English 10HName:

“Lamb to the Slaughter”Character in Conflict

Directions: Read the short story, “Lamb to the Slaughter” on pages 316 – 325 of the textbook. After you have read the story, answer questions #1 – 10 on page 326 and respond to the questions below. Write your responses in full sentences and include text-evidence to support your answers.

  1. How is Mary Maloney characterized in the beginning of the story?

Character Trait / Text Evidence
  1. What main conflict does Mary Maloney face?
  1. Identify the type of conflict: man vs.
  1. Describe both sides of the conflict.
  1. How does Mary Maloney deal with the conflict?
  1. Is the conflict resolved?
  1. Does this main conflict lead to other conflicts?
  1. What new character traits are revealed based on how Mary Maloney deals with the conflict?

Character Trait / Text Evidence

“Lamb to the Slaughter" Argument Assignment
Extra! Extra! An officer of Peabody’s Police Department was found murdered in his Lowell Street home last night. Detective Sergeant Jack Noonan reports that Officer Patrick Maloney was discovered in his living room by his wife Mary last evening. The cause of death has been determined to be blunt force trauma to the back of the head. However, in a twist worthy of a Hollywood screenplay, certain pieces of forensic evidence have given sufficient cause for police to arrest the victim’s pregnant wife for the crime. The apparent murder weapon: a frozen leg of lamb!
Directions:It seems that Mary Maloney’s giggling has given her away! The police overheard her, and under renewed questioning, Mary confessed to the murder. Now it is up to you to decide – is Mary Maloney guilty or innocent?
Situation: You are serving as a juror during Mary Maloney’s murder trial, and you must decide whether she is guilty or not guilty of the crime of First-Degree Murder.

*In criminal trials, the insanity defense is where the defendant claims that because of mental health problems (psychiatric illness or mental handicap) they were not responsible for their actions. The exemption of the insane from full criminal punishment dates back to at least the Code of Hammurabi, a well-preserved Babylonian law code, dating to ca. 1700 BC. The insanity defense is based on evaluations by forensic professionals that the defendant was incapable of distinguishing between (legal) right and wrong or appreciating the nature of his or her actions at the time of the offense. Some jurisdictions require the evaluation to address the defendant's ability to control his or her behavior at the time of the offense

Your Task:, You must choose a side to the case- will you argue that the murder of Patrick Maloney was a deliberate, premeditated (planned) act, or will you argue that Mary Maloney, under terrible pressure, was temporarily insane, and therefore not responsible for her actions?*Use the chart below to prepare for a debate that will take place in class on Tuesday, April 8.

Your Claim:

Quote/Example #1 / How does this quote your argument? Use persuasive verbs to convince the other jurors to take your side!
Quote/Example #2 / How does this quote your argument? Use persuasive verbs to convince the other jurors to take your side!
Quote/Example #3 / How does this quote your argument? Use persuasive verbs to convince the other jurors to take your side!