Novel Tic-Tac-Toe

Please choose 3 novel response activities from the chart below to make Tic-Tac-Toe. You will have time inside and outside of class to complete your activities. Two of your choices will be done on paper. You will need to choose a program on the computer to complete the third activity. All activities, along with this sheet showing how you made a Tic-Tac-Toe are due on ______.

Write a critique of the book and or one chapter of the book. Be sure to give examples from the text to support your opinions.
(5.11A, 5.15B) / Write a sequel or prequel to the book.
(5.10H, 5.15C) / Create a list of at least 5 interview questions for one of the characters in the book and answer each question as you think the character would answer it.
Retell a major event from the story from a different character’s point of view.
(5.12H) / Write a summary of each chapter of the book on a separate sheet or PowerPoint slide and create a picture or clip art to go with each summary.
(5.10G) / Make a web of connections you made while reading this novel between this story and your experiences. (5.10A, 5.11C, 5.14A)
Explain what you think the author’s purpose in writing this book was.
(5.12C) / Make a test for your classmates over this novel. Include at least 10 questions, with a minimum of 5 multiple choice questions and 2 True/False questions.
(5.7C, 5.10K, 5.13A) / Rewrite the story problem in the book adding yourself as a character and include how you would solve the problem.
(5.11C, 5.14A)

Tips for Using this Activity

TEKS are in parentheses with each project.

This activity is best assigned at the beginning of a novel study, to be due shortly after students have finished a novel. Many of the projects can be worked on as they are reading.

Students can be given whole group or center time to complete their assignments.

The number of projects where students will submit an electronic project can be increased depending upon technology accessibility. Text projects can be completed on Alphasmarts in centers and then sent into Word.

The table can be reduced to a 2x2 table and students can choose 1 or 2 projects to complete depending on time constraints.

Projects can be moved around within the Tic-Tac-Toe board to mix up the choices by cutting and pasting.

Alternate activities are listed below. These are alternative projects that can be copied and pasted into the Tic-TacToe board. To use one of these activities:

  1. Highlight the activity below that you want to use.
  2. Go to edit  copy
  3. Highlight the activity in the Tic-Tac-Toe board that you want to replace.
  4. Go to edit  paste

Hint: Put the one you would like to be picked most often in the center.

More Possible Activities

Make a web of connections you made while reading this novel between this story and other stories. (11D)

Make a web of connections you made while reading this novel between this story and your experiences. (5.10A, 5.11C, 5.14A)

Write a newspaper article, including a picture and caption telling about a major event in the book. (5.8B)

Create a web illustrating the cause and effects of major events in the story. (5.10E, 5.10L)

Create a timeline of the major events in the novel. (5.10L)

Create a story map of the characters, setting, story plot, andproblem resolution in the story. (5.12I)

Write a letter to the author of the book. Include your opinion of the book and appropriate questions to learn more about how he or she wrote the book.

(5.11A, 5.12J)