Article I. Name
ThenameofthisorganizationshallbetheXXXClub, hereafter referredtoasXXX.[Office2]
Article II. Purpose
Article III. Membership
Section1.AllmembersofXXXmustbecurrentUAAfee-payingstudents,enrolledinaminimumofthreecredithoursandremain ingoodacademicstandingatUAA.
Section2.Membership in XXX is open to all regardless of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, Vietnam era or disabled veteran status, sexual orientation, gender identity, physical and mental ability, changes in marital status, pregnancy or parenthood. This discrimination clause includes any protected class that is not stated above.
Article IV. Officers
Section 1. The officers of XXX are as follows:[Office4]
- President
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Club Council Representative
Section 2. Officers must possess a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or higher.
Section 3. Duties of Officers[Office5]
- President
- Ensuremembersreceivenoticeofmeetings,training,andotherclubfunctions
- ServeasalternateClubCouncilRepresentative
- Completereportsand trainings asrequiredbyUAAClubCouncil,theuniversityandtheclub’sadvisor(s)
- Treasurer
- Follow UA/UAA policies and procedures to complete all club financial transactions
- Deposit all club funds into club’s campus financial account within 48 business hours of fund collection
- Completereportsand trainings asrequiredbyUAAClubCouncil,theuniversityandtheclub’sadvisor(s)
- Secretary
- Record minutes of all formal club meetings and distribute to the club membership
- Keep accurate and updated roster of all participants in the club
- Notify Club Members of future events including, but not limited to:
- Meetings
- Other group activities
- Club Council Representative
- Attend Club Council meetings, perform all Club Council related activities, and report to the club on Club Council Activities
Section 4. The term of office for each elected position shall be one academic year.
Article V. Elections
Section 1. Officers shall be elected at the final meeting of each Spring semester.
Section 2. Nominations for elections will open at the second-to-last meeting of each Spring semester. Nominations will remain open until the election for each office takes place.
Section 2. Each member of the club will cast one vote per election. To successfully elect a new officer, one candidate must receive over 50% of the total club votes.
- If a vote does not yield a candidate receiving over 50% of the total club votes, the two candidates receiving the highest percentage of votes will be included in a runoff vote, removing any other nominated candidate from contention.
- In the case of a runoff vote, the candidate receiving the most votes shall be elected.
Section 3.Vacanciesinanypositionwillinitiateaspecialelection.Theelectiontofillthevacancyshallhappenatthenextscheduledmeetingfollowingtheannouncementtothemembershipofsaidvacancy.Iftheresponsibilitiesofthe vacantpositionareofimmediateimportance,thePresidentmaytemporarilyappointanotherclubmembertoperformthosedutiesuntilanothersuccessfulcandidatehasbeenelectedbytheclubmembership.
Article VI. Advisor
Section 1. An advisor will be selected by the students from interested, eligible UAA staff or faculty each year by the membership. The Advisor must be either a permanent full‐time or a permanent part-time (at least 50%) member of the faculty (not on sabbatical) or a full-time staff member at the University.
Section 2.The Advisor will be responsible for reviewing and approving all forms and documents of the university, including all club financial transactions. The Advisor shall stay informed of the activities of the club and university and serve as a resource for the club in university processes and resources. The Advisor should attend meetings and other activities of the club whenever possible.
Article VII. Quorum and Meetings
Section 1. Quorum shall exist at any meeting in which at least fifty percent (50%) of the club’s membership is present.
Section 2. Meetings will be scheduled at least once per month.
Section 3. Special meetings may be called by a majority vote from the club officers and must be give the full club membership a 48-hournotice.
Article VIII. Amendments
Section 1. Amendments to this document must be voted on and approved by 2/3 of the club membership during a scheduled meeting.
[Office1]Month/Year of the last time this document was reviewed by the club. For example, if your club voted on its original Constitution and Bylaws in August 2011 but made changes in August 2017, this date would read 08/2017. Even if the club doesn’t make changes to the document, it needs to show it has been reviewed and voted to keep this document current within the last calendar year.
[Office2]E.g. Student Clubs and Greek Life could choose to remain known as “Student Clubs and Greek Life” or go by its acronym “SCGL” to shorten references to itself throughout the document.
[Office3]Your mission statement, why your club exists and what it wants to achieve.
[Office4]President, Treasurer, Secretary and Club Council Representative are the mandatory officer positions required to become a registered / re-registered club at UAA. You may change the title of those offices (i.e. Secretary could be called Recorder). You may also add any additional positions your club deems necessary, such as Vice President, Alumni Relations, etc.
Different individuals must fill the positions of President, Treasurer and Secretary. You can, however, allow one of those officers to additionally assume the Club Council Representative role.
[Office5]If you add a new officer position be sure to add their duties here as well!