Agendas for 201stmeeting of
Finance and Contract Committee,
Municipal Corporation Chandigarh
Date: 25.10.2010
Time: 11.00 a.m.
Venue: Committee Room
192ND MEETING OF F&CC HELD ON 15.2.2010 AT 12.00 NOON
Sr. No. / Agenda Item / Resolution / Action Taken2. / Amendments in the existing terms and conditions of Paid Parking Areas. / Besides, amendments in the Terms and Conditions of Paid Parking Areas, it was resolved that:-
1)The Committee also resolved that all the paid parking areas shall be supervised by the concerned area Executive Engineer (Road Wing) of the Corporation and he will be overall in-charge of PPA in their respective areas and ensure compliance of terms and conditions.
2)The Committee further resolved that no free Parking Area shall be converted into PPA without consultation of Area Councillor.
3)The Committee also resolved that all the formalities like Hand Punching Machines and CCTV Camera should be available with the Licencee at the time of allotment of licence.
4)The Committee also decided that the contract can be cancelled by the Commissioner after issuance of one month’s notice.
5)The Committee further decided that an agenda for automation/modernization of paid parkings be prepared and brought before the Committee for consideration. Joint Commissioner & S.E. (B&R) assured that they will examine it and will the proposal before F&CC in its March/April meeting. / According to amendments approved by the F&CC, terms and conditions of Paid Parking Areas have been amended & are being implemented accordingly for auctioning of the Paid Parking Areas. Administrative orders of the CMC have been issued under Endst.s No. MCC/SDE (HQ)/2010/1289-1293 dated 03.06.2010
Being implemented.
Being implemented
Being implemented.
Necessary agenda was put up for the consideration of the F&CC in its meeting held on 11-6-2010.
3. / Rough Cost Estimate for providing & laying 40 mm thick A.C. on concrete on Temporary Truck parking in front of Poultry Farm in Indl. Area Phase-1, Chandigarh. / Deferred / NIL
4. / Rough Cost Estimate for providing & laying 40 mm thick A.C. on concrete on Temporary Truck parking backside of Diary Farm in Indl. Area Phase-1, Chandigarh. / Deferred / NIL
5. / Rough Cost Estimate for Carpetting of Phirni Road, Village Burail, Sector 45, Chandigarh. / The Committee approved the rough cost estimate amounting to Rs 31.46 lac for, Carpetting fo Phirni road, Village Burail, Sector 45, Chandigarh. / Tender under process. The work of laying storm water lying is to be done by P.H. wing in the part of the area. Work will be taken up after completion of work of laying storm water line.
6. / Rough cost estimate for providing and laying 25 mm thick SDBC and 50 mm thick bituminous macadam in paid parking, Sector 9D (frong & backside), Chandigarh. / The Committee approved the rough cost estimate amounting to Rs 30.90 lac for Providing & Laying 25 mm thick SDBC and 50 mm thick bituminous macadam in paid parking, Sector-9 D (Front & backside), Chandigarh. / Work allotted on 22.7.2010
7. / Rough Cost Estimate for providing & fxing 60 mm thick paver blocks aroung parks infront of Plot no. 411-417 and between plot no. 1017-1018 in Industrial Area, Phase-II Chandigarh. / The Committee approved the rough cost estimate amounting to Rs 25.05 lac for Providing & Fixing 60 mm thick paver blocks around parks infront of Plot No. 411-417 and between Plot No. 1017-1018 in Industrial Area Phase- II, Chandigarh. / Work allotted on 1.9.10.
8. / Rough Cost Estimate for providing & fixing 60 mm thick paver blocks around parks in Sector 22 A, B, C & D, Chandigarh. / The Committee approved the rough cost estimate amounting to Rs 30.46 lac for providing & Fixing 60 mm thick paver blocks around parks in Sector-22 A,B,C & D, Chandigarh. / Work allotted
9. / B/I of one No. 12” x 8” (304.80 x 203.20 mm) I/d deep bore tubewells in lieu of abandoned tubewell at Pipliwala Town, Manimajra, U.T., Chandigarh (with percussion-cum- rotary drilling rig/any other method of latest technology). / The Committee approved the rough cost estimate amounting to Rs 24.37 lac for, B/I of one No. 12” x 8” (304.80 x 203.20mm) I/d deep bore tubewells in lieu of abandoned tubewell at Pipliwala Town Manimajra, U.T., Chandigarh ( with percussion-cum-rotary drilling rig/any other method of latest technology) Chandigarh.” / Work in progress .To be completed by 31.10.10
10. / Purchase of Mahindra Bolero for the office of Executive Engineer, Roads Div. No.1, Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh. / The Committee approved the proposal to Purchase one Mahindra Bolero for the office of Executive Engineer, Roads Division No. 1 Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh with the estimate cost of Rs. 4.94 lac.” / Purchase made
11. / Rehabilitation of Animal Driven Cart owners in Chandigarh by providing mechanized mode of transport-Scheme. / Deferred the matter till the reply from Finance Department is received. / NIL
12. / Procurement of Slacked Lime for the year 2010-11. / After deliberation, the Committee approved the proposal to procure 25000 bags of Slacked Lime each bag containing 20 Kg of slacked lime at the rate of Rs. 72.20 per bag + VAT @ 4% tax extra amounting to Rs 18,77,200/- from M/s Usha Cenn. Inds, Chandimandir. / Tender process complet3ed & procurement is done for use of Slacked Lime.
13. / Procurement of 4 Dumper placers i.e. Purchase of Chassis and Fabrication thereof. / After deliberation, the Committee approved the proposal to procure 4 Dumber placers i.e. purchase of Chassis at the total cst of Rs 25,41,640/- inclusive of all taxes form M/s Swaraj Mazda and Fabrication of Dumber Placer at a total cast of Rs 7,40,00/- inclusive of all taxes form M/s Technique Fabrication Pvt. Ltd., Kurali, Distt Mohali (Pb). / 4. Nos of Chasis of Swaraj Mazda purchase3d & fabricated and put into use.
14. / Hiring of Tractor Trolleys for lifting of dry leaves-seasonal waste thereof. / After deliberation the Committee approved the proposal to hire 10 tractor trolleys on need basis from M/s S.K. Sharma, Kothi No. 1670, Sector 34-D, Chandigarh alongwith driver and 5 no of manpower plus POL @ Rs. 1930/- per day for 3
Trips for one months (30 days) i.e Rs 57,900/- w.e.f. 15.2.2010 to 14.6.2010 to remove the dry leaves at estimate cost of Rs 23,16,00/-. / 10 Nos. of Tractor Trolleys were hired & put into use for maintenance and upkeep of sanitation.
15. / RCE for construction of check post/temporary shelters and supply of barricades in paid parking under the jurisdiction of Municipal Corporation Chandigarh. / The Committee approved the rough cost estimate amounbting to Rs. 10.43 lac for construction of check post/ temporary shelters & supply of barricades in paid parkings under the jurisdiction of Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh. / DNIT under process in Circle office.
16. / Re-fixing of reserve price of Tourist Buses Parking, Manimajra. / After deliberation the Committee decided to fix Rs. 600 lac as reserve price for allotment of Tou8rist-Buses Parking, Manimajra. / According to be reserve price fixed by F & CC, the public notices for the acution of this parking are being got published from time to time but nobody has even purchased the application form for the same.
17. / Fixation of reserve price of booths of Fish and Meat Market, Sector 41, Chandigarh. / After deliberation the Committee approved the reserve price of booths of Fish and meat market, Sector-41, Chandigarh, as proposed in the agenda. However, the Committee recommended that this agenda be placed before the House in its next meeting for approval. / After fixation of reserve price of the booths of the Fish and Meat Market, the before the house along with terms and conditions.
18. / Providing 48” i/d R.C. pipe to convert the open channel into drain from backside of house no. 2381 to 2346 in Vikas Nagar, Mauli Jagran, U.T., Chandigarh. / The Committee approved the rough cost estimate amounting to Rs. 20.51/- lac for providing 48/” i/d R.C.C. pipe to convert the open channel into drain from backside of house no. 2381 to 2346 in Vikas Nagar, Mauli Jagran, U.T. Chandigarh. / Tenders re-invited and due on 15.9.2010.
Table Agenda No.1 / Renewal of License (Agreement) of Chandigarh Washerman Workshop Co-operative (Regd.) Industrial Society Ltd., Sector 15-D, Chandigarh. / After dwelling at lengh the Committee resolved that the Dhobi Ghat, Sector-15D, Chandigarh be handed over the the Chandigarh Washerman Workshop Cooperative (Regd.) Industrial Society Ltd., Sector-15 D, Chanidgarh for one year w.e.f the date of the agreement/attotment. The committee further decided that Dhobi Ghat, Sector 15-D Chandigarh may be leased out to the Chandigarh Washerman workshop Cooperative (Regd.)
Industrial Society Ltd., Sector 15-d, Chandigarh at a monthly rental charges of Rs. 8000/- and the coin opeated machine should also be handed over to them with the condition that the maintenance and repair of the machine should be done by the Chandigarh Washerman workshop Cooperative (Regd.) Industrial Society Ltd. Sector 15-D, Chandigarh. The Committee further decided to make 12 Nos. equal installments of the pending electricity bills which was to be deposited along with monthly rental charges for further running of the Dhobi Ghat. / Awaited
193RDMEETING OF F&CC HELD ON 16.3.2010 AT 03.00 P.M.
Sr. No. / Agenda Item / Decision / Action Taken2. / Estimate for B/I of one no. 12”x8” (304.80 x 203.20 mm) i/d deep bore tubewell in lieu of low discharge/abandoned tubewell no. RN-22 feeding to water works, Sector 26, Chandigarh (with reverse rig method or any other method of latest technology). / The Committee the rough cost estimate amounting to Rs 26.80 lac for boaring & installation of one no. 12” x 8” (304.80 X 203.20 mm) i/d deep bore tubewill in lieu of law discharge/abandoned tubewell No. RN-22 feeding to water works, sector-26, Chandigarh (with reverse rig method or nay other method of latest technology). / Tenders under process
3. / Estimate for B/I of one no. 12”x8” (304.80 x 203.20 mm) i/d deep bore tubewell in lieu of abandoned tubewell, Sector 48-D, Chandigarh feeding to distribution lines, Chandigarh (with reverse rig method or any other method of latest technology). / The Committee approved the rough cost estimate amounting to Rs 29.95 lac for boring & installation of one No. 12” x 8” (304.80 X 203.20 mm) i/d deep bore tubewell in lieu of law abandoned tubewell, sector-48 D, Chandigarh feeding to distribution lines, Chandigarh (with reverse rig method or nay other method of latest technology). / Work allotted. Site not feasible. Alternate being
4. / Regarding purchase of one Tata 207 along with AFT machine. / The Committee approved the proposal to purchase one Tata 207 alongwith AFT machine at an estimate cost of Rs. 24.00. / Office placed order to M/s TATA Motors Ltd.
5. / Fixation of reserve price of Kiosk at ShivalikGarden, Manimajra. / The committee approved reserved price of kiosk at shivak Garden Mainmajra and also approved the term and conditions. / The tenders were called for Kiosk No1,23 at ShivalikGarden, Manimajra. Inspite of repeated advertisement for licensing out these kiosks, only one bid for kiosk No 1 was received and accepted for Rs 15,000/- per month. But, the licensee refused to take the possession of the said kiosk. Ultimately, the allotment was cancelled and earnest money i.e. Rs 5000/- was forfeited.
6. / Permission for sale of watermelon under the jurisdiction of M.C., Chandigarh. / The Committee considered & approved that this year application be invited between 20th and 31st March. If only one application is received for a particular site then the site be allotted to the applicant. In case where more than one application are received for a particular site than the allotment should be done by draw of lot. In future application be invited between 1st to 15th February. The committee also approved the terms & conditions as mentioned in the agenda and annexed with it. / The permission for the sale of water melon was granted in compliance with the decision of the 193rd meeting.
7. / Review of rent in respect of Liquor vends situated on the MunicipalLand. / The committee considered & resolved to revise the rent of the liquor vends as Rs. 30,00/- for liquor vend without ahata and Rs 55,000/- for liquor vend with ahata. / The notices have been issued to all the vendors of all the liquor vends to deposit the rent as per decision of the F&CC w.e.f. 1-4-2010.Some of the vendors have deposited the rent and others have assured that they will deposit the rent shortly.
8. / Condemnation of vehicles No. CH01-G-0355. / The Committee considered & approved the proposal to condemn Vehicle No. CH 01-G-0355 and also approved the proposed reserve price of Rs. 40,00/- for auction of the said vehicle.
9. / Terms and Conditions for leasing out of chill room on rent in the newly constructed modern air conditioned Fish market, Sector 41, Chandigarh. / The Committee considered & approved the terms & conditions for leasing out of Chill Room on rent in the newly constructed Modern Air Conditioned Fish Market, Sector-41, Chandigarh. / Date for auction has been fixed for 24.9.2010
10. / To discuss/frame the policy regarding rent to be charged from the commercial shops situated in the villages. / Deferred / NIL
11. / Auction for sale of booths of air conditioned, fish meat and poultry product market at Sector 41, Chandigarh alongwith terms and conditions. / The committee considered & approved terms & conditions for sale of booths of air conditioned Fish Meat and Poultry Product Market at Sector-41, Chandigarh. The Committee further decided that in first instance 4 booths form Block A, 4 booths form Block B, 2 booths form Block c and 2 whole sale booths be auctioned. / An auction was conducted on 26.4.2010 for leasing out the 12 booths on leasehold basis for 99 years (four booths from Block A, four from Block B, two booths from Block C and two whole sale booths.) of Fish and Meat Market. Only two bidders came forward to deposit the earnest money and they also raised the queries that either these booths should be rented out on monthly rent basis or be sold on freehold basis or provided facilities of loan. In view of the above facts, the auction was postponed and now again to be auctioned after giving wide publicity in near future.
12. / Issuance of Rain Coat and Gum shoes to the eligible Group C & D employees on field duty. / The committee considered & approved the proposal for issuance of Rain coats & Gum Shoes to the eligible Group ‘C’ and ‘D’ employee O/o Medical Officer of Health Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh engaged in field duty. / The tender process completed & Rain Coats/Gum Shoes issued.
13. / Providing installing, running and maintenance of three LED screens in Sector 17, Chandigarh on Public Private Partnership basis (PPP basis) / The Committee considered & principally approved the policy regarding providing, installing, running and maintenance of three LED Screens in Sector-17, Chandigarh on Public Private Partnership basis. (P.P.P. basis). However the Committee decided that the bid documents with all detailed information should be placed before the Finance & Contract Committee. / Matter is under consideration in the office of Chief Architect.
14. / Administrative approval of estimate for development works. / The Committee considered & approved the proposal that after an agenda is approved in the respective Sub Committee, Finance & Contract Committee & General House, the estimate be submitted immediately for administrative approval form the competent authority in anticipation of the minutes of the meeting of the Committees. The subsequent process of approval of DNIT calling tenders should also be initiated but the allotment of the work to the contractual agency will be made after confirmation of the minutes of the meetings. / Being implemented.
15. / Licensing of Taxi Stands sites-Extension of licence period thereof. / The Committee considered & resolved that a spot survey of all the taxi stands alongwith area covered by them be conducted and a detailed not be brought before the Committee on 22.3.2010 at 3.00 p.m. / Needful done.
16. / Estimate for work of providing D.I w/s line in front of cheap houses in lieu of existing w/s line running in the back yard of houses Sec-15-D Chandigarh / The Committee approved the rough cost estimate amounting to Rs 28.68 lac for providing DI water supply pipe line n front of cheap house in lieu of existing water supply line running in the back yard houses sector 15-D, Chandigarh. / Work in Porgess and likely to be completed by 31.10.2010
17. / Payment for Hotline service for environment related complaints. / Rejected / NIL
18. / Management of Community Centres – Report of Arts, Sports and Culture Committee. / Referred to House / The report of the Committee placed in the meeting of the General House.
Table Agenda Item No.1 / Fixation of rate for newly constructed Community Centre, Sector 11-B, Chandigarh and to be re-named as City Banquet, Sector-11, Chandigarh. / Passed / The rates approved by the Committee, implemented.
Table Agenda Item No.2 / Lease of Sadhna Vocational Training Institute for Mentally Handicapped Children. / The Committee considered & allowed to extend the lease of Raen Basera Building situated in Pocket No. 2 & 3, Manimajra to the Sadhna Society for Mentally Handicapped Children, Chandigarh on toaken rent of Re 1/- per month for a period of further three years w.e.f. 25.1.2010 as per already ageed terms & Conditions. / As per decision of the committee, the period of lease of RaenBaserraBuilding was extended for further three years w.e.f. 25-1-2010 as per previous terms and conditions
Table Agenda Item No.3 / Permission to use Community Centre, Sector 11 to “Go Bananas Kids Club”. / Rejected / NIL
Sr.No. / Agenda Item / Decision / Action TakenAgenda Item No.15 / Licensing of Taxi Stands sites-Extension of licence period thereof. / Adjourned / Needful done.
Sr.No. / Agenda Item / Decision / Action TakenAgenda Item No.15 / Licensing of Taxi Stands sites-Extension of licence period thereof. / Passed / Action taken according to the latest decision of F & CC in its 195th meeting held on 26.5.2010
194thMEETING OF F&CC HELD ON 08.4.2010 AT 03.00 P.M.
Sr. No. / Agenda Item / Decision / Action Taken1 / Solution of the problems faced by the residents because of the dry leaves. / After meticulous deliberation, the Committee resolved that 20 more trolleys be hired form the market for three montsh at the rate already approved by the Committee for trolleys being hired at present i.e @ 1930/- per day for 3 trips along with driver and 5 no. of manpower plus POL. The Committee further resolved that alternative proje4cts for better utilization of dry leaves in consultation with the PunjabAgricultureUniversity and HissarAgricultureUniversity be explored and brought- before the Committee. / 20 more Trolleys could not be enaged due to non-availability, however the existing were made to coup up the work.
2 / Future action plan on Garbage Processing Plant. / After meticulous deliberation, the Committee resolved that engineering wing of the Municipal Corporation, Chandigarh. will check whether the machinery installed at the plant is as per MOU, DPR & implementation Agreement and submit report. Henceforth, the engineering wing will depute an official for certifying the inert. The dumping ground should be sealed & 24 hour security be deployed by the Corporation so that no vehicle carrying the semi shredded /organic waste be allowed to dump in the dumping ground except the vehicle of MOH. / Monitoring Committee includes XEN from MCC has been re-constituted.
3 / Fate of those persons who have already deposited money for water melon sites upto 31.5.2010. / After deliberation, the Committee decided that draw for 35 sites for sale of watermelon be held. The two persons, who have already deposited payments upto 31.5.2010, may be considered for extension if they so desire. / The decision of the F&CC implemented
4. / RCE for development of parks, gardens & green belts by P&F playway Apparatus, Multiplay system and children plan equipments including providing and planting of decorative plants, shrubs and ground covers and creeper’s bower etc. in Khuda Lahora Colony and Sector 15, Chadigarh (Landscaping). / After deliberation the Committee approved rough cost estimate amounting to Rs. 23.24 lac for development of parks, Gardens & Greend Belts by P & F Playway Apparatus, Multiply system and Children Play Equipments including providing and planting of decorative plants, shrubs and ground covers and creeper’s bower etc. in Khuda Lohora Colony and Sector-15, Chandigarh (Landscaping). / Work allotted.
5. / Providing and fixing 60mm thick interlocking paver blocks on main road berms of Charan Singh Colony, Mauli Jagran, Chandigarh. / The malba created during laying of road gullies, be lifted by the contractor and the concerned J.E. will certify in writing that malba has been removed form the site before releasing final payment to the contractor. The commissioner directed that before releasing payment to the contractor removed of malba should be ensured. / DNIT approved and send to E.E..R-2 on 27.7.2010
195thMEETING OF F&CC HELD ON 27.4.2010 AT 03.00 P.M.