The Friars Education Team

Title / Name / Ext.
Assistant Medical Director (Teaching) & Honorary Sub Dean: / Dr Hywel Jones / 48018
Local Faculty Lead Quality / Educational Governance / Mr Ahmed Shandall / 44124
Local Faculty Lead for Trainer & Trainee Support / Dr Yvette Cloete / 2877
Foundation Programme Director: / Dr Francis Subash / 48250
Deputy Foundation Director: / Dr Stuart Linton / 48250
Programme Directors in General Practice: / Dr Julie Keely &
Dr Sasha Robinson / 48125
Head of Medical Education / Linda Coe / 48127
PA to Dr H Jones & Linda Coe: / Caroline Newman / 48250
Deputy Head of Medical Education / Rosanna Carnevale / 48143
Deputy Centre Manager: / Sarah Davies / 44588
Foundation Programme Administrator: / Caroline Newman / 48250
Centre Manager / Simulation / Kerry James / 48124
Courses Administrator: / Lucy Hodkinson / 48122
Dental/Study Leave Administrator: / Lucy Hampton / 48142
Postgraduate Administrator: / Jessica Collins / 48125

The Library and Undergraduate Team

Block 7

Title / Name / Ext.
Librarian / Liz Field / 48134
Assistant Librarian / Kate Bedborough / 48135
Library Assistant / Lauren Jones / 46235
Library Assistant / Kayleigh Cooper / 48133
Title / Name / Ext.
Undergraduate Manager / Maria West / 48149
Undergraduate Administrator / Maxine Nash / 48150
Undergraduate Administrator / Laura Hodkinson / 44511

The Friars Education Centre is open

Monday – Friday 7.30 am – 17.00 pm

All Health Board staff are provided with swipe card access to the Centre

Staff are happy to offer advice and assistance

Ext: 48125 / 44588 / 48122 / 48142




(01633 234234)

Induction Programme

Wednesday 5th August 2015

Commencing 07.45 am


The Friars Education Centre

Royal Gwent Hospital

A buffet lunch will be provided


07.45 am Registration & Breakfast

08.45 am Welcome to Aneurin Bevan Health Board

Dr Paul Buss, Medical Director

Ms Judith Paget, Chief Executive (Via Video Conference Link, RGH)

09.15 am Resuscitation Update

Resuscitation Team (FP2 Doctors first)

10.45 am FP2 E-Portfolio & Assessments

Dr Francis Subash, Foundation Programme Director

11.30 am Clinical Workstation

Brenda Chetcuti / Julie McEwan

13.30 pm Wards / Departmental Inductions

(Please check times & venues)

ADMINISTRATION 07.30 am – 13.30 pm

Maple ID Badges Linda Hadigate / Kate Webb

G, Room Medical Recruitment Colin Huxtable

G. Room Occupational Health Jane Cann, Occupational Health Nurses

Dental Switchboard Catherine Howells / Steven Pringle

Dental Library Elizabeth Field, Library Team