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Fritz Goldman, PhD

Experience –Physics / 2007–Today National Science Foundation grantee
Unaffiliated Research Scientist
·  Research funded by the National Science Foundation as an Unaffiliated Principal Investigator. Project No. DMS-0507745: “Collective behavior of complex systems with long-range effective interactions: a network approach.”
·  Published 7 research papers in peer-reviewed scientific journals during the project.
·  Organized minisymposium at the 2007 SIAM Conf. on Appl. of Dynamical Systems.
·  Developed collaborations with more than 15 scientists in the US and abroad.
2004–2007 ESAM, Ivy League University
Post-doctoral Fellow
·  Researched systems presenting spatio-temporal chaos, the XY model, and the Kosterlitz-Thouless transition with Prof. Hermann Hughs; and Faraday patterns and multi-agent swarming systems with Prof. Mary Steele.
·  Published 5 research papers in peer-reviewed sci. journals during the appointment.
2002–2004 Cliff Hanover Institute, University of Bigville
Post-doctoral Research Associate
·  Researched systems presenting finite-time singularities with Prof. Leo Small and dynamics on networks and swarms with fellow postdoc Dr. Jeff Aldana.
·  Responsible for organizing & running the Computations in Science weekly seminar.
·  Published 4 papers in peer-rev. sci. journals during the appoint., one as sole author
Other Activities
·  Published papers and citations: More than 22 research papers (cited 144+ times in total) published in high-impact peer-reviewed journals, in diverse areas: Swarms, network dynamics, finite-time singularities, space-time chaos, Bose-Einstein condensation, superfluid dynamics, cosmology, computational techniques, etc.
·  Peer reviewing and refereeing for APS journals, Elsevier journals, and others (Physical Review Letters, Physical Review A, B, and E, Physica D and A, etc.). Project review for Fondecyt (Chilean science and technology development fund).
Experience – Teaching, Lectures & Student advising / March 2011 Bigville Cultural Center – Ars Scientia Salon
Salon speaker and organizer
·  Organized and to present main lecture at the Ars Scientia cycle salon: “Waves, Beats and Groove: The Physics of Music”.
2007–Today ESAM (Applied Math), Ivy League University
Student advisor / supervisor
·  PhD co-advisor (with Prof. Mary Steele) of Mr. Daniel Kiefer (Applied Mathematics student) on decentralized coordination algorithms for autonomous swarming robots.
·  Study-group supervisor of the Interdisciplinary Nonlinear Dynamics IGERT 499 Study Group (Integrative Graduate Education & Research Traineeship NSF Program): Swarming, Flocking, & Applications to Multi-Robot Systems.
·  Undergraduate summer research project co-supervisor (with Prof. M. Steele).
2002-2003 Physics Department, University of Bigville.
Substitute lecturer
·  Substitutes Prof. Leo P. Small in Advanced Mathematical Methods of Physics lectures (advanced graduate level course of the Physics PhD program).
1993-1995 Science and Engineering, University of Chile
Teaching assistant in charge of discussion sessions
·  Introduction to Physics for the Science and Engineering B.Sc. program (1st year) at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile.
·  Classical Mechanics for the Science and Engineering B.Sc. program (2nd year) at the Faculty of Physical and Mathematical Sciences of the University of Chile.
Other Activities, Conferences, and Seminar Presentations (1999–Today)
·  More than 40 talks presented at conferences & seminars in the US, Canada, Mexico, Chile, France, Great Britain, Belgium. Including 15+ invited ones.
·  Several general-audience talks on scientific subjects in the US, France, and Chile.
Education / 1997–2001 University of Paris 7 & École Normale Supérieure
Ph.D. in Physics Lab. de Physique Statistique – Paris, France
·  Advisor: Dr. Marc-Etienne Brachet. Title: Bifurcations and instabilities in Bose-Einstein Condensates and Superfluid Flows.
·  Graduated with highest honors and congratulations from the thesis committee.
1996–1997 University of Paris 7 & École Normale Supérieure
Diplôme d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA) in Astrophysics
1991–1995 Universidad de Chile – Santiago, Chile
Licenciatura en Física (roughly equivalent to a B.Sc. in Physics)
·  Graduated with honors.
1992-1995 Private Classes – Santiago, Chile
Electric Bass Guitar & Musical Theory
·  Private classes with renowned Chilean jazz bass player Carlos de Santiago.
Technical Proficiencies / ·  Scientific Software: Mathematica, GnuPlot, basic Matlab
·  AV software: Logic Studio, Steinberg Cubase, Ableton Live, Propellerhead Reason Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Premiere, Sony Sound Forge, Sony Vegas, CD Architect
·  Office Software and OS: PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Front Page, Unix, Linux
·  Programming languages: C++, Java, Fortran, Pascal, Basic, Mathematica
·  Mathematical and Numerical techniques: Nonlinear equations; bifurcation theory; complex networks; stochastic systems; statistical analysis; chaos theory; field theory; normal forms; spectral, finite-difference, adaptive-mesh, and Monte-Carlo methods; hydrodynamic calculations; molecular dynamics; agent-based simulations; etc.
Awards, Honors, & Memberships / Memberships: American Physical Society (APS), Division of Fluid Dynamics (APS-DFD), Soc. for Industrial & Applied Mathematics (SIAM), honorary member of ACHAYA (Chilean association for amateur astronomy), musician member of Broadcast Music Inc. (BMI).
Awards Science: Awarded a National Science Foundation 3-year competitive Research grant (Award No. DMS-0507745). Paper highlighted as frontier research by Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology. Awarded competitive 5-year full PhD scholarship by French Government. Awarded highest honors & congratulations by PhD thesis committee.
Awards Arts: Prize Winner at 2009 Artist Forum Electronic Music Competition, awarded 2008 CAAP (Community Arts Assistance Program) grant. With Makers of Sense: Selected as one of URB Magazine’s Next 1000 upcoming artists in 2011; voted Bigville’s Best Experimental Act by the Bigville Reader in 2011.
Languages / Spanish (Native speaker), English and French (Fluent spoken, read and written), German, Portuguese and Italian (Basic understanding)
Further Information / References available upon request

Last updated: May 2011