Windsor Christian Action – background

(charity registration number: 1154308)

Windsor Christian Action (WCA) was born on 1st July 2013 when it assumed responsibility for Windsor’s Street Angels and the Homeless Project which, until then, had come under the umbrella of Churches Together in Windsor (CTW). WCA was registered by the Charity Commission as a charitable incorporated organisation on 23rd October 2013. It is likely, this year, that Windsor FoodShare will come under WCA’s wing.

Both Street Angels and the Homeless Project are dependent upon charitable giving from individuals and organisations. Churches and individuals have been generous in their support, both in money and in kind, as have a number of charitable trust and foundations – notably: the Michael Shanly Foundation, the Louis Bayliss Trust, the Prince Philip Trust, the Edith Murphy Foundation, the Windsor & Maidenhead Christian Trust – and the Royal Borough of Windsor & Maidenhead, and Thames Valley Police. Tesco, Waitrose and now Marks & Spencer help us in cash or kind; and PRET & Cinnamon provide food for our lunches.

Both projects depend almost entirely upon the time and energy given by volunteers. We employ three part-time staff to coordinate the work of the Homeless Project and to support the guests. Street Angels receives a huge amount of active support from a Police Community Support Officer whose involvement is highly valued, and from one part-timeemployee.

We include among our volunteers people of any faith and none. They are good hearted people who sympathise with the aims of the Projects and who are willing to commit themselves to serve their local community in this way. We are immensely proud and humbled by the work they do.

WCA is a membership organization. For £20 pa individual members (£50 for corporate members) receive a quarterly Newsletter, an annual report, and an invitation to the Annual General Meeting – the next will take place on 20th September 2016 – where they have the opportunity to influence the direction of WCA through the election of officers and the appointment of some Trustees.

If you wish to support WCA by becoming a member, please download an application form here and return it when completed to the Membership Secretary whose address is given at the bottom of the form.

Currently there are sevenTrustees, including: the Revd.Canon David Hopgood (Chairman), the Revd.David Dadswell (Secretary), and Ms.Anne Dowling (Treasurer).

Although not accountable to CTW, the Trustees value its link with this body, and with individual churches of Windsor.
