Anisfield School of Business
Unit Council Minutes
September 6, 2017
ASB 135
The Dean welcomed Diana Benavides, Advisor in Student Success and ASB Liaison. He then introduced new faculty/ASB members:
Ed Pettit – Assistant Professor of Accounting
Wilson Rose – Assistant Professor of Accounting
Mark Miller – Entrepreneur in Residence
Dean Petkus reported on the intellectual contributions since the lastmeeting.
Dean Petkus and Karen Norton presented the updated AACSB standards for accreditation.
4.FAEC– K. Zeno and G. Torres Baumgarten
Kathy reported on topics from today’s meeting:
- ITS has agreed to make Luminis available for the semester; ITS is offering support for converting to Moodle.
- The committee is addressing problems with the Final Exam schedule.
Gladys reported that the Shared Governance Task Force presented its report to FAEC.
5.ARC- G. Gonpu
October 15 is the deadline to submit course proposals.
There was a call for nominations for an ASB Representative in the Senior Presentation category for GECCO.
7. MBA - T. Landers
Tim provided an update on the new cohort (34 students enrolled).
8.MSAC – C. Crawford
Connie reported on yesterday’s M.S. in Accounting Orientation. There are currently 26 students in the program.
LaQuan reported that 54 graduates completed the Career Pathways this year and announced the Career Center events being held this semester.
- Classroom Renovations approved for next year:
ASB 321 will be converted into a 35-station computer lab.
ASB 332 and 525 will be converted to seminar-style rooms.
- The Trading Lab is now being upgraded and will include two Bloomberg Terminals
- Faculty working with Research Assistants may consider applying for the COPLAC Northeast Regional Conference in October. Details were emailed to all faculty.
- Opportunities for Funding for Full-time Faculty: Teaching and Learning Travel Grants and Europe Travel Grants are due Sept 29.
- The Eastern Economic Association is again headquartered at Ramapo College.
- ASB/EOF Mentoring Program – Volunteers to serve as mentors should email the Dean.
- Academic Progress Survey – The number of students who have completed the survey has increased significantly since last year.
- Faculty were asked to review the Name Change Guidelines.
- Mark Skowronski announced that the FRC is having a workshop, “Preparing Your Promotion Application” on Wednesday, September 13 from 12-1PM in E216.
- Murray Sabrin announced that the Raciti Memorial Lecture will take place on October 5 at 7pm in the Pavilion. Also, Murray will be presenting his sabbatical research on November 15 in Friends Hall.
Meeting adjourned at 3:50pm.
Minutes Submitted by Deirdre Lynch