Agargaon, Dhaka-1207.
Instructions: This form consists of three sections. Section-A is to be completed by the Candidate, section B-by the Supervisor and section C-by the Vice-Chancellor.
(To be completed by the candidate)
1. Name of the Candidate in full :
2. Name of employing university :
3. Address :
(a) Present Address (working place) :
Telephone:...... Office...... Res...... Mobile......
E-mail...... Fax......
(b) Permanent/home address : ......
4. Date of birth: ......
5. Educational record (set out in chronological order)
Educationalinstitution / Board/ University / Years attended:
From To / Degrees/Diplomas or
Certificates obtained (with class/Division and year.) / Subjects offered
contd. page-2
6. Professional experiences (in chronological order).
Name of Post. / Name of the Employer Organisation /Period
From To7. List of publications including books and articles in standard journals: (please use extra page, if necessary).
8. Please attach a statement about the research project (please use extra pages if needed)
(a) Title :
(b) Objectives:
(c) Relevance to the needs of the Department.
(d) Relevance to the needs of the country's.
(e) A brief review of research done in this field with justification of the
research Proposed Project :
(f) Comprehensive plan of work and the time schedule
contd. page-3
9. Name and address of the Supervisor:
Name :
Designation :
Department :
University/Institution :
Telephone :
10. Any other information :
11. I certify that the statement made by me in response to the foregoing questions are true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. If I am selected as a post- doctoral research fellow, I shall abide by the following rules.
(i) Conduct myself at all times in a manner compatible with my status as a
holder of a UGC Post Doctoral Fellowship;
(ii) Spend full-time during the tenure of the award in the study of Post Doctoral Fellowship and that I shall not accept any other award /job during the tenure of this fellowship;
(iii) I agree with all other conditions that have already been laid down, and may be laid down in future, from time to time about the fellowship;
(iv) Return to my employing University/ Institution after completion
of the work.
Date...... Signature of Candidate:
contd. page-4
(To be completed by the Supervisor)
Supervisor's opinion on the under mentioned points about the field of study proposed by the candidate:
(a) Suitability of the proposed research Project for Post Doctoral level
(b) Whether the candidate will be accepted by the Supervisor :
(c) Whether the laboratory and the library facilities will be fully offered to the candidate :
(d) Whether the Supervisor approves of the research plan submitted by the
Candidate :
Date...... Signature of the Supervisor
Designation :
Department :
University :
Tel :
contd. page-5
(To be completed by the Vice-Chancellor)
Designation...... Department of ......
University/Institution of......
Whose particulars are given above, is nominated for the award of Post Doctoral Fellowship offered by the UGC. He/she holds a permanent/substantive post in this University. If selected, he/she will be granted study leave/deputation for the entire period of the UGC Post Doctoral Fellowship.
Date...... Signature of Vice-Chancellor and Seal
University Grants Commission of Bangladesh
Agargaon, Dhaka.
Terms and Conditions for UGC Post-Doctoral Fellowship
1. Objective: The main objective of the post-doctoral Fellowship is to promote and expand the quality of higher education and research in Bangladesh.
2. Eligibility: The candidate must be a faculty of a public university in Bangladesh, and he/she must have a Ph. D degree.
3. Age Limit: The candidate should be less than 50 years of age (If the project proposal carries
high value impact at the national level, age limit may be relaxed) on the date of
4. Tenure of Fellowship and its Number: The tenure of the Fellowship will be one year, effective from the date of joining the programme. A maximum of five Fellowships will be offered in one academic year.
5. Fellowship Amount: The amount of Fellowship is Tk 20,000.00 (Twenty thousand) per month.
6. Permissible Research Expenses:
· A maximum amount of Tk 10,000.00 (Ten thousand) may be paid for the preparation of the report. This will be paid upon submission of the final report and the corresponding vouchers for the expenses.
· A maximum amount of Tk 20,000.00 (Twenty thousand) may be paid for the procurement of raw materials and data collections. This may be paid upon submission of the half-yearly report and the final report, along with relevant vouchers for the expenses.
7. Other Conditions:
a. Post-doctoral Fellowship is full-time occupation, and the Fellows must obtain study leave/deputation from their respective university.
b. The Fellow will pursue his/her research under the supervision of a senior Professor of the university in which the Fellow will work.
c. The Fellow may carry out his/her research work in a research institute or industrial laboratory under the joint supervision of a university Professor and a senior scientist of the research institute/industry.
d. While applying for a Fellowship, an applicant must mention the name of the university/research institute/industry, where he/she wishes to carry out research work, and also the name of the Professor/scientist under whose supervision the work will be carried out. Further, a detailed research plan, clearly stating the rationale of the work, the objectives, methodology and significance, duly approved by the proposed supervisor/s, must be submitted.
e. After completion of the Fellowship program, the Fellow will submit a detailed report of the research output, duly forwarded by the supervisor. The report will be evaluated by a three-member committee headed by a UGC member. The Fellow will have to revise the report, if required, as per recommendations of the committee.
f. Members of the evaluation committee will be paid an honorarium of Tk. 5000.00 (Taka Five thousand only) for each report.
g. During the tenure of the Fellowship, the Fellow is not entitled to take up any other paid employment including working under another project involving financial benefit.
h. It is expected that the Fellow will publish the research findings in peer-reviewed journals or as peer-reviewed books/monographs. The support of the UGC must be acknowledged and a copy of such publications must be submitted to the UGC.
i. The Fellowship money will be disbursed to the Registrar of the University in two installments, the first after submission of the joining letter and second after submission of the half-yearly progress report by the Fellow.
j. The monthly Fellowship allowance will be paid to the Fellow as a crossed cheque by the Registrar every month against a bill endorsed by the supervisor.
k. The permissible research expenses will be paid to the Fellow directly by the UGC upon submission of a bill with necessary vouchers countersigned by the supervisor.
l. A Fellow will be allowed a maximum period of one month with full Fellowship to stay abroad for work relevant to the proposed research or for attending/participating in conferences. The expenses may be regarded as permissible research expenses within the limit of Tk. 20000.00 (Taka Twenty thousand) and no additional financial support will be given for such visits.
m. If a Fellow discontinues his/her Fellowship without completing the tenure, he/she will have to pay back the money received against the Fellowship.
n. The Supervisor will receive an honorarium of Tk. 10,000.00 (Taka Ten thousand) upon acceptance of the final report.
I accept the above terms and conditions.
......Signature of the Fellow
Designation :
Department :
University :
Signature of Registrar where the Fellow intends to carry out his/her research. / ......
Signature of the Supervisor
/ University Grants Commission of Bangladesh
UGC Bhavan, Plot # E-18/A,Agargaon Administrative Area
Agargaon, Sher-e-Banglanagar, Dhaka-1207
Phone t 8181623
UGC Post Doctoral Fellowship Programme- 2017
Applications are invited second time (Re-advertisement) from the teachers of public universities in Bangladesh for the UGC Post-Doctoral Fellowship Programme-2017 in the prescribed form under the following terms and conditions:
(a) The candidate must be a teacher of a public university in Bangladesh.
(b) He/she must have a Ph.D degree.
(c) The upper age limit for applicants is 50 years as on 20/11/2017 (If the project proposal
carries high value impact at the national level, age limit may be relaxed).
(d) Fellowships are meant for the full-time researcher and the applicant must be granted study
leave/deputation by the respective authority if he/she is selected by the University Grants
Commission of Bangladesh for the fellowship.
(e) The amount of fellowship is Tk. 20,000/- per month.
(f) The tenure of the fellowship in one year.
(g) After completion of the programme every fellow shall have to return to his/her respective
university. In case, he/she, for any reason, discontinues his/her research work without any
valid cause acceptable to the UGC, he/she will have to refund the amount so far received by
him/her from the UGC.
Prescribed application forms and UGC Post Doctoral Fellowship-2017 guidelines may be obtained from the Research Support & Publication Division of the University Grants Commission of Bangladesh or UGC’s website (
Interested candidates are requested to submit their application through proper channel along with the required documents to the Add. Director, Research Support and Publication Division, University Grants Commission of Bangladesh, Agargaon, Sher-e-Banglanagar, Dhaka-1207 by 20/11/2017 (Those who applied earlier need not to apply again). The soft copy has to be sent to .
Dr. Sultan Mahmud BhuiyanAdd. Director
Research Support & Publication Division
Phone : 8181623
E:\Post doc-2017\Post Doc 2017 Readvertisement.doc