Center for Educational Policy Research (CEPR)
Dr. David T. Conley, Director
University of Oregon
720 East 13th Street, Suite 202
Eugene, OR 97401
Phone 541.346.6153 • Toll-free 877.766.2279
Course Info
General Course Information
Course Title / ASL 2Description / The purpose of learning American Sign Language is to break down the barriers that exist between hearing and deaf cultures.
Room Number / 775
Office Hours / Before school, after school and during lunch on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday
Faculty Name / Joani Bishop
Contact Info (phone/email) / 206-631-6473/
Welcome to American Sign Language. You have enrolled in a class that offers Sign Language and Deaf culture instruction. We have many deaf students on our campus and the opportunity to use the language is great. Please take advantage of this privilege by signing when deaf students and staff are in your midst.
Each student will be required to bring a notebook for journaling to be used in class and one blank DVD or VHS tape for a sign vocabulary dictionary to be used for practice at home.
Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes for this Course
Daily participation, assignments, readings, tests, quiz, video taping, projects, a signed book report, ACE Sign Language Club involvement and interaction with deaf students will play a major role in the learning of this course.Students will practice in accountable talk, charting their thinking and writing in journals about their reflections.
Participation in class is essential in learning ASL and daily attendance is of the utmost importance
These guidelines will be followed:
v Learning to use one’s mind well
v Less is more, depth over coverage
v Goals apply to all students
v Personalization
v Student-as-worker, teacher-as-coach
v Demonstration of mastery
v A tone of decency and trust
v Commitment to the entire school
v Resources dedicated to teaching and learning
v Democracy and equity:
Students Who Are Successful in this Course Are Prepared for the Following Courses
Students who successfully complete ASL 2 may continue to take ASL 3 the following yearStudents are able to earn college credit while enrolled in ASL classes
Optional Reading Information
Fiction and nonfiction text related to deafness in the class libraryBook
Title / Orchid of the Bayou, A Sign to Remember, Signed book report (readers choice), Children’s Stories, Fables in ASL StorytellingWebsites
URL /, www.aslpro.comDescription / We will use the website to research and find material about devices used by the Deaf
Students will take tests and do practice work on-line
Articles (magazines, newspapers, or movies)
Title / Deaf Life magazine, RID view, NAD publicationMovie Title / The Practice, Monday after the Miracle, Children of a Lesser God, Hear no Evil, Sound and Fury, Medical Signs in the Deaf Community
Unit / Topic / What kind of assessment?Quiz, exam, oral presentation, paper, lab, project. / Description of Assessment
7 / Why is the concept of “finish” important in ASL?
How is spatial referencing used in ASL? / We will be able to negotiate space as it relates to signing and its structures
We will learn the vocabulary as it relates to money, travel and expenditures / Travel Project
Math signs and the competency of figuring out a schedule
Video Portfolio
Receptive test
Expressive test
8 / How is facial expression & body language used in ASL?
What is a classifier? / Students will be able to describe people, locations and relationships of characters in their readings
Students will be able to use grammatical structures for storytelling including narration and dialogue / Signed book report
Describe a magazine picture of a person
Fashion Show Project
Video Portfolio
Receptive test
Expressive test
9 / How is role shifting used in ASL?
How are inflecting verbs used as adjectives in ASL? / We will learn about inflecting verbs and how they are used in ASL
We will learn what is a persuasive speech and how to perform that in ASL / Story using classifers and role shifting
Video Portfolio
Receptive test
Expressive test
10 / How are age numbers different from money numbers?
How are possessive pronouns used in ASL? / We will learn about explaining relationships
We will learn about age as it relates to ASL
We will learn the techniques of a good interview / Mock Interview
Emergency room skit
Video Portfolio
Receptive test
Expressive test
11 / What are the components to good ASL storytelling?
How are classifiers used in storytelling? / We will learn the proper way to sign children’s stories using facial expression and proper role shifting techniques / Children’s Story presentation
Video Portfolio
Receptive test
Expressive test
12 / How is life events listed using ASL?
How is the past, present and future tenses used in ASL? / We will learn about time sequencing as it relates to ASL
We will further our persuasive skills using ASL
We will learn how to explain life events as they occur in our personal lives as well as explaining others / Advertisement and Commercial Project
Time line and Life event Project
Video Portfolio
Receptive test
Expressive test
Grading & Plagiarism Policies
Grading in ASL 2 is as follows:Ø Mastery (90%-100%)---A
Ø Approaching Mastery (87%-89%)---B+
Ø Proficient (80%-86%)---B
Ø Approaching Proficient (77%-79%)---C+
Ø Basic (70%-76%)---C
Ø Needs Improvement (61%-69%)---D
Ø Failing (below 61%)---F
Ø Any kind of plagiarism will result in failure to meet standards on the particular assignment of outcome and will not be allowed to make it up
Classroom Conduct/Behavior Expectations
Attendance and punctualityACE core values and norms
Respect for others in the classroom and community
Respect for Deaf culture and language
Work completed and turned in on time
Parents will be contacted by phone or e-mail in regards to the above if expectations are not met and at that time a detention may be set up for missed work and failure to meet standards
These are employability skills and will be discussed and practiced in class