Higher Level Teaching Assistant Status

Application Form, Summer 2017:

Preparation and Assessment provided byCAST

Section One: Personal Details
Full Name
Mr/Miss/Mrs / Address
Telephone / Email
Section Two: School Details
School Name / Headteacher’s name
School Address / School telephone number
Please note that applicants must be working in school settings working where children are not below 3yrs or adults above 19yrs. / infant
independent / School email
Local Authority
Section Three: Your role and experience
Please summarise your current role (within the last 12 months)
Please state length of service in school/s / less than 1 year (………………….months)
1-2 years
3- 5 years
more than 6 years
PLEASE NOTE This application is for HLTA assessment, this is not a training programme but a 3 day assessment workshop leading to a half day school based assessment visit. For further information please contact: or
Please indicate which ‘stand-alone’ qualification you hold at Level 2 in English and Mathematics
Qualifications which have elements of English and Mathematics as part of the whole are not acceptable.
For further information please access the HLTA National Assessment Partnership website / English/Literacy
‘O’ Level Grade……….
CSE Grade One (other grades not acceptable)
GCSE A* - C only
Adult Level 2 Pass
Other Please specify……………….
Qualification gained overseas (Please note that equivalence should be checked via UK NARIC) / Mathematics/Numeracy
‘O’ Level Grade……….
CSE Grade One (other grades not acceptable)
GCSE A* - C only
Adult Level 2 Pass
Other Please specify……………….
Qualification gained overseas (Please note that equivalence should be checked via UK NARIC)
You are required to staple photocopies of your certificates to this application form. These must be verified (signed and dated) by your line manager or headteacher.ApplicantsCANNOT attend a course unless they can provide evidence of qualifications.
Please note that your original certificates must be taken to Day 1 of the course
Section Four: Opportunities to demonstrate the HLTA Standards
When indicating ‘yes’ you should have at least some experience/understanding of the Standard. A response of ‘no’ would indicate limited or no understanding of the Standard in the role you have had for the last 12 months.
In your current role, do you… / Response / Standard
In your current role, do you… / Response
Yes / No / Yes / No
1. show you have high expectations of children’s learning and behaviour? / 18. have opportunity to plan your own role or make decisions about an activity?
2. build effective and supportive relationships with children? / 19. have strategies to ensure that learners are interested and motivated?
3. act as a role model for positive values, attitudes and behaviours? / 20. plan, in advance, how individuals will be included in the learning activity?
4. communicate with a range of different people (including children) and in different ways? / 21. have opportunity to select, prepare or create resources suitable for the learning activity or that support learners?
5. show that you recognise (directly or indirectly) the contribution that parents make to the development and well being of children? / 22. recognise when an activity should be adapted as a result of an identified misconception or other issue?
6. work collaboratively with colleagues and other professionals? / 23. monitor learners’ responses and give them personal feedback that will move their learning on?
7. take steps to improve your own knowledge and practice? / 24. have experience of a range of different assessment techniques, informal or formal?
8. understand some of the different factors that affect how children learn (e.g. emotional, physical, cultural, social or domestic) ? / 25. keep your own records of learner progress and access records in order to analyse?
9. use your knowledge of the children you work with to plan personalised provision to support their learning? / 26. have a range of different strategies to manage children’s behaviour?
10. have an area of expertise –an aspect of your role for which you have developed knowledge used to support learning? / 27. have examples of times when you have recognised situations that challenge equal opportunity, and responded accordingly?
11. See Section Three. / 28. use ICT directly with learners (e.g. interactive whiteboard, learning programmes, ICT equipment, etc) ?
12. use ICT in your role but not directly with children (e.g. internet, database, Microsoft Word for planning, email communication, etc) ? / 29. have examples of times when you have taught an individual and had an impact on their learning or development?
13. have some knowledge of a curriculum related ‘framework’ (e.g. National Curriculum, QCA schemes, ASDAN, Primary Frameworks) ? / 30. have examples of times when you have taught a small group and had an impact on the children’s learning or development?
14. know about the learning objectives, content and intended outcomes for the activities you support? / 31. have examples of times (at least 2) when you have taught a class normally taught by a teacher (but where the teacher was not present) and had an impact on their collective learning or development?
15. know about how your school works in line with the SEN Code of Practice as well as Disabilities Legislation? / 32. have examples of where you have had regard for the safety of learners?
16. have some knowledge of a framework related to the well being and protection of children (e.g. child protection, health and safety, race equality, etc) ? / 33. have opportunity to give instructions to other colleagues involved with supporting learning?
17. contribute to teachers’ planning in an informed way (e.g. make suggestions, etc) ?
Section Five: Programme
Please indicate you wish to apply for the programme and attend the preparation dates listed below:
Newick Teaching School,63 Allington Road, Newick, East Sussex BN8 4NB
Thursday 21st June 2018 - Day 1
Friday 22nd June 2018 - Day 2
Monday 9th July 2018 - Day 3
Sessions will begin at 9.30am and finish at 3.00pm
Additionally, there will be a school based half day assessment visit – date to be arranged.
Section Six: Supporting statement
In no more than 500 words, please summarise your suitability for HLTA Status (e.g. why you consider yourself to be working at a higher level; the impact of your support for learners, teachers and the school as a whole).
Section Seven: Headteacher’s contributionNote: This section could be completed by a line manager or senior member of staff. However, the head teacher needs to be aware and ultimately support the application.
In no more than 200 words, please confirm your reasons for supporting this application
Please confirm the following / I confirm that:
the claims indicated in Section Four are valid
the applicant has taught classes normally assigned to a qualified teacher without the teacher present, or will have by day 3 of preparation
the applicant works under the guidance and supervision of a qualified teacher
the applicant has the appropriate Level 2 Qualifications and copies of the certificates are attached
in school support will be provided for the applicant (e.g. a mentor)
we believe this candidate is working at a higher level
Section Eight: Funding arrangements
Funding arrangements / Payment for Babcock 4S programmes will be as follows:
The cost of this course is £745.00 broken down as follows: £295.00(VAT exempt)for preparation and £450.00(VAT exempt) for assessment.
Withdrawal from the programme must be confirmed 7 working days in writing, prior to the start date, otherwise a 50% cancellation fee will be incurred.
Please indicate below by marking the related box with an X, who will be funding the cost of this programme.
Payment required in advance. Please go to section 8)a for payment by bank transfer or cheque (payment will be taken only following booking confirmation)
 Employer
Local Authority
Following candidate’s approval onto a preparation course and assessment an invoice of £745.00, will be sent.
Please complete section 8)b below for the billing details.
Section 8)a (SELF-FUNDED)
Important – all self-funded applicants must fully meetthe criteria and their application endorsed by their head
Bank transfer
Please quote ‘HLTA/Surname’ as the referenceto:
HSBC Bank (Account No 51565583 / Sort Code 40-14-01)
Please make a cheque payable to CASTcpd Ltd
If paying by cheque, please include with the applicationform.
Section 8)b
Establishment Name: …………………………………………………………………………….
Billing Address: ……………………………………………………………………………………
………………………………………………………………..Post Code:………………………..
Finance Contact No: ……………………….Email: ……………………………………………
Purchase Order Number: …………………………………………………………………………
Approved by: Name Printed………………………. Signed: …………………………………
Position: …………………………………………….Date: ……………………………………….