Issue Date: May 13, 2015
Closing Date:June 10, 2015
NOFA 13-002-CD-ICP Page 1
Involuntary Commitment Program County Community Connections
April 10, 2013
Jeff Vitton
Community Development Program Specialist
Department of City Development
730 Washington
City Hall, Room 102
Racine, WI 53403
Phone: (262) 635-3320
Laura Detert
Community Development Compliance Specialist
Department of City Development
730 Washington
City Hall, Room 102
Racine, WI 53403
Phone: (262) 636-9476
NOFA 13-002-CD-ICP Page 1
Involuntary Commitment Program County Community Connections
April 10, 2013
City Development Website:
Applicant Information – Must Be Completed and Submitted by All Applicants
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Address: / Click here to enter text.
City:Click here to enter text. / State:Click here to enter text. / Zip:Click here to enter text.
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Return Applications and Required Attachments by 4:30 p.m., June 10, 2015
Department of City Development
730 Washington
City Hall, Room 102
Racine, WI 53403
NOFA 13-002-CD-ICP Page 1
Involuntary Commitment Program County Community Connections
April 10, 2013
The Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program is a United States Housing and Urban Development (HUD) program that provides communities with resources to address community development needs. Since its establishment by Congress in 1974, the CDBG program has been one of the longest continuously run programs at HUD. As an entitlement community and Participating Jurisdiction (PJ), the City of Racine Department of City Development receives annual funding allocated by HUD.
The Federal objectives of the CDBG Program are to provide the following, principally for persons of low and moderate income (LMI): decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanded economic opportunities.
Public Facilities & Infrastructure funding is available to government and established nonprofit organizations in operation for over two years, with successful implementation of other grant programs. CDBG Public Facilities funding is intended to aid in construction and/or repair of community facilities and/or infrastructurethat serves LMI areas and LMI citizens within the City of Racine.
For public services such as job training, youth programming, and crime prevention please see the City of Racine Public Services CDBG NOFA and Application. For capital improvement assistance to microenterprises or other for-profit entities when the recipient determines that such assistance is appropriate to carry out an economic development projects please see the Economic Development CDBG Application.
The City of Racine’s Department of City Development (hereafter referred to as the “City”) will provide reasonable accommodation to allow for equal participation in the Request for Proposal (RFP) application process. To request a reasonable accommodation, please contact Jeff Vitton at (262)635-3320 (Voice) or via e-mail at . This document will be provided in alternate formats, upon request.
This document contains active hyperlinks. Prospective applicants who are unable to access the Internet may request copies of the documents referenced in this RFP by contacting Laura Detert at
(262) 636-9476 (Voice) or via e-mail at . All documents will be available on City Development’s website.
In addition to providing required notification via the City’s publication of record, The Racine Journal Times, the City will provide notification to all known interested parties, and to other organizations and individuals currently on the Department’s e-mail distribution list.Any individual or organization wishing to be added to the Department’s e-mail distribution list in order to receive future notices of funding opportunities can make such a request by contacting Michelle Cook at 262-636-9151 or via email at . A copy of this Request for Proposal (RFP) will be posted to the departments website at
Failure of the City to notify any interested party or parties directly regarding the availability of this RFP shall not void or otherwise invalidate the RFP process.
The City of Racine is soliciting applications for Community Development Block Grant – Public Facilities and Infrastructure Projects to provide funding for eligible capital projects that benefit low-income communities and/or low-income people through the construction and/or repair of community facilities and/or infrastructure. Historically, this category has received a large percentage of the City’s overall CDBG allocation. Per the new Consolidated Plan - based upon empirical data and community input - funding has shifted from this category to Economic Development. In order to prepare for this transition, the 2015 funding levels are set close to the 2014 funding levels by utilizing Local Option funds for this funding category with the intent of tapering funding levels down over the five year plan implementation period. Partnering agencies should also be aware that infrastructure projects may still be eligible under the Economic Development funding category if the purposed project has a rational nexus with job creation.
This is a one (1)-year funding period (July 1, 2015 – June 30, 2016). Requests must be $50,000 or greater. Projects must be ready to start within ninety (90) days of contract execution and completed within twenty-four (24) months. Capital projects which are seeking multiple years of phased funding for the same project are strongly discouraged.
ProgramAnticipated Funding
CDBG: Public Facilities & Infrastructure $856,550
Of this amount $150,000 is planned to specifically target blight reduction.
The United States Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) program regulations require that citizens be given the opportunity to examine and appraise the City’s use of funds. Citizens are afforded an opportunity to participate by membership on the Community Development Committee (CDC) and by attendance at Board meetings throughout the review and recommendation process. All CDC meetings are open to the public and published on the City’s website. Members of the CDC establish priority funding categories based on the needs of the community, and are responsible for making funding recommendations for the use of the funds made available. A public hearing was held on April 22, 2015 allowing citizens to comment on the needs of low-income residents in the City of Racine.
Applicants will present their applications to the review panel and public as part of the review process, allowing applicants the opportunity to answer questions or clarify their project goals. A public comment period will occur after publication of preliminary funding recommendations by the CDC for CDBG – Public Service projects and is anticipated to run from June 22, 2015 – July 6, 2015to allow comment on the proposed recommendations.
Each year the City of Racine receives an allocation of Federal Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) dollars under the Housing and Community Development Act of 1974 (HUD). The primary objective of the program is the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing, a suitable living environment, and expanding economic opportunities, principally for low- and moderate-income persons(LMI) persons. Low- and moderate-income refers to household income at or below eighty percent (80%) of the area median income, as defined by HUD (seeTable 1 below).These federal funds are to be used to provide housing, capital improvements, community facilities, and economic development activities to improve living conditions in low-income areas and for low-income residents of the City of Racine, WI.
2014 Income Limits Summary:
FY 2014RacineCity, WI
FY 2014 Income Limit Area / Median Income / FY 2013 Income Limit Category / 1 Person / 2 Person / 3 Person / 4 Person / 5 Person / 6 Person / 7 Person / 8 Person
RacineCity / $68,600 / Extremely Low (30%) / $14,450 / $16,500 / $19,790 / $23,850 / $27,910 / $31,970 / $36,030 / $40,090
Very Low (50%) / $24,050 / $27,450 / $30,900 / $34,300 / $37,050 / $39,800 / $42,550 / $45,300
Low (80%) / $38,450 / $43,950 / $49,450 / $54,900 / $59,300 / $63,700 / $68,100 / $72,500
*These limits are revised annually, usually in December.
In the CDBG program, Public Facilities and Infrastructure projects are broadly interpreted to include all improvements and facilities that are either publicly owned or traditionally provided by the government, or owned by a nonprofit. CDBG-funded projects are to be operated in manner that makes them open and available to the general public. This includes neighborhood facilities such as food banks, community centers, firehouses, public schools, and libraries. Infrastructure includes streets; sidewalks; curbs and gutters: parks; playgrounds; water and sewer lines; flood and drainage improvements; parking lots; utility lines; and aesthetic amenities on public property such as trees; sculptures; pools of water; fountains, and other works of art. In the CDBG program, site improvements of any kind that are made to property that is in public ownership and comply with CDBG guidelines are considered to be a “public improvement” eligible for assistance under this category.
The long-term outcomes for Public Facilities & Infrastructure projects must either:
- Make infrastructure, housing, or shelter available or accessible to LMI citizens including those with special needs or disabilities; or
- Make services affordable to LMI citizens; or
- Improve communities and promote viability by removing slum and blight or other services that sustain communities.
Special requirement for City Department Applicants Only: Please note that federal regulations prohibit using CDBG funds to supplant (replace or substitute for) local or state funds for ongoing responsibilities of general local government. The intent of this federal regulation is to prevent local government from using the availability of federal CDBG dollars to reduce local funding commitments.
CDBG Project Requirements
In order to be eligible for funding under the CDBG Capital Projects program, an application must meet three (3) basic requirements:
The project must meet HUD’s CDBG National Objective (24 CFR 570.208 (a)),which is to benefit Low/Moderate Income(LMI) persons (see Table 1, above). In order for an activity to be eligible under HUD’s National Objective LMI, the activity must qualify under either 1) area benefit; or 2) limited clientele, as described in further detail below:
A.Area Benefit Activities (24 CFR 570.208 (a) (1))
Under area benefit the public facility or improvement must benefit all residents of an area where at least fifty-one percent (51%) of the residents are LMI.
Note: Prior to submittal of application, please contact Laura Detert at (262) 636-9476 to verify a particular area is in an LMI census tract or if an income survey must be done.
B.Limited Clientele Activities(24 CFR 570.208 (a) (2))
Under limited clientele activities at a facility must benefit a specific targeted group of persons, of which at least fifty-one percent (51%) must be LMI. This can be achieved by meeting one (1) of the following criteria:
1)Serving a group primarily presumed to be LMI by HUD: abused children, victims of domestic violence, elderly persons, severely disabled adults, homeless persons, illiterate adults, persons living with AIDS, and migrant farm workers 24 CFR 570.208 (a) (2)(a); or
2)Serving at least fifty-one percent (51%) LMI, as evidenced by documentation and data concerning beneficiary family size and income (see Table 1, above) 24 CFR 570.208 (a) (2)(b); or
3)Having income-eligibility requirements that limit the service to persons meeting the LMI income requirement, as evidenced by the administering agency’s procedures, intake/application forms and other sources of documentation 24 CFR 570.208 (a)(2)(c).
The project must address the priority established by the Community Development Committee (CDC) by meeting the needs of residents of Racine, WI. The priority for this funding category was established through the Consolidated Plan as:
- Priority: Improve neighborhood facilities, public services facilities, and infrastructure.
1)Projects may include street/sidewalk improvements, utility, or water system construction and or improvements.
2)Projects may include improvements to Parks.
3)Project may include improvements to buildings/property owned by non-profit corporations
The project must be an eligible activity under U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) regulations (24 CFR 570.200-570.204). EligibleCDBG Project Activities (24 CFR 570.201-204 but not including 24 CFR 570.201(e))must qualify under one (1) or more of the following activities:
- Basic Eligible Activities(24 CFR 570.201)
The following activities may be eligible if they meet the above stated National Objective (to benefit low-moderate income (LMI) persons):
1)Acquisition - Acquisition of real property by purchase, lease, or donation. Special procedures are required for acquisition of real property associated with a project. If your project includes acquisition of real property, please contact Laura Detert at (262) 636-9478 immediately (before you submit your application) about the regulations.
2)Disposition - Disposition of real property previously acquired with CDBG funds.
3)Public Facilities and Improvements - Acquisition, new construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation or installation of public facilities, and improvements. (Applicant must be legal owner of public facility being rehabilitated or improved.)
4)Clearance Activities - Clearance, demolition, and removal of buildings and improvements, including movement of structures to other sites.
5)Interim Assistance- The following activities may be undertaken on an interim basis in areas where determination has been made that signs of physical deterioration necessitate immediate action and that permanent improvements will be carried out as soon as practicable: repair of streets, sidewalks, parks, playgrounds, publicly-owned utilities and public buildings; or removal of garbage, trash and debris, including neighborhood cleanup campaigns, but not the regular curbside collection of garbage or trash in the area.
6)Payment of Non-Federal Share - Required in connection with a Federal grant-in-aid program undertaken as part of CDBG activities provided payment is limited to eligible activities.
7)Urban Renewal Completion- Payment of the cost of completing an urban renewal project.
8)Removal of Architectural Barriers - Removal of material and architectural barriers which restrict mobility and accessibility of elderly or individuals with disabilities.
9)Privately Owned Utilities - CDBG funds may be used to acquire, construct, reconstruct, rehabilitate, or install distribution lines and facilities of privately owned utilities.
- Eligible Rehabilitation and Preservation Activities (24 CFR 570.202)
The following activities may be eligible if they meet the above stated National Objective (to benefit low-moderate income (LMI) persons):
1)CDBG funds may be used to finance rehabilitation of:
- Privately-owned residential buildings and improvements;
- Low-income public housing and other publicly owned residential buildings and improvements;or
- Publicly and privately owned commercial and industrial buildings. However, assistance is limited to improvements to the exterior of the building or the correction of code violations.
2)Financial assistance through other grants, loans, loan guarantees, interest supplements, or other means may be provided for rehabilitation activities for the buildings described above, including:
- Assistance to private individuals and entities, including profit or non-profit organizations, to acquire for the purpose of rehabilitation properties for use or resale for residential purposes;
- Labor, materials, and other rehabilitation costs;
- Loans for refinancing existing indebtedness secured by a property being rehabilitated;
- Improvements to increase efficient use of energy in structures;
- Improvements to increase efficient use of water;
- Connection of residential structures to water distribution or local sewer collection lines;
- For rehabilitation carried out with CDBG funds, costs of initial homeowner warranty premiums, hazard insurance premiums, and flood insurance premiums for properties covered by the Flood Disaster Protection Act of 1973;
- Costs of acquiring tools to be lent to owners, tenants, and others who will use such tools to carry out rehabilitation;
- Rehabilitation services related to assisting participants in CDBG-funded rehabilitation activities, such as rehabilitation counseling, energy auditing, preparation of work specifications, loan processing, inspections, and other services;
- Code Enforcement – Costs incurred for inspection for code violations and enforcement of codes in deteriorating or deteriorated areas where such enforcement together with public or private improvements, rehabilitation, or services to be provided may be expected to stop decline of the area;
- Historic Preservation- Rehabilitation, preservation and restoration of historic properties, publicly or privately owned. Historic properties are those listed in or eligible to be listed in the National Register of Historic Places, listed in state or local inventory of historic places, or designated as a state of local landmark or historic district by appropriate law or ordinance;
- Renovation of Closed School Buildings – Rehabilitation of closed school buildings for use as an eligible public facility or to rehabilitate such buildings for housing; or
- Lead-based paint activities– Removal of lead-based paint.
- Special Economic Development Activities (24 CFR 570.203)
Economic development activities may be undertaken by organizations ensuring that the appropriate level of public benefit will be derived before funds are authorized. Special economic development activities do not include assistance for the construction of new housing. Eligible Special Economic Development activities may include costs associated with project-specific assessments or remediation of environmental contamination.
1)CDBG funds may be used for Special Economic Development activities which include but are not limited to:
- Acquisition, construction, reconstruction, or installation of commercial or industrial buildings, structures and other real property, equipment, and improvements; and,
- Provision of assistance to private for-profit businesses, including, but not limited to, loans, loan guarantees, interest supplements, technical assistance, and other forms of assistance.
- Special Activities by Community-Based Development Organizations (CBDO)(24 CFR 570.204)
A Community-Based Development Organization (CBDO) can be either a non-profit or for-profit corporation that meets the requirements of 24 CFR 570.204 and is designated as a CBDO by the City to carry out special economic development activities.
1)The funded project activities may include those listed as eligible under 24 CFR 570 Subpart C. For purposes of qualifying as a project, the funded activity or activities may be considered either alone or in concert with other project activities either being carried out or for which funding has been committed. To carry out a project means that the CBDO undertakes the funded activities directly or through contract with an entity other than the grantee, or through the provision of financial assistance for activities in which it retains a direct and controlling involvement and responsibilities. The activities are: