^[%G Welcome to ^[[0;34mFedora^[[0;39m

Press 'I' to enter interactive startup.

Starting udev: ^[%G^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Setting hostname HPCNL-SR-4: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

mdadm: No arrays found in config file or automatically

Setting up Logical Volume Management: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Checking filesystems

/dev/sda1: clean, 434282/6406144 files, 4631644/25600000 blocks

^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Remounting root filesystem in read-write mode: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Mounting local filesystems: mount: mount point /proc/xen does not exist


Enabling local filesystem quotas: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Enabling /etc/fstab swaps: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Entering non-interactive startup

ip6tables: Applying firewall rules: WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.

^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

iptables: Applying firewall rules: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting auditd: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting portreserve: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting system logger: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting irqbalance: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting rpcbind: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting system message bus: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting Avahi daemon... ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Initializing OpenCT smart card terminals: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting cups: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting acpi daemon: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting HAL daemon: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting PC/SC smart card daemon (pcscd): ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Setting network parameters... ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting NetworkManager daemon: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting NFS statd: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting RPC idmapd: WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.

WARNING: Deprecated config file /etc/modprobe.conf, all config files belong into /etc/modprobe.d/.

^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting Bluetooth services:^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting sshd: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting sendmail: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting sm-client: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting console mouse services: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting crond: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting atd: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

Starting libvirtd daemon: ^[[60G[^[[0;32m OK ^[[0;39m]

xauth: (stdin):1: bad display name "HPCNL-SR-4:1" in "add" command

New 'HPCNL-SR-4:1 ()' desktop is HPCNL-SR-4:1

Starting applications specified in /root/.vnc/xstartup

Log file is /root/.vnc/HPCNL-SR-4:1.log

grep: /proc/xen/capabilities: No such file or directory