Dear Parent(s)/Guardian:

My name is Mrs. Lithyouvong and I teach English at Beaumont High School. I look forward to working with you and your child to achieve the most we can this year.

Your child’s best effort can only be accomplished with your help. I will provide a safe and inspiring environment in which students may learn. If there are any concerns that you, or your child, have during the course of the year, please do not hesitate to contact me. Good communication fosters good teamwork.

In addition to the school-wide rules, I have just a few rules specific to my class:

·  Arrive ready and on-time: be in your seat with materials when the bell rings

·  Keep the classroom clean

·  Respect others: listen and be constructive in any comments/remarks and keep your physical and personal property to yourself

My teacher webpage will be available soon. In the meantime, class news will be available on Zangle Parent Connect. Once my website is up and running, it will contain homework and class lesson information. I will update it frequently so it can be used as a helpful resource. I encourage parents and students to access them at any time.

Email is a great way to contact me. I check my email frequently and can often respond to email more quickly than I can respond to a phone call. Of course, if you need more personal contact you can always call to make an appointment for an individual conference.

I look forward to our partnership in helping your child in being successful this year.


Marianne Lithyouvong

Phone: 951-845-3171


Entering class

You will enter quietly, go directly to your seat and start working on the “bell work” assignment on the board.

Exiting class

Teacher dismisses the class, not the bell. All students must be in their seats in order to be dismissed.

Questions/Comments in class

Participation in class expected and encouraged. Raise your hand before speaking or asking a question.

Group work

You will divide into groups as assigned by the teacher and form groups quietly and quickly. You will participate in the group discussion and respect others’ viewpoints.

Turing in papers/Supplies

All papers (including late work) should be turned into the plastic drawers according to your period number. Feel free to use any supplies available during class as long as it is not disruptive to the class. This includes sharpening pencils.

Paper heading

Your first and last name


Period #

Name of assignment


It is very important for you to be in class on-time, every day. This cannot be stressed enough; you cannot learn if you are not here. Please, attend class. Nevertheless, if you are absent, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and turn it in within two days following your absence. Tardies will result in detention.

How I mark daily/weekly assignments

Assignments marked with a check receive full credit. Other credit is marked at a fraction (7/10, 18/20, etc.). Late work will receive penalties unless previously arranged with teacher.

Bathroom use

Before school, brunch, lunch, and passing periods are intended as times to use the restroom; Bathroom passes will not be issued from ten minutes after the tardy bell to ten minutes before release bell. Any abuse in bathroom privileges may result in loss of privilege. Only one student at a time is permitted to use the bathroom.

Electronic Devices

Use of electronic devices during class is prohibited and will result in confiscation.

Mrs. Lithyouvong’s Class Syllabus


English, levels 9-12, are required classes for graduation. Students must pass both semesters of each class as per board policy. Students should do everything possible to be successful in this class; parents are encouraged to stay informed of assignments and grades through email, websites, Web Zangle and/or phone contact with me. I will do everything in my power to provide clear expectations, valid and academic instruction as well as guidance to the students in my classes.

General Information:

·  A working email account is needed for this class

·  A flash drive, Google account (to access documents), drop box, or some other similar method of saving files is HIGHLY recommended for your student

·  Students will need access to for this class and will be expected to use it successfully to receive credit for several assignments

·  Grades are updated weekly (Tuesday)

BHS English/ELL Department – Grading Policy

This grading policy has been adopted by the BHS English.ELL Department and approved by the administration. All teachers in the department will enforce it:

Grading Scale:

A 92.5 and above / C 72-5 – 77.4
A- 89.5 – 92.4 / C- 69.5 – 72.4
B+ 87.5 – 89.4 / D+ 67.5 – 69.4
B 82.5 – 87.4 / D 62.5 – 67.4
B- 79.5 – 82.4 / D- 59.5 – 62.4
C+ 77.5 – 79.4 / F 59.4 and below

Grades are based on overall percentages accumulated throughout the semester, not the average of the two quarter grades.

Credits: Per school policy, students who earn a D- or better will receive five credits per semester. Those who earn an F will receive no credits. Students who receive a C- or above in AP classes will receive an extra grade point.


Daily Assignments (including homework) 25%

Writing Assignments 25%

Classroom Assessments 25%

Benchmarks 25%

Late work: Assignments are due at the beginning of the period or when collected. Assignments turned in late will receive partial credit as follows: 50% of earned credit for up to 5 days.

No late work will be accepted for credit after the last school day of the semester.

Per the student handbook, students who miss class for a scheduled school activity (ex. Sports, field trips, etc.) must meet the same assignment deadlines as other students. Assignments scheduled to be collected the day of an event – that were assigned previously – are DUE ON TIME. Assignments may be given to the teacher directly or submitted to their box in the A building.

Make-up work:

·  Make-up work for a cleared absence of up to five school days receives full credit for up to five school days after the student’s return to class

·  When a student has a cleared absence longer than five school days, he/she is allowed one school day per day of absence to make up the work for full credit

Students who know that they must be absent for periods longer than five school days are encouraged to contact the attendance office in advance to request independent study.

Class Rules

  1. Students will respect the teacher, themselves, and other students and the classroom
  2. Phones must be turned off and put away during class. Phones confiscated must be picked up by a parent after a 24 hour hold period

3.  No headphones, hats, hoods, sunglasses, etc allowed

  1. All school –wide rules are in effect in this classroom


  1. Students receive a verbal warning
  2. Student will be issued detention and possible OCC time
  3. Student will be sent to OCC and parent contact made
  4. Students will be sent to an administrator and parent contact made

These consequences are flexible in that I will use any and all methods at my disposal to obtain the behavior I require.

Cheating: All students must always do their own work. Students involved in cheating on assignments or exams will receive no credit when cheating has occurred.

Research papers, essays and reports will be submitted to to be checked for plagiarism. When indicates that a student has plagiarized an assignment, it will receive reduced credit or no credit at all.

Extra Credit: Students are expected to participate in and complete the daily activities, assessments, and long-term projects that are prepared, presented and assessed by the teacher. These activities are designed to teach and assess the student’s understanding of the state standards and curriculum content. There are sufficient opportunities for each student to demonstrate their level of ability in a given grading period.

Contact: Parents/Guardians are encouraged to contact me whenever they can. Students should feel free to contact me before school, after class, or at another scheduled time.