Customer Contact Innovation Awards 2018
Nomination Form – Summary Page
Please tell your story concisely in answer to these questions on a single page. If you have existing documents, attach these separately – don’t just cut and paste! Stick to the one-page limit – add detail on the next pages.
Return this form by Monday 20th October 2017 (unless agreed otherwise, see details at the end)
Name of Organisation and Department/Function
Title of project/innovation
Summary: What have you done? What has changed as a result? (max 180 words)
Tell your story, in your own words, so as to demonstrate how you have delivered change
Key results – what has improved? for which stakeholders? (max 120 words)
Bullet-point statistical evidence, to compare the situation (before vs after), for people, customer, business etc. If stats are hard to provide or results are still to come, it is essential to speak to us before submitting your form. You may copy a few graphs, tables or qualitative evidence at the end of this form if appropriate.
What makes this exceptional? (max 80 words)
How does your initiative stand out as innovative or special compared to other operations of your size/type/sector?
What could other operations learn from your innovation? (max 80 words)
In what ways might your innovation be a role model to our members?
Nomination Form – expanding the detail
Answer these questions to expand the evidence in the specified areas. Avoid page over-spill – adding any further information at the end of the form or as attachment if required.
What is the time-line for this innovation?
What changes happened when? (for changes spanning several years, explain why the nomination is made now)
2015 -2016 -
2017 (Jan-Mar) -
2017 (Apr-Jun) -
2017 (July-Oct) -
Changes to come -
What’s the context for these changes?
Give the bigger picture - eg what other internal or external changes have been happening that affect your operations(s) (even if unrelated to this specific project). Remember, judges may be from other industry sectors.
How is this an integrated approach to performance improvement?
How have you taken account of the needs of colleagues, customer and other stakeholders - as well as business drivers? Has performance improved across a range of indicators? How have you engaged and communicated with stakeholders to create understanding at all level?
How are you now making better use of your resources in the organisation?
Give further examples (if any) of measurable improvements – specifically in efficiency or effectiveness this last year.
Who has been most affected by these changes?
Please tick in the appropriate column (P) / A lot / Significantly / A little / Not at allCustomers contacting your organisation
Front-line or customer contact employees
Team leaders and managers
Senior managers or directors
Planners/analysts/quality/process teams
Other functions within your operation(s)
Other departments- in the wider organisation
Third party organisations/ clients
Wider community or neighbourhood
Other (specify)
About your customer contact operation
What work do you undertake? What are your goals? How are you structured? What size is your customer contact operation? Where does your operation fit in organisationally and contribute to the overall organisation’s key goals? Brief supporting documents may be attached. The purpose of this section is to provide background information to judges who may be from a different industry sector or type of operation.
Who was involved in making this change happen?
This is the team to share the award if you are successful! Attach a document if further space required
Name / Job Title / Role in Project
Where are your customer contact operation(s) located?
To which disciplines or conference agenda areas might this relate?
Please tick P as many as apply – to give judges an indication of where the focus is. See guidelines for more information about what the categories mean or phone up for advice.
Contact Centre Planning / Social Media / Public SectorAnalytics, MI & Reporting / Enterprise Integration / Outsourcing
Quality/Customer Experience / Back Office Processing / Technology innovation
Operational Performance / Outbound contact / People culture
Strategic Trends/Insight / Field, Retail, Distribution etc / End-to-end service
Please attach comparative graphs showing for the last 2 years
q Evidence of the impact of your changes
q Performance against your KPIs, as a context for these changes
This information will be treated by judges as strictly confidential.
Please list any attachments in the box below.
5.Any other information?
Limit the amount you provide at this stage. The judges have only limited time during the short-listing process, but will read more detail at the finalist stage, during January, and at the visit in February.
Where to send the form and how to ask for help
For help or information about completing the form, please contact Isabelle Smith on 0333 123 5960 al
Completed forms should be emailed to al
Larger files may be transferred by using free web upload services at or dropbox
Email to confirm if you have posted or used web upload. Check for a read-receipt.
The postal address is 67 Europa Business Park, Birdhall Lane, Stockport, SK3 0XA.
Information is distributed to judges in electronic form – please contact us if you wish to send other materials.