Township of Georgian Bluffs

Council Minutes

November 15, 2017

Township of Georgian Bluffs

Council Minutes

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November 15, 2017, 7:00p.m., Council Chambers

Members Present:

Mayor Alan Barfoot

Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley

Councillor Carol Barfoot

Councillor Sue Carleton

Councillor Ryan Thompson

Councillor Tom Wiley

Members Absent:

Councillor Paul Sutherland

Staff Present:

Brittany Drury, Legislative Assistant (Recording Secretary)
Wendi Hunter, Clerk / Director of Legislative Services
Kassandra Rocca, Treasurer / Director of Finance

Rick Winters, Acting CAO / Director of Operations

  1. Call to Order

Mayor Alan Barfoot called the meeting to order at 7:00 pm.

  1. Approval of Agenda/Additions to the Agenda
  2. Declaration of Pecuniary Interest
  3. Minutes of Previous Meetings

1.November 1, 2017
The motion was amended to read:

Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton
That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the minutes of the Council meeting held on November 1, 2017, as amended.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-285

  1. Announcements


  1. Public Hearings

1.Joint Public Meeting

Paul Sutherland: 402558 Grey Road 17, Part Lot 23, Concession 19 (Keppel)

Moved By: Councillor Ryan Thompson
Seconded By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs recess the regular meeting to hold a joint public meeting for the consideration of Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By-law Amendment application Z-14-17 and Grey County Official Plan Amendment Application (OPA) 140, for the property located at 402558 Grey Road 17, Part Lot 23, Concession 19 (Keppel).

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-286

Mayor Alan Barfoot called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m. with 10 people in attendance.

Council welcomed Grey County Planner, Kelly Henderson.

Ms. Henderson explained the subject lands and the purpose of the meeting, being to consider the Grey County Official Plan Amendment and the Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By-law Amendment. A Consent Application will also be required, to be discussed at a later date. Approval is required on all three applications to carry out the proposed severance.

Ms. Henderson explained the purpose of the application, to grant an exception to allow a farm severance. Notice was given to property owners and agencies within 120 meters of the subject property. Ms. Henderson explained the appeal process, commenting that any individual requiring notification may request such by submitting a written request to the County.

All circulated agencies had no objections to the application. Ms. Victoria Boulter submitted concerns regarding the size of the severance and the access to Grey Road 17.

The applicant was present and spoke through his agent, Ron Davidson. Mr. Davidson further explained the purpose of the application, commenting that the odd shape and size of the severance is to maximize the usable agricultural land for farming purposes.

Mayor Barfoot asked if anyone present wished to make oral or written submissions either in favour or opposed to the proposed application and if so that they give their name and address to the Clerk.

No attendees spoke in support. Ms. Victoria Boulter spoke to concerns regarding the odd shape of the severance, poor visibility at the road access and the removal of trees along the roadway.

A final decision regarding the application will likely occur in the new year.

Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley
That report PL.2017.39 from Jenn Burnett, Planner, regarding Grey County Official Plan Amendment (OPA 140) and Township of Georgian Bluffs Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-14-17 for Sutherland, be received.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-287

The public meeting was adjourned at 7:21 p.m.

2.Possible Delegations Regarding the Renaming of Concession 21 to Elm Street

(See item 15.2.b.)

Gord and Mary Joe Schroeder inquired regarding the renaming, specifically if their fire number would be changed in the process. The Acting CAO / Director of Operations explained that at this time, the fire numbers will remain the same.

  1. Presentations


  1. Delegations


  1. Consent Agenda


a)Accounts to be approved for the period of October 27, 2017 to November 8, 2017in the amount of $832, 085.87.

2.Correspondence for Council Information

a)Great Lakes and St. Lawrence Cities Initiative - Making Waves

3.Resolutions from Other Municipalities

a)Municipality of Morris – Turnberry – Tenanted Farm Tax Class

Moved By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley
Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson

That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the Consent Agenda as circulated, and
That staff be directed to proceed with all necessary administrative actions.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-288

  1. Consideration of Items Separated from Consent Agenda
  2. Correspondence


  1. Committee Reports

1.Committee of the Whole

a)Adoption of Minutes from Previous Meeting

Moved By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley
Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson
That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs adopt the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on November 8, 2017, including RecommendationsCOW 2017-026 to COW 2017-033.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-289

i)Zoning Public Meetings
Moved By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley
Seconded by: Councillor Sue Carleton
That Committee of the Whole of the Township of Georgian Bluffs recess the regular meeting to hold public meetings for the consideration of Zoning By-law Amendment applications for properties located at 505035 Grey Road 1, Part Lot 6, Georgian Range, RP 16R9176, Parts 5, 6 and 7 and Concession 10, South Part Lot 7, RP 16R4334, Part 5 (Derby).

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-026

ii)PL.2017.39 – Temporary Use By-law Application Z-16-17

Moved by: Councillor Ryan Thompson
Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley
That Report PL.2017.39 from Jenn Burnett, Planner, regarding Temporary Use By-law Application Z-16-17 for Dart, be received.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-027

iii) PL.2017.38 – Zoning By-law Amendment Application Z-17-17

Moved by:Councillor Paul Sutherland
Seconded By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
1. That Zoning By-law amendment application Z-17-17 and Official Plan Amendment application B09/17, for Concession 10, South Part Lot 7, RP 16R4334, Part 5 (Derby), submitted by Martin Taylor be approved, and
2. That Council direct staff to prepare a By-law to amend Zoning By-law 6-2003 for the purposes of said application, to be brought to a future meeting of Council for enactment.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-028

iv) Kemble Lions Christmas Parade – Request to Waive Facility Rental Fee

Moved By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley
Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson
That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve a fee waiver for the use of the Kemble Arena on December 10, 2017 for the Kemble Santa Clause Parade.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-029

v) Shallow Lake Skating Club – Request to Waive Ice Rental Fee
Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
Seconded By: Councillor Paul Sutherland
That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve waiving the ice rental fee at Shallow Lake Arena for the Shallow Lake Skating Club for the duration of the following:
1. Pancake Breakfast / Skate with Santa – Saturday, December 16, 2017 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am, AND
2 .Year-end Talent Show – Tuesday, March 6, 2018 from 5:00 pm to 7:00 pm.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-030

vi) LEG2017-26 – OPP / Policing Contract Renewal
Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley
1. That the report from Wendi Hunter, Clerk / Director of Legislative Services, regarding the OPP / Policing Contract Renewal, be received and
2. That Committee of the Whole Direct staff regarding the term of three years for the new contract.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-031

vii) OPS2017-94 – Anaphylaxis Policy for Township Facilities
Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley
Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton
That Committee of the Whole receive the report and recommend that the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve the draft policy on Anaphylaxis and request staff to take steps to implement the policy at the required facilities.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-032

viii) OPS2017-95 – October Monthly Airport Report

Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton
Seconded By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
That Committee of the Whole receive report OPS2017-95 for information purposes.

Approved – Recommendation No. COW 2017-033

  1. Staff Reports

1.OPS2017-93 – Assumption of Cobble Beach Roads

The Acting CAO / Director of Operations explained the report. There was discussion regarding:

  • Securities
  • Assumption processes
  • Winter maintenance: completion and standards
  • Budget implications
  • Deficiencies as mentioned in the report, ie. Incomplete catch basins and sidewalks

Mr. Rob McLeese and Mr. John Anderson were in attendance and spoke to the report. Mr. McLeese and Mr. Anderson explained that inclement weather has delayed the repairs, however they anticipate completion by the end of May 2018.

The motion was amended to include “staff be directed to present a by-law on December 6, to assume the works.”

Moved By: Councillor Ryan Thompson
Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs review the request from the developer of the Cobble Beach development for the assumption of roads and utilities, and further provides direction to staff regarding the request to have certain deficiencies completed in Spring 2018,

And staff be directed to present a by-law on December 6, 2017 to assume the works.

Councillor Wiley requested a recorded vote.

For: Councillor Barfoot, Councillor Carleton, Councillor Thompson, Councillor Wiley, Deputy Mayor Burley, Mayor Barfoot.

Absent: Councillor Sutherland

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-290

2.OPS2017-97 – Hall / Charlton Municipal Drain Tender

Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton
Seconded By: Councillor Tom Wiley
That the Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs approve the award of the tender to Underwood Construction Ltd for the Hall / Charlton Municipal Drains construction and cleanout at a price of $36,615.00 plus HST and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the contract.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-291

3.LEG2017-27 – Support Resolution, FIT Contract – Biidaaske Inc.

Moved By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley
Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson

1. That the report from Wendi Hunter, Clerk / Director of Legislative Services, regarding the Support Resolution, FIT Contract – Biidaaske Inc., be received, and

2. That the resolution of support, included as Unfinished Business on this agenda, be passed, and

3 .That the Clerk be authorized to sign the “Municipal Council Support Resolution Confirmation” as required by the IESO.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-292

  1. Public Question Period
  2. By-laws

1.Zoning By-laws

Moved By: Councillor Ryan Thompson
Seconded By: Deputy Mayor Dwight Burley
Whereas, Council has given consideration to the written comments submitted by the agencies in the decision on proposed Zoning By-law Amendment application Z-17-17; and

Whereas Council has considered oral submissions made at the Public Meeting;

Therefore be it resolved that Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs is satisfied that the proposed amendment is consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement 2014 and other governing regulations; and

That By-law 2017-099 be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-293

a)By-law 2017-099, Being a By-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 6-2003, as amended, of the Township of Georgian Bluffs.

(Further to report PL.2017.37, presented at the November 8, 2017 meeting of Committee of the Whole)

2.Other By-laws

Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton
Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson
That By-laws2017-098, 2017-100 and 2017-101,be read a first, second and third time, and finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation, and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-294

a)By-law 2017-098,Being a by-law for the imposition and collection of fees and charges for certain municipal services and activities.

(Further to report FIN2017-17 Fees and Charges By-law, presented at the November 1, 2017 meeting of Council)

b)By-law 2017-100,Being a by-law to rename a public highway in the Township of Georgian Bluffs.

(Further to report OPS2017-86 Concession 21 / Elm Street, presented at the October 16, 2017 Operations Committee meeting)

c)By-law 2017-101, Being a by-law toauthorize execution of a Bill of Sale and lease agreement with Southern Ontario Water Conditioning Inc.

(Further to report OPS2017-82 Sale of Hangar No. 3, presented at the October 4, 2017 meeting of Council)

  1. Unfinished Business

1.FIT Contract – Biidaaske Inc. – October 17, 2012 Resolution No. 270-2012

Moved By: Councillor Carol Barfoot
Seconded By: Councillor Ryan Thompson

WHEREAS capitalized terms not defined herein have the meanings ascribed thereto in the FIT Contract, Version 3.1;

AND WHEREAS Biidaaske Inc. (the "Supplier") had entered into a FIT Contract to construct and operate a ground mount solar PV project upon receipt of a FIT Contract from IESO (OPA)Facility (the "Project") on Concession 8, Part Lot 7 Sideroad 6, geographic Township of Derby (the "Lands") in the Township of Georgian Bluffs (the "Local Municipality") under the Province's FIT Program;

AND WHEREAS the Supplier previously requested that the Council of the Local Municipality ("Council") indicate by resolution Council's support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands or all Projects with the same Renewable Fuel anywhere in the Local Municipality, and Council did provide such support in a prior resolution;

AND WHEREAS the Supplier has requested that the Council indicate, by a resolution dated no earlier than June 10, 2015 (the "New Resolution"), Council's continued support for the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands;

AND WHEREAS where a New Resolution is received in respect of a Project, the Supplier will be recognized as fulfilling the requirements under Section 2.4(d)(vii) of the FIT Contract, which may result in the Supplier being offered Notice to Proceed in accordance with the terms of the Supplier's Fit Contract;


Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs supports the construction and operation of the Project on the Lands.

This resolution's sole purpose is to enable the Supplier to achieve Notice to Proceed under its FIT contract and may not be used for the purpose of any other form of municipal approval in relation to the FIT Contract or Project or for any other purpose.
FIT Contract ID #: F-006034-SPV-310-722

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-295

(See item 13.3)

2.2018 Draft Owen Sound and North Grey Union Public Library Budget – CEO, Tim Nicholls Harrison, Delegation Update.
The Clerk explained that after correspondence with Tim Nicholls Harrison, it is anticipated that he will appear as a delegation at the December 6, 2017 meeting of Council. Staff will confirm his availability prior to circulation of the December 6, 2017 agenda.

(As discussed at the November 8, 2017 meeting of Committee of the Whole)

3.Committee of the Whole Meetings – December 5, 2017 and December 13, 2017

Moved By: Councillor Sue Carleton
Seconded By: Councillor Tom Wiley
1. That Committee of the Whole will meet on December 5, 2017 at 1:00 p.m. for budget deliberations, and

2. That the scheduled Committee of the Whole meeting of December 13, 2017 will commence at 5:00 p.m. for the purpose of consideration of the draft Zoning By-law.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-296

  1. New Business

1.Reminder – Zoning By-law Open House: November 22, 2017, 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m., Shallow Lake Arena

  1. In Camera

Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley
Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton

1.That Council of the Township of Georgian Bluffs does now go into closed session at 8:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers with the Acting CAO remaining in the room.

a)Adoption of the minutes from the previous In Camera meeting

b)Discussion regarding personal matters about an identifiable individual

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-297

Council resumed opened session at 8:35 p.m.

  1. Confirming By-law

Moved By: Councillor Tom Wiley
Seconded By: Councillor Sue Carleton

1.That By-law No. 2017-102, being a by-law to confirm the proceedings of Council on November 15, 2017, be read a first, second and third time, finally passed, signed by the Mayor and Clerk, sealed with the Seal of the Corporation and engrossed in the By-law Book.

Carried – Resolution No. RES2017-298

  1. Date of Next Regular Meeting/Adjournment

December 6, 2017 – 7:00 p.m.

The meeting adjourned at 8:36 p.m. on a motion moved by Councillor Sue Carleton.


Alan Barfoot, Mayor


Wendi Hunter, Clerk

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