
James M. Hoefler, Ph.D.

Professor, Department of Political Science

Coordinator, Policy Studies Program

Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA 17013

(717) 245-1311

Academic Degrees

• Ph.D. (1988), M.A. (1987), Political Science; SUNY at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.

• B.S. (1977), Mechanical Engineering; Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY.

Academic Employment History

• Professor (2001-present); Associate Professor (1995-2001); Assistant Professor (1989-1995), Department of Political Science, Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA.

• Coordinator, Policy Studies Program (1990-present); Chair, Department of Political Science (1997-2000), Dickinson College, Carlisle, PA.

• Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Niagara University, Niagara Falls, NY (1988-1989).


• Understanding Illness and Health: A Liberal Arts Reader. (Forthcoming in 2008).

• Managing Death, Boulder, CO: Westview Press (1997, 2nd printing 1999), 210 pp. [Editorial Review (The New England Journal of Medicine, January 29, 1998)]

• Smoking and Politics: Policy Making and the Federal Bureaucracy (5th ed., w/ 1st author A.L. Fritschler, Ph.D.), Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall (1995), 180 pp.

• DeathRight: Culture, Medicine, Politics, and the Right to Die, (w/ 2nd author B. Kamoie, JD, MPH), Boulder, CO: Westview Press (1994), 291 pp. [Editorial Review (The New England Journal of Medicine, February 2, 1995)]

Program Evaluation

Program Evaluation -- Activity Based Physics Faculty Institute (ABPFI: 2005-2009). Ongoing.

Program Evaluation -- Final Report: Teacher Leader Institutes to Support the Dissemination of Activity Based Physics Teaching Methods (2000-2003), National Science Foundation Teacher Enhancement (NSF-TE Program Grant No. ESI-9819626 (2004), 91 pp.

Program Evaluation -- Final Report: Dickinson Summer Seminars on Teaching Physics Using Interactive Teaching Methods and Computers (1990-1997), National Science Foundation (various grants), Fund for the Improvement of post Secondary Education (various grants), and Department of Education (DOE R215D-30295) (1999), 96 pp.

Academic Web Sites

Tube Feeding Options at the End of Life: A Consumer and Caregiver's Guide to End-of-Life Decision Making.

• Web site to accompany Points of View: Readings in American Government and Politics (9th, 10th ed.), R.E. DiClerico and A.S. Hammock (2003, 2005):

Public Service Web Sites

• Talk of the Town: Co-coordinator of this regional speakers bureau (2001 - present).

• Dickinson - Carlisle Web Project: Working together with students to create over 60 local business and community organization web sites (1997-present).


Making Decisions About Tube Feeding for Severely Demented Patients at the End of Life: Clinical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations, Death Studies 24:3, pp. 233-254 (April-May 2000).

Terminal Dehydration as an Alternative to Physician Assisted Suicide, (w/ Greg Lewis, MD), a response to Miller and Meier, Voluntary Death: A Comparison of Voluntary Death and Physician Assisted Suicide, Annals of Internal Medicine 129:12 (December 15, 1998).

Ready To Die? Sorry, Too Sick -- The Great Debate Over Physician Assisted Suicide Becomes Moot in the Details, editorial in the Pittsburgh Post Gazette (February 11/98; p. A 23).

• Tired of Living; Feared of Dying, written review for The Gerontologist 38:2 (1998).

Diffusion and Diversity: Federalism and the Right to Die in the Fifty States, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, 24:3, pp. 153-170 (Summer 1994)

The Politics and Economics of Health Care Reform, co-editor and co-author of an article for a scholarly journal symposium on health care finance (w/ K. V. Thai. Ph.D.), Journal of Health and Human Resources Administration, 16:2; "Introduction," pp. 115-120; article, pp. 121-143 (Fall 1993).

The Right to Die: State Courts Lead the Way Where State Legislatures Fear to Tread, (w/ 2nd author B. Kamoie, JD, MPH), Law and Policy Journal 14: 4, pp. 337-380 (October 1992).

Total Quality Management (TQM) in Hospital Administration: An Old Set of Ideas Whose Time has Come? in The New England Journal of Human Services, 11:1, pp. 20-29 (Fall 1992).

A Barrage of Campaign Ads for State and Local Office; in State Government: CQ's Guide to Current Issues and Activities 1991-1992, pp. 102 106 T. Beyle, editor (1991).

Advertising in the Presidential Primaries on Cable Television: Something to Look for in '92; PS: Political Science and Politics 24:1, pp. 45-47 (March 1991).

The Coming Revolution in Campaign Advertising: Playing the Cable Card; Governing: The States and Localities, p. 70 (July 1990).

Cable Television Advertising in Subnational Elections; Comparative State Politics 11:12, pp. 37-42 (April 1990).

Cable Advertising in Political Campaigns; Inside Politics: NC (1:14/15, February 12/26, 1990).

Competing Approaches in the Study of American Federalism & Intergovernmental Relations (w/ 1st author D. Rosenthal, Ph.D.); Publius: The Journal of Federalism 19, pp. 1-23 (Winter 1989).

Reforming the Local Delivery of Employment & Training Services, discussion paper series, SUNY Buffalo Faculty of Social Sciences, 33 pp. (May 1987)

Recent Research Grants and Awards

• Dickinson Distinguished Teacher of the Year award (2003)

• Research and Development Summer Research Grant: $5000 stipend for research on the right-to-die (1997 and 1999)

• Honorary Member, Omicron Delta Kappa, National Honor Society (1996)

• Research and Development Summer Research Grant: $4000 stipend plus $1500 travel grant for research on the right-to-die (1995)

• Kappa Sigma/Pi Beta Phi Distinguished Faculty Member Recognition (1994)

• Mellon Foundation Research Grant: $4000 for research on the right to die (1992)

• Mellon Foundation Research Grant: $4000 for research on the right to die (1991)

• Purdue Archives Teaching Grant: $350 archival grant for materials from Purdue's C SPAN collection (1991)

• Excellence in Teaching Award: Dickinson College Chapter of Omicron Delta Kappa, the national service and honor society (1990)

• Honorary Member, Alpha Lambda Delta: National Freshman Honor Society (1990)

• Summer Research Grant: $1400 Dickinson College grant for original research on quality control management in hospital administration (1990)

Invited Presentations

• Ethical Dilemmas at the End of Life, Keynote Speaker, Harrisburg Area Community College Honors Banquet:, (April 25, 2002).

Presidential Polling; Presidential Elections, League of Women Voters (Carlisle Area) and American Statistical Association (Harrisburg chapter) joint meeting (November 14, 2000).

Refusing Food And Hydration: A Way of Hastening Death, 5th Biennial World Conference On Assisted Dying, Boston, MA (August 31 September 4, 2000).

• Death, Dying, and the Law (invited lectures), University of Maryland (Baltimore) Law School, two part lecture series presented to a class on “Law and Medicine” (September and October 1998; October 1999).

• Death, Dying and Assisted Suicide, at the 5th Annual Gerontology Conference, sponsored by The Medical Educational Council of Pensacola and West Florida Senior Health Services, Destin, FL: “Geriatric Care in the New Millennium,” (February 20, 1999).

Issues in End-of-Life Decision Making, University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioethics, Philadelphia, PA (October 1996).

Do We Have a Right to Die in America?, International Association of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, Acapulco, Mexico (February 1995).

Professional and Academic Association Presentations

• Dickinson Alumni Club presentations: Boston, Washington, DC, Wilkes Barre, PA (2004); London (2005)

• Clarke Center for the Interdisciplinary Study of Contemporary Issues (7 times)

• Carlisle Hospital Medical Staff (4 times), Carlisle, PA

• PA Chapter of the American Statistics Association, Carlisle, PA

• American Society of Public Administrators, Western NY Chapter, Buffalo, NY

• Carver High School, Philadelphia, PA

• Penn State, Mont Alto, PA

• Edinboro College, Edinboro, PA

• Waynesboro College, Waynesboro, PA

• Wyoming State Correctional Facility, Attica, NY

• Carlisle-Dickinson Club

• Dickinson College Alumni Weekend (4 times)

• Public Affairs Symposium at Dickinson (3 times)

Civic and Religious Organization Presentations

• Carlisle Ministerium, Carlisle, PA

• Dickinson Presbyterian Church, Dickinson Township, PA

• St. John’s Episcopal Church, Harrisburg, PA

• West Shore Soroptomist Club, Camp Hill, PA

• Kiwanis, Lions, and Rotary clubs, Carlisle, PA

• St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church (twice), Carlisle, PA

• 1st Lutheran Church, Carlisle, PA

• Bosler Free Library, Carlisle, PA

• St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church, Carlisle, PA

• Tressler Lutheran Services, Mechanicsburg, PA

• KGU radio (debate), Honolulu, HI

Professional Meeting Presentations

Internships that Connect: Discovering Deeper Ties Between On- and Off-Campus Learning. American Association of Higher Education Annual Conference, Atlanta GA (March 18-21, 2005).

Voluntary Terminal Dehydration: Unconventional Policy Formulation and Implementation, 20th Annual Meeting of the Association for Politics and the Life Sciences, Washington, DC (August 31 - September 3, 2000).

Religious Perspectives for the New Millennium: Voluntary Terminal Dehydration and End of-Life Decision Making, 22nd Annual Conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, Charlotte, NC (April 6-9, 2000).

Managing Death: An Undergraduate Course in Policy Studies (poster), 21st Annual Conference of the Association for Death Education and Counseling, San Antonio, TX (March 11-14, 1999).

• Terminal Dehydration: A Peaceful Passage at the End of Life, 20th Annual Conference of the Association of Death Education and Counseling (ADEC), Chicago, IL (March 19-22, 1998).

• Dehydration and End-of-Life Decision Making, at the American Association of Bioethics, Society for Bioethics Consultation, and Society for Health and Human Values conference: “Visions for Ethics and Humanities in a Changing Health Care Environment Joint Meeting,” Baltimore, MD (November 5-9, 1997).

• Restraint, Activism, and Mediation: A New Way to Think About Public Policy Analysis (paper), Northeast Political Science Association, Newark, NJ (November 1993).

• The Politics and Economics of Health Care Finance: Tough and No Easy Answers (paper), Southeast Conference on Public Administration annual meeting, Montgomery, AL (1992).

• Women, Minorities and the Job Training Partnership Act: Equity in Service Delivery, or Just Going Through the Motions (paper), American Political Science Association Meeting, Chicago, IL (1992).

• Public Policy and the Status of the Right to Die in the 50 States (paper), (w/ 2nd author B. Kamoie, JD, MPH), New York Political Science Association Meeting, Buffalo, NY (1992).

• The Right to Die: Courts and Cases (paper), (w/ 2nd author B. Kamoie, JD, MPH), Northeastern Political Science Association, Philadelphia, PA (1991).

• The Impact of Performance Management on Service Delivery: The Case of Medicare Mortality Rate Analysis (paper), APSA Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA (1990).

• Issues in Performance Management: A Comparative Analysis of the JTPA & the Health Care Financing Administration's Medicare Mortality Rate Analysis (paper), APSA Annual Meeting, Atlanta, GA (1989).

Professional Activities

• Suffering, death and palliative care: Advanced European Bioethics course, Radboud University, Nijmegen Medical Centre, the Netherlands (2.28.08 - 3.1.08)

• 16th International Congress on Care of the Terminally Ill, Montreal, Canada (9.27.06 – 9.29.06)

• World Federation of Right to Die Societies 16th Biennial Conference, Challenge in Choice, Toronto, Canada (9.07.06 – 9.10.06).

• Carlisle Hospital Annual Symposium on Biomedical Ethics: Presentation on Physician Assisted Suicide (2000, 1999); Conducted hospital-wide surveys and made presentations to plenary sessions on survey results and biomedical ethics developments (1996, 1997).

• Review Panel Member: Resolving Disputes Over Life-Sustaining Treatment: A Health Provider's Guide, Thomas L. Hafemeister and Paula L. Hannaford, National Center for State Courts, Williamsburg, VA.

• Journal Referee: Death Studies, Death Studies, Publius: The Journal of Federalism, Commonwealth, Policy Studies Review

• Book Reviewer: U. Cal. Press, Berkeley, CA; Westview Press; Roman & Littlefield (2); Taylor and Francis; Temple University Press; McGraw Hill; Prentice Hall.

• Founder and Moderator: STATEPOL, an email discussion list on state politics with over 200 scholars subscribing (1990-1995).

Media Commentary

• Television: WTXF (Fox, Philadelphia, PA), Pennsylvania Cable Network (PCN, Harrisburg, PA); The Talk Channel (New York, NY); WITF (PBS, Harrisburg, PA); WHTM (ABC, Harrisburg, PA); WNEP (ABC, Scranton, PA), York Cable Access Television (York, PA).

• Print: The Economist; New York Times; Chronicle of Higher Education; Pittsburgh Post Gazette; Philadelphia Inquirer; Boston Herald; Portland Oregonian; Washington Times; Associated Press; United Press International; Gannet News Service; Knight Ridder; Harold News (Joliett, IL); Virginian Pilot (Richmond, VA); Sentinel (Carlisle); Evening Sun (Hanover); Landsdale Reporter (Landsdale, PA); North Hills News Record (Warrendale, PA); Valley News Dispatch (Tarentum, PA).

• Radio: Regular commentator on WSMB, New Orleans; individual commentaries on BBC; Radio Liberty; Radio Free Europe; Minnesota Public Radio (statewide); and stations in Phoenix, AZ; Sacramento, Victorville & Bakersfield, CA; Grand Junction, CO; Washington, DC; West Palm Beach, FL; Columbus, GA; Indianapolis, IN; Champagne, IL; Davenport, IA; Detroit, Kalamazoo & Ann Arbor, MI; Kansas City, MO; Missoula, MT; Albany & New York, NY; Grand Forks, ND; Harrisburg, Carlisle, State College & York, PA; Nashville, TN; Green Bay, WI and Bogota, Columbia.

Professional Associations

• Policy Committee, Carlisle Area Health and Wellness Foundation (2007 - )

• Bioethics Committee, Carlisle Regional Medical Center (1992 - ); Carlisle Hospital Biomedical Ethics Symposium Steering Committee (1996 - present).

• Keystone Health Services ethics committee (2000 - 2002).

• Association for Death Education and Counseling (1998 - 2002).

• American Bioethics Association (1997-2004).

• Association of Death Education and Counseling (ADEC 1997-2003).

Courses Taught

• Political Science: Research Methods; Polimetrics and Research; Introduction to Political Science, Quantitative Reasoning.

• American Subfield: American Politics; Legislative Process; State & Local Politics; Federalism & Intergovernmental Relations .

• Public Policy: Managing Death; Public Policy Analysis; Policy and Leadership; Public Administration; Policy Studies Foundations; Policy Studies Senior Seminar; Cross-cultural Communications.

• Freshman Seminar: Historic Restoration (2000), Public Debate (1991); Public Speaking (1990, 2005, 2006).

College Service

• Planning and Budget Committee (2006-2009); Chair 2007-2008

• Liaison, The Washington Center (TWC) partner program (Dickinson's Semester in Washington program: 2000-present).

• Chair: Political Science Department (1997-2000).

• Program Coordinator: Policy Studies Program (1990-1995; 1997-2007); conducted ten-year review of the major (1994, 2007) and interim review (1997).

• Hong Kong Summer Immersion, program co-director (2004, 2006); London Summer Immersion, program director (2001, 2005).

• College-Community Connections Committee member (2000 - 2004).

• Strategic Planning Group (1999-2000).

• Admissions and Financial Aid Committee: (1997-2000, Chair: 1998-1999), member of the Admissions strategic planning subcommittee (1977).

• Recent Search Committees: Dean of Students (2004); Director of Career Services (2003); Director of Institutional Technology (2000); Director of Media Relations (2000); Vice President for Enrollment Management, Director of Admissions, and Web Manager (all in 1999); Director of Institutional Research, Director of Financial Aid, and Financial Aid Leveraging Consultant (all in 1998).

• Student Affairs and Services Committee (1991-1994) and member of the “Depot Committee” to oversee planning of the replacement for the “Lumberyard” (Spring 1994).

• Steering Committees: Clarke Center (1993-1995; 1997-present); Center for Public Speaking (1998 - present); Center for Community and Regional Studies (1997-1998).

• Club Advisor: Dickinson College Circle K Club (college-level Kiwanis club, 1998-1999; 2006-present); Delta Sigma Phi fraternity interest group (1993-1995); Equality House (1994-1995).

• Academic Advisor: Averaging over 70 advisees/year; advised over 80 interns, four honors students and ten independent study students over the course of 11 years (1989 2000).

Community Service

• Domestic Violence Services: Fund raising by running marathons (Pittsburgh Marathon, May 2001, $3,800; Chicago Marathon, October 2002, $3,700; Akron Towpath Marathon, October 2003, $3,700).

• FlexPoints for Project Share: Worked with Policy Studies students to raise over $10,000 in unused FlexPoints for the local food bank (1997-present).

• Carlisle Kiwanis Club, Carlisle, PA (1995-2004).

• Politics: Executive Committee, Cumberland County Democratic Committee (1999 - present); Candidate, 31st State Senate District (1996); Media Consultant, “Jarvis for the 199th” (Pennsylvania House of Representatives, 199th Legislative District; March - November 1992).

• Make-A-Wish Foundation of America, Lancaster County Chapter, Capital Area Division (Vice Chair, Board of Directors & Speakers Committee Chair), nonprofit foundation, grants wishes to children with life threatening illnesses (1989- 1991).

• Volunteer Friend, made home visits, provided meals and gifts, and conducted day trips for developmentally disabled adults (1982-1989).

• Volunteer Escort, People & Places, Inc., a nonprofit organization that arranges vacations for developmentally disabled adults; planned & escorted two 2-week-long vacation trips with 8 developmentally disabled adults (1986-1988).

• Previous Military Service: Major, United States Air Force (USAF) Inactive Reserve, (1989-1995); Captain, USAFR, New York Air National Guard: Weapons Systems Operator (WSO), F-4C and F-4D Phantom (1983-1989); Captain, USAF: Navigator and Radar Navigator, B-52G (1977-1983).

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