Efficiency and Value for Money in Schools

The Department for Education website has a section on Efficiency and Value for Money in Schools. This is the web address:


It includes information on:

·  National Benchmarking

·  Tools and Case Studies

·  Audit Commission Resource Packs

·  Strategic Management

·  Collaboration

·  Governance

·  School Business Managers

·  Procurement for Schools

National Benchmarking

In addition to the local benchmarking toolkit provided by School Funding Team, schools can benchmark against similar on a national level. There is a link to the national benchmarking webpage from the main Efficiency & Value for Money page.

Tools and Case Studies

This section includes a number of tools for school to use to assess current value for money and help achieve value for money in the future. The tools available include:

Ø  SDP & Budgets tool

Ø  Workforce structure tool

Ø  Governing Body Value for Money Health Check Tool

There are case studies throughout the section from Primary Schools, High School and Learning Community Trusts.

Audit Commission Resource Packs

The Audit Commission website provides a range of information and resources for schools on financial management and securing value for money. There is a ‘quick link’ directly to this Audit Commission web page on the DFE ‘Efficiency & Value for Money’ main page.

Strategic Management

This section includes information on how schools can manage their finances in the most effective way and provides links to the SDP & Budgets and Workforce structure toolkits.


This details the importance of collaboration between schools and includes a case study. It also includes links to the National College website. This website provides a range of information and support materials on collaborative models of working.


This section provides links to the Governing Body Value for Money Health Check Tool and also to the Leadership & Governance section of the website.

School Business Managers

This section provides information on the role and contribution of the School Business Manager. There is also a link to a case study.

Procurement for Schools

This section provides a wealth of information on the procurement process, deals and contracts, buying specific good and services, the importance of procurement and information on training and skills for Business Mangers.

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