day. It is graded for effort on a 0 to 10 basis. Homework that is substantially copied from the back of the book will get a reduced grade. A chance to redo homework will be offered when effort has been made. Late homework is not accepted, but you may drop one homework grade per six weeks.
(Optional) Read recommended sections and examples in the book. Read the summary at the end of each chapter. (Our book is very clear and readable.) See the calendar for recommendations.
(Optional) Work extra practice problems, which may be multiple choice sets or extra problems from the book.
(Optional) Come to tutoring. (Sign up for a time on the tutoring clipboard.)
To Do List
Make sure you have a calculator. You need it by the second class day. I have a form you can get signed if you’d like to check out a school calculator. Get a spiral and a binder or portfolio.
Exams (2 per six weeks)50%
Quizzes (2-4 per six weeks)15%
Homework (9-12 per six weeks)15%
Classwork (daily activity logs, exit tickets, calculator and note-taking checks) 20%
- Quizzes: If we have three or more quizzes in a six weeks, I will drop the lowest of them. You may not retake quizzes or use your notes on quizzes. There will be approximately three per six weeks.
- Exams: If you would like to improve your exam grade, you may take a retest before or after school within 10 calendar days of the exam. See me to schedule a retest. Students who are retesting are highly recommended to attend a tutoring session to go over the material on the failed test. You may only retest if you’ve finished all the homework for the unit.
Opportunities for Help
- I tutor at C lunch and in the afternoons from 4:15 to 5:15 by appointment. Sign up on the tutoring clipboard. There will also be district-wide Saturday sessions during the spring to help you prepare for the AP exam.
- All graded assignments except for exit tickets are shown on a calendar for each unit. Every student will be given a calendar, and extra calendars are available in Room 316 and on Edmodo in case you miss an assignment or are absent.
Behavior Expectations
Active collaboration is permitted on homework, but copying is not. Active collaboration means that two or more students are discussing and helping each other understand the concepts covered in the homework problems. Your written work should not be identical. If you have any questions about what is appropriate behavior, please ask me. In the past, students who have cheated on homework have generally not passed the exams.
No collaboration of any kind is permitted on quizzes or exams.
Cell phones and electronic equipment such as iPods must be turned off and put away during the school day. Cell phones may be taken up on exam days.
Parents: Please keep this page
AP Statistics Rebecca Jensen
I am glad to have your daughter or son in my AP Statistics class. This is a great class because it teaches a skill that everyone needs in our data-driven society: how to evaluate evidence to make decisions about what car to buy or what medicine to take. Statistics is a required college course for students studying business, social sciences such as psychology, education, medicine, mathematics, and many more. Writing is also heavily emphasized in AP Statistics. What good is a statistical analysis if others can’t read it, understand it, and take actions based on the findings?
I realize that this is the first college-level math class that most of my students will take. While I promise to cover all of the material on the AP exam in a rigorous fashion, I am also aware that some students need guidance in approaching material of this level. Please advise your daughter or son to come to me with questions early. The concepts from the first semester are crucial for later topics! Your student will have statistics homework every day unless we have just taken a major exam. Please encourage them to keep up with these assignments.
The AP Statistics exam is on May 13. I expect every student to take and pass it, with your support and my help. In addition to my own review for TAG students, there will be district-wide Saturday review sessions in preparation for the exam. They are held at Adamson High School on December 13, March 28, and April 18.
How to get information about Statistics:
- Ask your daughter or son if you can see the calendars I send home for each unit. They are also available on my website.
- Email me at home if you have questions () or call
(214) 942-2989.
- Please visit during parent conference nights: October 13 and January 12.
What you need to do
- Tear off this sheet and keep it.
- Fill out the parent contact information on the next page.
- Sign and return that page.
Parent Contact Form
AP Statistics
Parents’ names: ______
Email(s): ______
Phone number(s): ______
(Please list any numbers – home, cell, or work – that you would like me to have.)
Preferred means of contact: ______
Our signatures below indicate our receiving a course syllabus for this class and access to the associated classroom and campus discipline management plan.
Student’s Printed Name
Student’s SignatureDate
Parent’s Printed Name
Parent’s SignatureDate