Dances for Music Class

The Pacifier:
0:00 Introduction—4 measures: Bounce on heels to the beat, snapping fingers on beats 2 and 4

0:08 A—12 measures: Step L, bring R to L, step L, bring R to L and clap; step R, bring L to R, step R, bring L to R and clap (2 measures)

0:38 B—8 measures: Variation of A, moving forward and backward.

0:49 A1—12 measures: Perform movements of A, but stand in place on the third beat of the fourth measure and twist.

1:14 A—12 measures: See above

1:39 Interlude—2 measure: same as introduction

1:43 C—8 measures plus 2 beats: Bend slightly at knees, extending both arms to the right side of body, and pull both arms across body to opposite side. Reverse directions for alternate measures.

2:00 D—8 measures: In measure 1, roll one fist over the other continuously; in measure 2, bounce on both heels for beats 1 and 2, extending left fist upward on beat 3 and right fist upward on beat 4.

2:17 D—8 measures: See above

2:34 D—8 measures: See above

2:50 C—8 measures: See above

3:08 A—12 measures: See above

3:33 A—2 measures: See above

3:58 D—until end of piece: See above

Patty Cake Polka

(Dance can be performed 8 times with recording)

Formation: Double circle, boys forming inner circle facing outward, girls facing partners

Introduction: 4 measures in 2/4 meter (8 beats)

Section Beats

A 4 Partners join hands. Boy faces left and begins with L foot, girl faces

right and begins with R foot. Both touch heel to floor, then toe. Repeat.

4  Partners take 4 sliding steps, moving counterclockwise around the

circle. Prompt beat 1-8, “Heel, toe, heel, toe; slide, slide, slide, slide.”

8  Repeats beat 1-8 in opposite direction, boy beginning with R foot, girl

with L foot. Prompt as above.

B 8 Partners release hands and face each other. Using the pattern

ti-ti-ta, partners clap right hands, left hands, both hands, pat own thighs.

8  Partners hook right elbows and swing once around. At end, boy moves

toward next girl to his left, who becomes his new partner as dance is repeated.

Circassian Circle

Formation: Partners stand side by side in a circle, with girls to the right of boys.

Section A:

Measures 1,2: All join hands and take 4 steps inward, raising clasped hands.

Measures 3,4: All take 4 steps backward, lowering their clasped hands.

Measures 5-8: Repeat the movements for measures 1—4

Section B:

Measures 9-10: All drop hands. Girls take 3 steps inward and then clap.

Measures 11-12: Girls take 3 steps backward and then clap.

Measuers 13-16: Boys repeat the movements for measures 9-12

Section A:

Measures 17-24: Partners join hands and swing for 16 beats.

Measures 25-32: With girls to the right of boys, partners join inside hands and promenade counterclockwise around the circle for 16 beats.

Hansel and Gretel

Formation: Pairs of children, one to be Hansel and one to be Gretel

Brother, come and dance with me. (Bow or curtsy to one another.)

Both my hands I offer thee. (Join both hands)

Right foot first. (Point right toe forward then bring it back to place)

Left foot then. (Same with left toe)

Turn around and back again. (Circle once around, hands joined)

(Hansel pretends to sing to Gretel)

(Gretel pretends to sing, showing Hansel the dance)


Virginia Reel

Formation: Contra formation; four or five couples in a set. Boys are on the teacher’s right, girls on his/her left. Partners face each other, about six feet apart.
8HONOR YOUR PARTNER – all take four steps forward with a bob-bow on the fourth step; all take four steps back to place;
8HONOR AGAIN – four steps forward with a bob-bow on the 4th, four steps back to place;
8RIGHT HAND SWING – partners walk forward, join right hands, walk around each other, then back to place;
8LEFT HAND SWING – partners walk forward, join left hands, walk around each other, then back to place;
8DO-SA-DO – partners walk forward, pass right shoulders, step sideways back-to- back around partner, then back into place;
8FIRST COUPLE SASHAY DOWN THE HALL – head couple joins both hands and slides down the center of the set to the foot;
8SASHAY BACK – same couple slides back to the head of the set;
8FOLLOW THE LEADER – everyone faces the head of the set. First (head) boy turns left, the first girl turns right, they lead their lines to the foot of the set. The head couple forms an arch, and those following walk around them and under the arch. Each couple, after going under the arch, joins both hands and slides back to place. There is now a new head couple and the original first couple is at the foot of the set
The dance should be repeated until each couple has been a head couple. Finish with a bow to partner.


Meas. (4 counts per meas.; i.e., 1-2 = 8 counts)
1- 2Beginning with boy’s left foot and girl’s right, move forward with a step, step, step, hop; step, step, step, hop; (The action is on the ball of the foot, and it is almost a slow run; the hop is on the same foot as the third step.) 3- 4Step-hop, step-hop; step-hop, step-hop; still moving forward. (Beginning with boy’s left foot and girl’s right.)
Practice this until the 1, 2, 3, hop and the step-hop, step-hop have become second nature; then add the variations.