Certificate No:Affiliation No


The 52ndMen’s and 40thLadies

Classic Freckleton Half Marathon

Including the Civil Service Athletic Association Half Marathon Championship 2016 and North West CSSC Championship

Sunday 19thJune 2016 Start Time 14.00

Civil Service Entry Form only (to be returned to Nick Hume by 6th May 2016)

First Name...... Surname......

Age on Race Day...... Date of Birth......

Male / FemaleVets Category......

CSSC No (No entry unless quoted)...... CSSC Region...... (Please state)

Athletic Club (if applicable)......

Departmental Team......

Home Address......



Post Code...... Tel No......


Entry Fee £18.00 for Club Runners and £20.00 if unattached. Cheques made payable to CSAA.

Please note CSAA/CSSC is not an Affiliated Running Club but CSSC willcontinue their Race Subsidy Scheme in 2016so check the CSSC website for more details.

For more information about the race visit:

Start is from Bush Lane Playing Fields, Freckleton UKA License 2016-13686

CSAA Individual Medals will be awarded depending upon Entries. Teams: First 3 runners to count (Male or Female). NW CSC Medals will also be awarded.

Minimum age: Half Marathon - 17 years on Race Day. Strict race time limit 2 hours 40 minutes

Entries to be sent to: Nick Hume, 3 Thornfield Avenue, Thornton-Cleveleys, Lancs FY5 5BH by 13thApril2016

Departmental Team Managers can purchase a block of entries (non-refundable) and can make arrangements to pay entry fees by one team payment, but a form is required from each athlete. If an athlete cannot compete, a race number exchange facility can be used again via Nick ()

North West

Section 3: Regional Subsidy for travel and subsistence

The North West Region have signed up to provide competitors with financial help to attend CSSC Regional Events, please click here to see what you are entitled to claim or contact the regional treasurer via email . All claims must be made within3 months of the competition and receipts must be provided where applicable.

Costs for use of a private car are assessed on the basis of mileage and fuel type and will be rebated as follows:

  • Driver - 50% of mileage costs up to one half the current full annual CSSC subscription (£45.60). Please click here for current mileage rates
  • Passengers – 5p per mile up to a maximum of £15 per passenger.
  • Costs for use of public transport will be 50% of costs up to one half the current full annual CSSC subscription;

If the event requires you to make a round trip exceeding 200 miles you are eligible to stay overnight in the vicinity of the event. The cost of that accommodation will be as follows:

  • for each night only50% of the cost up to a maximum of the current full annual CSSC subscription; subject to a maximum for any one event of two times the current full annual CSSC subscription.