OUAC Annual General Meeting 2013

  1. Welcome address by Alex Probodziak OUAC President 2012-2013

Announcement of scores from yesterdays Varsity Matches and best wishes for following committee.

  1. Treasurers report by Richard Millar OUAC Treasurer 2012-2013

Started the year £2000 down but managed to end on the mark.

  1. Men's Captain report by Dan Hooker

Lost quite a few members last year but a good intake of Freshers more than covered for it. Some excellent performances from notable people at Freshers Cuppers.

Moving on to FEAR, we turned around close defeats from last year to finish the match with a considerable lead in the men's track while closing the differences in other competitions.

Outdoor BUCS was considerably better and had a far larger number of people who were selected (rather than volunteered) for events. Medals were highlights.

Unfortunately the Varsity Match is the one that counts and this year we came up short. At one point in the day the match was in the balance and it was testament to Cambridge that they had to bring around their international runner to break the deadlock.

There are some things that certainly could be done better, a competitive spirit is needed across all events with people fighting for selection in each event.

  1. Women's Captain by Nadine Prill

Again, a large number of fine athletes were lost but there were considerable fresher athletes who made themselves apparent at freshers Varsity. FEAR was a draw for the track, more cross-countries needed to provide a solid foundation. An unfortunate loss in the field. BUCS performances were excellent from some athletes, unfortunately injuries prevented some from competing.

Again, it was an unfortunate loss for the Women in the Varsity Match, mostly due to a lacking of depth, with many stand-out athletes but not enough people able to fill in positions.

Nominations & Elections of Committee:

President – Vartan Shadarevian

Men's Captain - Adam McBraida

Women's Captain – Katie Holder

Hon. Secretary – Craig Morten

Treasurer – George Gundle

Men's VC – Benjamin Conibear

Women's VC – Connie Thurlow

Fixtures Rep – Sam Trigg

Kit Rep – Jenny Richards

Men's Social Sec – Harry Parkin

Women's Social Sec – Montana Jackson

Webmaster – Craig Morten

Alumni Rep – Eleanor Gatehouse

The Standing Committee are nominated for Life Membership of the Club by Richard Millar.

The vote passes.

Changes to the Constitution

(1.1) Elle Gatehouse proposes that the President be made open to only those who have been on the Executive Committee of the club.

Under OUAC - “only existing committee members or anyone who has been on the executive committee shall be allowed to run for president. In the circumstance that no-one fitting that criterion puts themselves forward then it is open the entire club.

Freshers Rep role (non-Exec but pre-requisite for President(?)) is discussed to be created for Michelmas in order to bring any potential Second years into the leadership of the Club.

By a vote the original amendment (1.1) is passed.

Leaving President Alex Probodziak adjourns the meeting.