This IEP step-by-step guide has the latest information we have available to us. Please use this as a guide for completing your IEPs.

The “HELP”icon at the top of the SESIS page is a great gateway to many SESIS resources. It is also the section the SESIS Help Desk refers to when you call them.

The phone # for the SESIS help desk is718-935-2985. It is open Mon-Fri from 8am – 6pm.

  1. FIRST STEP – Notice of IEP Meeting
  1. Make sure that there are no documents in Draft. If there are, the documents must be finalizedbefore proceeding.
  1. You must first create and finalizetheNotice of IEP meeting and indicate the type of meeting (annual, three-year, reevaluation) before you create the IEP draft document.
  1. You also must send the due process letter with the notice of IEP meeting.
  • It is necessary to have 3 events/contacts (e.g., phone call, communication book, mail) indicating outreach attempts to parent in order to go forward with holding an IEP meeting.Each contact must be logged as an event in SESIS. Please be sure to make the event the day of the contact. We are not allowed to backtrack parent contacts.
  1. SECOND STEP – Creating/Working on the IEP Draft
  • You do not have to complete the sections in order; however, all bolded sections MUST be completed before you finalize.
  • All sections that are PINK/RED, bold, and/or have an asterisk (*) MUST be completed. They will turn YELLOW when completed.
  • IEPs should be finalized the day of the IEP meeting.

Sections of the IEP

The IEP consists of the following 15 sections:

  1. Cover Page
  2. Present Levels of Performance and Individual Needs (PLOP)
  3. Student Needs Related to Special Factors
  4. Measurable Postsecondary Goals
  5. Measurable Annual Goals
  6. Reporting Progress to Parents
  7. Recommended Special Education Programs/ Services
  8. Twelve Month Service and/or Program
  9. Testing Accommodations
  10. Coordinated Set ofTransition Activities
  11. Participate in State &District Wide Assessments
  12. Participation with Students w/o Disabilities
  13. Special Transportation/ Placement Recommendations
  14. Summary Page
  15. Attendance

Section 1: Cover Page

A lot of the information entered here will populate on the Summary Page.

  • There will be a checkbox stating: Is this IEP for an IESP student that needs 12 month services? Check “No”
  • You need to put in the date of the IEP meeting (must be the date you held the meeting).
  • You need to answer the criteria questions as follows: “Yes”, “Yes”, “No” in order to get the drop-down for the Disability Classification (Double check previous IEP for correct classification. Options for our children are usually AUTISM, MULTIPLE DISABILITIES, OTHER HEALTH IMPAIRMENT).
  • You will be able to check off questions about Medical/Physical alerts (health/nursing treatments during the day). If you check this, you must put a statement in the Physical Development sectionandtheManagement Needs section of the PLOP.

Section 2: Present Levels of Performance and Individual Needs (PLOP):

  1. Be mindful to include positive statements regarding the student!
  1. Always check spelling, grammar, and pronouns!

This section is broken down into many sub-sections:

Part 1: Evaluation results/assessments:

  • Must include at least 4 evaluative tools (formal and informal).
  • In this section - for alternate assessment students only - write:

“In addition to New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA), (name) will be assessed using the Student Annual Needs Determination Inventory (SANDI), Formative Assessment of Standards Task (FAST), data-folios, teacher observation, and data collection.”

  • Also list the scores, parameters and specific month and date (i.e., SANDI May 2016 Results) from the SANDI assessment for Reading, Math, Writing and Communication.
  • Vocational I assessmentsshould also be listed with a date, and completedbeginning when student turns 12 years old, and every year after that until they graduate.
  • Related service providers also need to list their evaluative tools in this section as well, including scores, parameters and dates of testing.
  • Identify the current grade level the student is performing on:

“Based on teacher observations and performance on alternate assessments, (name) is performing on a ______level for reading and a ______level for math.”

Part 2: Academic Achievement, Functional Performance & Learning Characteristics

  • In this section, the Classroom teacher, Speech teacher, and psychologist (if applicable) collaborate to give a complete cognitive and academic picture of the child. You may specify your part by writing: “In speech…” or “In the classroom…”
  • In the Academic Achievement section, begin with:

“(Name) is following an instructional program based on Alternate Grade Level Indicators aligned to the Common Core Standards.”

  • You MUST include the following 4 skill areas in this section:
  1. Reading
  2. Writing
  3. Math
  4. Activities for Daily Living (ADL)
  • Your information should come from assessments (SANDI, etc.) and evaluative tools only. Nosubjective information and no jargon (e.g., Johnny is a sweet boy) should be written! If using SANDI, you should not copy verbatim, and it’s best to report items that a student received a 3 or 4 on.
  • Last year’s IEP goals should be discussed, as well as progress toward goals.
  • Do not write the student’s current grade anywhere in the IEP. This is only used for general education students.
  • The Academic, Social and Physical Needs sections need to includeinformation about what goals will focus on (e.g., John needs to: engage in tasks by ...., identify ...... , answer "wh" questions, etc.). Thesesections also need to note parent concerns. If the parent did not report concerns, write “The parent did not report concerns at this time.”
  • Be sure to double check spelling and grammar!
  • DO NOT leave any areas incomplete or write ‘Not applicable.’

Part 3: Social Development:

  • If the child has counseling as a service, this section is completed in collaboration with the counselor. Speech teachers can also write in this section if a student has group services. Otherwise, teachers must complete this section.

Part 4: Physical Development:

  • List diagnosis, allergies, physical limitations, and if student is on a special diet.
  • OT and PT providers put information in this section. Make sure OTs DO NOT include ADL information in this section. It is ONLY to be discussed in the Academic section.

Part 5: Management Needs:

  • Strategies/techniques/accommodations student needs to help him/her throughout the day and to help make the student successful. This is also where alerts, services, mandates, paras, and BIPs are mentioned. These should be a bulleted list so they are easier to read. Also, new information should not be listed here. Everything listed in this section should have already been stated in the PLoP. For example:

At this time, (student) requires:

  • adapted materials
  • small, highly structured special class (6:1:1 program) in a specialized school
  • 12 month program
  • redirection/refocusing prompts
  • speech-language therapy (include mandate)
  • occupational therapy (include mandate)
  • school nurse services
  • 1:1 crisis paraprofessional
  • behavior intervention plan (BIP)
  • student uses individualized assistive technology to support communication needs

Part 6: Effect of Student Needs on Involvement and progress in the general education curriculum:

Add one of the following statements:

“At this time, (student) will participate in a (self-contained District 75 6:1:1 program) where (he/she) can be educated with age appropriate and ability similar peers with full time support from a special education team throughout the day to assist in adapting and modifying instruction.”


“Classroom lessons are adapted from the Common Core Learning Standards. Due to ______‘s academic and language needs, he is unable to participate in a General Education program at this time. His needs can best be met in a special class in a specialized school.”

Section 3: Student Needs Relating to Special Factors

  • Check “yes” for first two checkboxes including 'positive behavior supports’ if a student has a behavior intervention plan (BIP).
  • A“yes”to either question will bring up “other sections” at the end of theIEP, including aBehavior Plan & FBA that must be completed using separate documents. If the FBA and BIP do not show up as options in your IEP sections, click:

Set Document  Sections  Check off“FBA” and “BIP” and then click“Accept”. In each document, type “Please see SESIS documents”’ and remember to fax correct FBA and BIP forms into SESIS (Create new Document  Document Related to IEP  type in FBA/BIP and year into comment box CreatePrintFax Coversheet).

  • For question:“Does the student need a particular device or service toaddress his communication needs?” click “No.” Only click “yes” for students who have an assistive technology device.
  • ESL STUDENTS: “For a student with limited English proficiency, does he need a special education service to address hislanguage needs as they relate to the IEP?” Answer:“Yes”

Section 4: Measurable Postsecondary Goals

This section is completed beginning when student turns 15 years old.

Section 5: Measurable Annual Goals

After the first goal is entered, you must click on “Add new measurable goal” to create a new blank goal page.

  • At least 2goals are required to be from SANDI (1 ELA and 1 MATH).
  • SMARTSpecific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timely
  • Type in the sections (Math, Reading, Social, etc.) each time you write a goal.
  • SANDI should be used as the long-term goal. In parentheses, you need to include the SANDI # and Common Core Learning Standard reference (e.g., Speaking and Listening, etc.). DO NOT write the grade reference and abbreviation (e.g., K.RF.RI, etc.).
  • Do notuse different SANDI items as your short-term objectives. Break down your long-term goal to reflect supports needed to attain the goal.
  • For long-term goals and short-term objectives, supports should be listed and should be specific. If a student needs prompting to attain a goal, include the amount and type ofprompt level (e.g., no more than 2 verbal and 1 gestural prompt)and supports.If no prompt levels and/or supports are listed, it is implied that the student will be completely independent on meeting the goal.
  • Do notforget the APE goals (see APE teacher).
  • If student has a 1:1 crisis para, a behavioral goal must be included.Health paras do not require a goal at this time, but you can write one depending on the reason the student has a health para.

Method must include some kind of data collection (hard and soft data): Checklists, data collection sheets, performance assessment tasks. Do not use only Teacher/Provider Observations as it is not considered hard or soft data.

  • You must check “Yes” to Alternate Assessment if a student is not on standardized testing. This will bring up the short- term objectives section.
  • The goal should only have 3 short-term objectives; each objective is expected to be met by the corresponding progress report. The fourth progress report reflects the long-term goal.
  • Schedule when progress will be measured (reflects how many times you collect data):1 time per week for all classroom and related service provider goals (except for counseling, which is 1 time per month). This is the minimum everyone should be taking data.

Section 6:Reporting Progress to Parents

  • Click on “4 times per year”, then type in: “at the same time report cards are issued.” You must do it this way to bring up 4 updates, otherwise it reverts to the default setting which is 8 updates.

Section 7: Recommended Special Education Programs/Services

Special Education Programs and Services:

  • 1st click on Special Class.
  • Then click on “Other” from dropdown.
  • Then type in D75 Programs.
  • Under frequency, you must choose 8 times per day.
  • Location: Special Education Classroom.
  • Start Date is the day after the IEP meeting, unless there is a program change. Then the start date would be 10 days after the meeting.
  • Under Related Services when you put in group size, choose individual or other and thenchoose the correct group size from the drop down. Do not choose “group” from the dropdown! The default for “group” is 8 students. If you choose this, you will have to amend the IEP and correct this later!
  • All related service providers are to input and review their own mandates to insure they are correct.
  • Location for related services: Choose “Separate Location”, then type in “Across all school learning environments.”
  • Nursing servicesare also a related service. Nursing servicesinclude students who have medication on file (EPI PEN, etc.), are g-tube fed etc. through nurse, or have a 1:1 nurse. The servicerequires a whole approval process and forms to be completed.

You need to create the Nursing Referral in SESIS. There will be a drop down in red to choose “1:1 nursing services” or“non 1:1 nursing services”. Most students receivenon 1:1 nursing services (e.g., feeding, suctioning, etc.), but double-check with nurses.

When you receive documentation from nurses, fax into SESIS using the Nursing Referral document. When fax goes through, change the document from draft to review. When document is approved, make sure to include “School Nurse Services”on the Related Services page.

  • All students with a classification of“Autism” require“Parent Counseling andTraining”as a related service. Fill in sections as follows:
  1. Service delivery: Individual/Group service
  2. Frequency: 3 times per year
  3. Duration: 50 minutes
  4. Location: School Building
  • Supplementary Aids and Services:
  • This is where you put 1:1 Para.
  • Crisis Para justification: “Behavior seriously interferes with instruction and requires additional adult support.” An FBA & BIP are also required. Do not use the FBA and BIP templates in SESIS. See counselor for appropriate forms.
  • Health Para justification: “Due to student’s health issues, additional adult support is required.” Additional documentation required: A doctor’s note on letterhead, not an Rx pad, with a diagnosis/diagnoses and a rationale for a health para is needed. This has to be approved by Principal or your AP, and then faxed into SESIS as a ‘Document Related to IEP.’
  • IEP driven Assistive Technology Devices and/or Circumstances
  • This is where you choose from the dropdown the type of device the student uses: e.g., static display speech generating device, dynamic display speech generating device, etc.

Remember,DO NOT type the name of the device (e.g., Tech Talk 9, etc.) anywhere on the IEP

  • ESL Students: You must check off box for “ESL only”, unless student has an alternate placement paraprofessional. This will also show up on the summary page.

Section 8: Twelve Month Service and/or Program

  • You need to click “Yes” to “eligible to receive special education services duringJuly/August.”
  • And “Yes” to the next question to get the text box for the Justification Statement:

In order to maintain academic and social skills, (name) requires continuous programming over 12 months. Data indicates that ______will regress if (he/she) does not continue academic, social, and communication skills, with related services.

  • Then click on the box “Student will receive the same special education programs/services as recommended above.”
  • You must also complete the “Name of school/agency provider of services during July and August:” This is a dropdown. Select “NYC DOE Specialized School.”

Section 9: Testing Accommodations

This section is not completed for students on Alternate Assessment. For students on standardized assessments, testing accommodations do not begin until 3rd grade, so check the box that says “None.”

If a student is on standardized assessment but alternate assessment should be considered, talk with administration and school psychologist.

Teachers cannot change students from Standardized Assessment to Alternate Assessment at an Annual Review IEP meeting. The student’s case must be opened as a reevaluation with the school psychologist in order for the team to consider alternate assessment.

Section 10: Coordinated Set of Transition Activities

This section must be included in a student’s IEP beginning with the IEP that will be in effect during the year that a student is 15 years old or earlier if deemed it appropriate.

Section 11: Participate in State and District-Wide Assessments

There are 3 statements with checkboxes. Check “Yes” for all three statements. The 4th checkbox has 2 options to choose from, depending on the student’s current IEP:

  1. Standard Assessment
  1. Alternate Assessment. Most students in our building are on Alternate Assessment.

If you click “Alternate Assessment”, you must identify the Alternate Assessment: New York State Alternate Assessment (NYSAA), SANDI, teacher observation, data collection

Statement of why the student cannot participate in assessment:

  • Grades 3-8: “(Name)’s significant cognitive and language deficits preclude participation in the state and district-wide assessments of student achievement that are administered to general education students.”
  • Statement forGrades K-2: “(Name) is too young to participate in NYSAA, and will be assessed with NYSAA starting in 3rd grade.”

Section12: Participation with Students without Disabilities

  • …requires a special class in a specialized school with the support of related services.
  • …participates in Adaptive Physical Education (6:1:1or whatever ratio is applicable).

Section 13: Special Transportation/Placement Recommendation

If student has limited time travel, nurse on bus, air conditioning, a mini bus, etc., a transportation accommodation formand HIPAA must be completed and submitted before the IEP meeting. It is recommended to send these papers home with the student in the beginning of the school year so parent has time to get form completed by student’s physician.

  • Check “Yes” for first 2 checkboxes (“student requires special transportation accommodations”), check“No” for third checkbox (“if services are not a result of an Impartial Hearing”).
  • Double check previous IEP(s) for the current transportation accommodations.
  • Some options are listed and you just check them off such as AirConditioning.
  • We are no longer allowed to write “MINIBUS” on the IEP. We can write “bus with fewer students,” though paperwork must be submitted and approved. Make sure this information prints. Sometimes it drops off. This is a glitch.
  • You must finalize the IEP from this page to make surethe transportation info is there.
  • You must also complete the Placement Recommendation found at the bottom of transportation page: “NYC DOE Specialized School”

Section14: Summary