Amity Township Board of Supervisors Meeting Minutes for July 2, 2008
AmityTownship Board of Supervisors
July 2, 2008
Call to Order/Pledge to the Flag
The July 2, 2008 meeting of the Amity Township Board of Supervisors, held at the MunicipalBuilding, 2004 Weavertown Rd., Douglassville, Berks County, Pennsylvania, was called to order at 7:02 PM by Chairman Richard Gokey. The following were in attendance:
Richard Gokey, Chair
Kim McGrath, Vice Chair
Scott Stepp
Robert Yanos
Paul Weller
Charles E. Lyon, Manager
JoAnne Sowers-Smith, Secretary/Treasurer
Joan London, Solicitor/Kozloff Stoudt
ANNOUNCEMENTS- Recycling will be picked up on Saturday because of the holiday.
Representatives from Hess presented their plans for a new store and pumps. The trash area will be confined by a gated enclosure to rectify the problems with loose trash. The plan will improve stormwater drainage and will have a better overall appearance. The building will grow from 2800 square feet to 3500 square feet. The applicant needs relief from the setback requirements due to the nature of the property. Mr. Weller stated he was concerned about the clear sight triangles. Mr. Yanos stated he felt the front of the property should remain open. Mrs. McGrath moved, seconded by Mr. Gokey to recommend approval of relief to the Zoning Hearing Board. Motion passed 5-0.
The meeting was adjourned to executive session upon a motion by Mr. Yanos and seconded by Mrs. McGrath and duly passed at 7:12PM to discuss personnel issues.
The meeting reconvened at 8:26PM.
TOLLGATE ROAD REALIGNMENT The Benfields of 412 Old Swede Road were present to voice their opinion on the realignment of Tollgate Road. They stated that they didn’t want the road any closer to their house and asked that the road be moved to the other side of the street where the land is not developed. They were concerned about the increase in traffic and the difficulty in getting out of their driveway. Mr. Gokey stated that this is an important relocation project to make the intersection safer. He stated the Township had hired traffic engineers to design the road and that the Township had to follow PennDot guidelines. Mr. Yanos stated that the Township could do more speed enforcement in that area. The Manager stated that he was waiting for the solicitor to draw up the easement agreements.
MAPLEWOOD PAVING PROJECT Ralph Fulton of 114 Maplewood Drive asked how the curbs would be constructed. Mr. Gokey explained that it is done by a machine that pours the curb in a continuous motion. The aprons will be done at a separate time. Mrs. Okuniewski stated that their was a discrepancy in the frontage measurements. She had a copy of the plot plan that showed each lot was 71 linear feet. Mr. Gokey stated that the Township will go out with surveyors and know to the inch how much footage everyone has. She stated she wanted everyone to pay the same.
Mr. Yanos moved, seconded by Mr. Weller to approve the minutes of June 18, 2008. Motion passed 4-0-1. Mrs. McGrath abstained.
Moved by Mrs. McGrath, seconded by Mr. Gokey, and passed to approve the following disbursements:
Disbursements:$ 79,097.17 General Fund
$ 55,530.08 Sewer Fund
$ 2,138.45 EDU Fund
$ 6,319.59 Traffic Impact North Fund
$ 8,817.87 Liquid Fuels
$151,903.16 Total
Mr. Lyon presented a report on the interest rates the Township is paying on its debt. The rates are all very favorable. He also presented his 6 month financial analysis of the budget. He stated that the Board still needs to be frugal with spending.
Age Restricted Ordinance-Mr. Weller moved, seconded by Mrs. McGrath to authorize the advertising of the age restricted ordinance. Motion passed 5-0.
Recreation FeesRisa Marmontello stated that the Rec Board had recommended that the Rec fees be increased to at least $2500 for residential and maintain the same amount for commercial. Mr. Gokey stated that CCRC developments should be considered commercial. Mr. Yanos asked if the Rec fees would hinder any commercial or age-restricted developments from coming to Amity. The Board discussed whether the fees could be waived or reduced for commercial developments. Ms. London stated she would research whether the fees could be waived or reduced on a case by case basis. The Manager cautioned the Board that 2 developments would be submitted shortly. Mr. Yanos moved to table. Motion passed 4-1. Mr. Weller opposed.
Mr. Yanos moved, seconded by Mr. Weller to approve the purchase of engineered wood carpet for the parks at approximately $2000. Motion passed 5-0.
CODE ENFORCEMENT The Code Enforcement report for June was presented to the Board.
Ag Security Area Ms. London stated she had received a letter from the Shirey’s attorney stating that the Shirey’s property should be made part of Amity’s Ag Security Area. The Manager stated that the Solicitor was to send letters to all the other applicants to state the deemed approval.
Ms. London presented an ordinance adopting appendices for the UCC for Mr. Loomis to review.
Fire Alarm Maintenance Agreement Mr. Weller moved, seconded by Mr. Gokey to purchase the fire alarm inspection package. Motion passed 5-0.
ManagerMr. Lyon noted that the improvements in regards to the Tollgate realignment are all being done within the public right-of-way.
There has been a slight delay in the Maplewood paving project. The concrete contractor, Sauder Bros. cannot bridge the span with their equipment for the curb, so another contractor is being hired to do the curbing. Mr. Lyon stated that there had been an accident at the site. A plywood “bridge” had collapsed while a resident was walking over it. The resident refused EMS service. LTL inspected the site and required some of the planks to be replaced. The contractor was instructed that the excavated dirt could not be used in the recycling material for the road. The Manager reported that the road crew had started postings for the HC zoning amendment. Mr. Lyon reported that ReadingHospital had submitted a sketch plan. He mentioned that a resident from Morlatton and Berkshire Roads had called about speeding on their roads. The resident asked if she could put up “Keep Kids Alive, Drive 25” signs. The Board had no objection, but asked the Manager how the signs would fit within the Township’s ordinance. Mr. Lyon reported that Comcast had filed a petition with the FCC, they claim they don’t have enough customers in the Township to be regulated. The Fire Marshall had asked for additional funds for training. The Board was not in favor since it had not been budgeted. The Manager reported that he had received information from the Conservancy regarding the Forest Stewardship grant money. The Township would not be required to implement the program from the study, but could not implement a plan different from what was determined by the study if the Township takes the grant money. Mr. Gokey moved, seconded by Mrs. McGrath to complete the application from the Conservancy and submit the required Resolution. The Manager will draft the Resolution and submit to the Solicitor for review. Mr. Lyon stated that there may be a meeting with PennDot regarding the Hearthstone HOP. Mr. Gokey stated he would like to attend. The Manager reported that he had spoken to Mr. Haring regarding the appraisals for Tollgate Road and the Monocacy Creek Interceptor properties. He had also stated he was interviewing other appraisal companies to be used as a backup firm. He reported that the Greater Berks Development Fund is very interested in the industrial area near Limekiln. Mr. Lyon reported that he was looking into a group that is pursuing grant funds to convert existing traffic signals into more energy efficient ones.
Chief of Police Chief Roy reported that the police were participating in a Smooth Operator program on 422. He reported that someone had put up offensive posters in the Township. The officers on duty were assisting RobesonTownship with a situation where someone was barricaded in their home. Mr. Weller inquired about a speed measuring device. The Chief stated it was an Enrad device and cost about $4500. He would provide the Board with information regarding it. Mr. Gokey stated that Maplewood Drive must be a priority for speed control. Mr. Yanos asked if the Chief could look into the sight distance for the corner of Maplewood and Postal Road.
Supervisors-Mr. Stepp asked about a missing sign for the bridge on Weavertown Road. The Manager thought the road crew had it.
Mr. Yanos moved, seconded by Mr. Stepp to approve hiring an agency to do the search for a new police chief and maybe one other ranking officer. Motion passed 5-0.
Mr. Gokey stated he had attended a graduation ceremony for 3 residents of Villa at Morlatton, and had attended the grand opening of their additional units. He stated the Township should encourage this type of development.
Terry Jones asked if ReadingHospital could be approached to pay for part of the Tollgate realignment and move the road to the other side of 662. The Manager explained that the improvement is a design symmetrical expansion. If the roadway is shifted the construction costs will increase dramatically.
Herb Burkhart asked about the woodchips and why they were so expensive. The Manager explained that there are specific criteria to be met with mulch that is put down in the park.
Mr. Gokey appointed Mr. Yanos and Mr. Stepp to serve on the Police Chief hiring committee. Mr. Yanos suggested that the committee follow the guidelines for interviewing as specified in the Manager’s letter. Terry Jones asked if there were minimum requirement standards. Mr.Gokey stated that would be up to the committee.
Gene Hafer asked about the previous meeting’s executive session. Ms. London stated that no official action was taken.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:22PM on motion by Mr. Stepp, seconded by Mrs. McGrath, and duly passed.
Respectfully submitted,
JoAnne Sowers-Smith