Following team carried out the Merger of Madurai WLL MSC 1 with Madurai WLL MSC 2 at Madurai. The vendor claimed Rs. 14 Lakhs to carry out this merger work. The merger work was carried out as a task by Madurai SSA team. In an average the team worked for 14 hours per day. The team worked for nearly 15 days to complete the merger work. The merger work was done by the team WITHOUT the assistance of VENDOR and additional staff. While carrying out the above work, IPT sessions were conducted on 5 days ( one hour per day ) for Engineering students.
Shri.G.Boomirajan, SDE ( Our Madurai SSA South Branch Secretary )
Smt.H.M.Ausman Bari Banu,JTO ( Our Senior Comrade)
Shri. R.Padmanaban,TTA
Shri. G.Sathiyan,Gr-D
Work involved:
Cable side:
1. Cable rearrangement done for 113 BTSs.
113 X 4 (2 limbs for trans and 2 limbs for receive) = 454 termination removed at MSC 1 side and 114 terminations done at MSC 2 side.
2. New cables laid for 29 E1 streams
29 X 8 (2 limbs for trans and 2 limbs for receive at both system side and transmission side) = 232 termination done at MSC 2 side.
3. New cables laid for 4 OMCRTs and terminated and 4 convertors relocated.
4. Number creation done at new MSC for 17453 subscribers.
BSC side:
1. Physical configuration done for 113 number of BTSs .
2. 113*3 = 339 cell creation done for radio part.
3. 354 carrier configuration done.
4. BTS dip switch changed and configured for 23 BTSs.
VLR side:
1. BSC - MSC connectivity configuration done for 339 cells.
2. Location Area Code configuration done for 16 SDCAs.
3. VMSC created for 16 SDCAs.
4. Adjacent Office created for 16 SDCAs.
5. Tandem link, link set, route, office id, PCM created for 16 SDCAs.
6. Trunk Group, route set, route chain created for 16 SDCAs.
7. Calling group created for Tirunelveli, Tuticorin and Nagercoil subscribers.
8. 16 * 3 = 48 DAS created.
9. 48 DAS Entries created.
HLR side:
1. Number segment created for 250 levels.
2. Virtual HLR configuration done for 250 levels.
1. DC Amps : 200 Amps at Madurai
40 Amps at Tuticorin (Remote BSC merged with MSC at Madurai)
2. AC Amps : 1 number of 10TR AC Package unit can be switched off.
3. E1 Streams : Approximately 100 E1s and 1 number of STM -1 ( MSC1-ENR TM / 9 optical) between MA WLL MSC and MA STR Ellis Nagar already worked for TVL,VGR, TT and NGC SSAs Tandem circuits.
4. AMC for 3 BSCs and 1 MSC reduced.
5. The charges claimed by VENDOR for merger work avoided.