Minutes of Leixlip Area Committee meeting held at 2.00 p.m. on Friday, 16th September 2005 in St. Mary’s, Naas, Co. Kildare as adopted.

Members Present:Mayor J. McGinley, Councillors S. Griffin, P. Kelly, G. Mc Donagh.

Officials Present:V. Cooke, Meetings Administrator, J. Lahart, Director of Service, and other officials.


Adoption of Minutes

The Minutes of 15th July 2005 were adopted on the proposal of Councillor McGinley seconded by Councillor Mc Donagh.

Progress Report

Public Lights, The Harbour, Maynooth

The committee asked to have a meeting with Waterways Ireland as this is a public safety issue as broken lights are not being replaced. A meeting is to be arranged before the next area committee meeting.

Resolved that the committee be informed when this meeting has been arranged.

Provision of a residential car park for Cedar Park
Councillor McGinley has requested that the car-park be re-designed as he had obtained a cheaper proposal.

Back Lane, Old Greenfield
J. Lahart said that this work would be completed.

CCTV cameras at re-cycling centre, Maynooth

The council has accepted a quotation for the purchase and installation of a CCTV system at this location. The council requires access to the use of facilities belonging to the Health Service Executive at Larine House in order to install the system. The Environment Section have received approval for such access and the matter is being treated as a priority.

Drawing for Main Street, Maynooth

It was agreed that two lanes would go eastward from Mill Street to Main Street. Amended drawings required to show this.

Temporary Lights at Church in Maynooth

These lights are not suitable at this location as this is a dangerous junction at Moyglare Road near the entrance to Dunnes Stores. Councillor McGinley asked for an independent opinion and safety audit to be carried out. Councillor Griffin has concerns on this layout and the footprint of the building and asked that the council check if the footprint is impeaching on the development.

Amenity Lands, Maynooth

Councillor Griffin asked that a copy of the transfer documents be sent to the VEC.

Wonderful Barn

The legal advisors for the Council and Albany Homes hope to be in a position to have the matters outstanding in relation to wayleave agreements and access to the site finalised within the next two/three weeks. The completion of the outstanding matters will allow for the transfer of amenity land at Barnhall, Leixlip, Co.Kildare under Section 47 agreement in accordance with the Planning and Developments Acts 2000 – 2004.

Wall at Pound Park, Maynooth

Councillor Griffin said that there are two walls in Pound Park and outside half of one wall is a cottage. The council are requested to come to an arrangement with the owner of the cottage.

Matters arising from the Minutes

1. Northern Relief Road
Councillor Kelly received a map in relation to an alternative route. Councillor Griffin suggested that this could be a submission for the development plan.

5. Bus Shelter at Maynooth
The members requested that the bus shelter be constructed.

6. Footpaths at Dublin Road/Doctors Lane, Maynooth
The members requested that footpaths be provided from the development levy scheme. The meetings administrator said that Finance Section are working on a prioritisation programme. The committee requested a report on this.

11. Right of Way – Glendale Meadows
The members requested copies of letters issued to the deputation.

16. Playgrounds in Leixlip and Maynooth
The members requested that a notice be erected stating that it is for ages 0 – 16 and lighting also be provided.

18. Flooding in Leixlip
J. Lahart said that works in Ryevale and Duncarraig to be done shortly.

8. Meadowbrook Link Road
J. Boland said that the works which have commenced at Beaufield should be finished next week and we should be in a position to open this shortly.

9. Bond Bridge
J. Boland stated that the tendering process had concluded and the main contracts would be signed next week. Councillor McGinley and Councillor Griffin congratulated the Director and staff in Road Design on this achievement and asked for this to be conveyed to them. J. Boland thanked the area committee for their support and said that he would have to bring a report of further funding to them.

Leixlip Bridge
Traffic arrangements are working well and the scheme would be completed next year.
Kildare Bridge
J. Boland said that this scheme will be completed in May 2006. Councillor Kelly said that there was some controversy on the removal of trees here. J. Boland said that he was not in a position to give a detailed reply and that some trees had to be removed due to the process which was regrettable but gave assurances that trees will be replanted.


Question – Councillor Griffin
With regard to the area action plans for Maynooth what can we as councillors do in order to bring about some delivery with the Carton and Harbour Plans?

The meetings administrator read a report stating that a meeting with the Leixlip Area Committee is to be held on 21st September to discuss and update the members on the above plans.


Question – Councillor Griffin
What is the present position with Satchwells amenity land?

This was dealt with in the progress report.


Question – Councillor Griffin
Has the Counci/Manager met with Mr. Paul Doyle regarding the outstanding issues

for the handing over of the amenity land at Carton Avenue?

The meetings administrator said that a meeting has been arranged with the County Manager and Mr. Doyle for Monday, 19th September.


Question Councillor McGinley
What measures have been taken to extend Confey Graveyard, Leixlip?

The meetings administrator read a report that there are no proposals to extend this cemetery at present. The council plans to extend cemeteries at Newbridge, Monasterevin, Celbridge and Derrinturn in 2006. The question of further cemetery development will be examined in 2006 having regard to the overall financial situation and the need for extensions at several locations.


Question Councillor McDonagh

What is the expected date for the review of the Maynooth and Leixlip Parking Bye Laws?

Maynooth Bye Laws would be reviewed in 2006. No date was set for the Leixlip review.


Question Councillor Mcdonagh
When do the Road Design Section expect the promised traffic management/calming

designs will be available for the entrance to Laurences Avenue from the Celbridge Road?

J. Boland to report back to the members on this.


Motion – Councillor McGinley
That Kildare County Council demand of the owners of Weston Aerodrome and the Irish Aviation Authority that they implement noise abatement and safety procedures at Weston aerodrome in line with those in place at most airports large and small worldwide. The appropriate procedures with regards to Maynooth are that aircraft exiting Weston aerodrome to the west should track south of the M4 Motorway, and that aircraft approaching Weston from the west should track north of Maynooth. Furthermore, all aircraft operating out of Weston aerodrome should be instructed to fly no lower than the regulation 1,500 ft. (QNH altimeter setting), which equates with approximately 1,750 ft. above sea level at Maynooth. Adherence to these procedures will considerably enhance the safety of the residents of Maynooth. We further demand that the Irish Aviation Authorithy and Weston aerodrome put monitoring procedures in place to ensure that these noise abatement and safety procedures are fully complied with. Moreover, as there is no systematic procedures in place to monitor the activities of aircraft out of Weston aerodrome in the skys over Maynooth, we demand that a monitoring regime is put in place to ensure that all aviation regulations and local noise abatement and safety procedures are fully complied with.

The meetings administrator read a report that the Irish Aviation Authority have sole responsibility for safety procedures, noise at the aerodrome and the route/direction of air traffic. The planning Authority will ensure compliance with planning permissions granted within its jurisdiction and that the standards of the County Development Plan are maintained. The members requested a special meeting with the Irish Aviation Authority, Weston Aerodrome, the Department of Transport, the Department of Defence and the Leixlip area committee to discuss Councillor McGinley’s motion before the next area meeting.


Motion Councillor McGinley

That safety measures be put in place at St Mary's Boys National School, Maynooth to


  • the re-demarcation of the bus bay area and double yellow lines which are practically invisible
  • the installation of permanent signage showing bus bay operation times, similar to that installed outside the girls national school
  • the installation of black decorative poles on the pathways adjacent to the Moyglare Road, similar to those on the pathways on Main Street, Maynooth. This would be a continuation of the aesthetic appeal of the Maynooth town centre.


Motion – Councillor Griffin

That the same conditions pertaining to the bus bay at the Convent national school be applied to the bus bay at the boys school on the Moyglare road, Maynooth, and that the markings be renewed as a matter of urgency

It was decided that these two motions would be taken together.

The meetings administrator read a report that this will be done by the area engineer and the schools can submit the times required for bus parking to the area engineer’s office.


Motion – Councillor Mc Ginley
That this Council arranges a meeting without any further delay between Waterways

Ireland, Kildare County Council, ESB and Royal Canal Amenity Group in order to

confirm the scope of works to be undertaken by the various parties on the installation and maintenance of public lighting at The Harbour, Maynooth (The scope of works was agreed at a previous meeting in June 2002, but nothing happened as nobody took ownership of this project which is in the interest of public safety).

This was dealt with already.


Motion -Councillor McDonagh

What outdoor staff does the Area Engineer have available to her in the Northern Engineering Area and how does that compare to the other 4 Engineering Area’s.

The area engineer said that there were 20 general operatives and 3 general services operators in the Northern Area office.


Motion – Councillor Kelly
That the new bridge over the canal and railway at Leixlip (part of the Celbridge interchange road) be named “Matt Goff Bridge” to commemorate the great Leixlip and Kildare G.A.A. player, the 50th anniversary of whose death occurs on the 19th March 2006.

The meeting was informed that this was an issue for Leixlip Town Council.

Motion - Councillor Griffin

That the roads engineering section devise safety measures for those vehicles who have to turn right at the Dunboyne/Confey road tee junction (opposite Confey GAA club).

The meetings administrator read a report that this has been referred to the Roads Design Team. Councillor Griffin asked that this be given urgent priority and asked that a report be available for the next meeting.


Motion – Councillor Griffin

Some months ago the area committee were promised a report on the safety of the junction at Pikes Bridge and the Dublin road opposite Carton House entrance. I am requesting that this report be circulated to the area councillors.

The meetings administrator read a report that a road safety audit was carried out earlier this year. Many of the issues identified have been dealt with while the remainder will be attended to within the next month.

Resolved that a copy of the audit be circulated to the members.


Motion – Councillor McDonagh

Can the area committee invite NTL in to discuss the provision of a service to Loughnamona Estate.

J. Lahart said that NTL could be invited in.


Motion -Councillor McDonagh

That the Council invite the stakeholders of the North Kildare Sports Centre at Collinstown to a meeting, in order to update the area committee on progress to date and to arrange agreements with them on the overall project.

Councillor McDonagh has recently been co-opted to the Leixlip Amenities Group and would like agreement from all concerned groups and requested assistance from the council.


Motion -Councillor McDonagh

Leixlip Area Committee seek to meet with the appropriate Garda personnel in order to ascertain when they expect to have the new Garda Station available to them.

The meetings administrator said that the council would write to the OPW in relation to this.


Other Business
The meetings administrator wished to advise that there would be Register of Elector Clinics in Maynooth Library on 6th October 2005 from 3 – 7.30 p.m. and in Leixlip on 26th September 2005 from 3 – 7.30 p.m.

A meeting of the committee has been arranged for the 21st September 2005 in relation to the Development Plan.

Councillor McDonagh had €6,700 left from his discretionary funding and the Area Engineer asked could she use this funding for the Beaufield Road; this is a pre requisite for the Meadowbrook Link Road to open and he was happy to do this.

The meeting concluded.

Minutes of Leixlip Area meeting of 16th September 2005