Council Meeting

2 March 2005

Crawley Borough Council

Minutes of Council

16/01/200402 March 2005


Councillor J G Smith (Mayor)
Councillor J Mortimer (Deputy Mayor)
Councillors / B K Blake, S A Blake, B M Brockwell,
K Brockwell, B J Burgess, R D Burrett,
C A Cheshire, B Clay, S M Cleeve, A C W Crane, D G Crow,
C L Denman, D English, R J Hull, I T Irvine,
S J Joyce, R A Lanzer, C C Lloyd, B MeCrow, J L Millar-Smith, D W Murdoch, K Neal, T Patel, B J Quinn, A J E Quirk,
C J Redmayne, G K Seekings, L A Seekings, A Sharma,
D J Shreeves, B A Smith, J Stanley and L A Walker.


Michael Coughlin / Chief Executive
David Covill / Director of Resources
Gary Jarvis / Head of Finance
Jim Redwood / Director of Environment & Housing
John Thraves / Director of Community Services
Pat Tinsley / Head of Democratic Service
Roger Brownings / Democratic Service Officer
60. Minutes

Subject to the correction below, the minutes of the meeting of the Council held on

5 January 2005 were approved as a correct record and signed by the Mayor:-

Correction to Page 12, Minute No. 58 (d) (Report of the Development Control

Committee – 8 November 2004)

In the third paragraph delete the name B Clay and insert A C W Crane.

61. Public Question Time

No questions were asked.

62. Communications

Apologies for Absence

Councillor M T Head and L A M Burke

The Council conveyed its best wishes to Councillor Head who was recovering from injuries sustained in a recent accident.

63. Members’ Disclosure of Interests

The following disclosures of interests by Members were made:-

Member / Agenda Item No. / Name and date of Executive/ Committee / Agenda Page No. / Subject / Nature of Disclosure
S A Blake / 11 (c) / Report of the Executive –
19 January 2005-
Minute 83. / 27 / Residential Environmental Improvements – The Parham Road Area, Ifield / Prejudicial
(Resident of Lavington Close, Ifield)
S A Blake / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission-
14 February 2005.
Minute 105. / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non Prejudicial
(Resident of Ifield)
B K Blake / 11 (c) / Report of the Executive –
19 January 2005-
Minute 83. / 27 / Residential Environmental Improvements – The Parham Road Area, Ifield / Prejudicial (Resident of Lavington Close, Ifield)
B K Blake / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission-
14 February 2005.
Minute 105. / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non Prejudicial
(Resident of Ifield)
B K Blake / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100 / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non-Prejudicial
(Member of the WSCC Pension Scheme)
B Burgess / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100 / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non-Prejudicial
(Member of the WSCC Pension Scheme)
R D Burrett / 11 (a) / Report of the Development Control Committee
10 January 2005
Minute 50 / 17 / Planning Application CR/2004/0322/FUL / Prejudicial
(Acquainted with objectors)
R D Burrett / 11 (a) / Report of the Development Control Committee
10 January 2005
Minute 50 / 17 / Planning Application CR/2004/0846/P24. / Prejudicial
(Chair of Governors at Bewbush Primary School which objected to the application)
R D Burrett / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100. / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non Prejudicial
(Member of WSCC Pension Scheme)
C A Cheshire / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission-
14 February 2005.
Minute 105. / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non Prejudicial
(Borough Councillor for Bewbush)
C A Cheshire / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100. / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non-Prejudicial
(Member of the WSCC Pension Scheme)
C L Denman / 11 (d) / Report of the Development Control Committee – 31 January 2005
Minute 55 / 37 / Planning Application
CR/2004/0869/COU / Non Prejudicial
(Member of Central Crawley Conservation Advisory Committee which had objected to the application. [Cllr Denman had not taken part in any of the Advisory
Committee’s discussions on the matter])
C L Denman / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission
14 February 2005.
Minute 105. / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non Prejudicial
(Resident of Ifield and member of Ifield Village Association which is also being consulted on the Horsham LDF)
I T Irvine / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100. / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non-Prejudicial
(Member of the WSCC Pension Scheme)
S J Joyce / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission
14 February 2005.
Minute 105 / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non Prejudicial
(Resident of Langley Green)
S J Joyce / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100. / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non-Prejudicial
(Member of the WSCC Pension Scheme)
C C Lloyd / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission
14 February 2005.
Minute 105 / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non-
(West Sussex County Councillor)
C C Lloyd / 12.2 / Notice of Motion / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non-
(West Sussex County Councillor)
C C Lloyd / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100. / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non-Prejudicial
(Member of the WSCC Pension Scheme)
B MeCrow / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission
14 February 2005.
Minute 105 / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non Prejudicial
(Resident of and Borough Councillor for Langley Green)
J Mortimer / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission
14 February 2005.
Minute 105 / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non- Prejudicial
(Resident of and Borough and County Councillor for Ifield)
J L Millar- Smith / 12.2 / Notice of Motion / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non-
(Spouse of West Sussex County Councillor)
K Neal / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100. / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non-Prejudicial
(Member of the WSCC Pension Scheme)
B J Quinn / 11(e) / Report of the Licensing Committee – 2February 2005
Minute 32 / 39 / Apple Tree Public House / Non Prejudicial
(The Apple Tree Public House helped Cllr Quinn to raise money when he was Mayor)
A J E Quirk / 11(d) / Report of the Development Control Committee – 31 January 2005 / 36 / Planning Application
CR/2004/0808/FUL / Prejudicial
(Lives close to application site and has raised objections in the past)
C J Redmayne / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100. / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non-Prejudicial (Member of the WSCC Pension Scheme and member of WSCC pension fund overview panel)
D J Shreeves / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission
14 February 2005.
Minute 105 / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non Prejudicial
(Resident of and Borough Councillor for Langley Green)
B A Smith / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission
14 February 2005.
Minute 105 / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non Prejudicial
(Resident of and Borough Councillor for Langley Green)
B A Smith / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100. / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non-Prejudicial
(Member of the WSCC Pension Scheme, employee of WSCC and spouse of West Sussex County Councillor)
J G Smith / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100. / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non-Prejudicial
(Member of the WSCC Pension Scheme)
J G Smith / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission
14 February 2005.
Minute 105 / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non Prejudicial
(Resident of and Borough Councillor for Langley Green)
J Stanley / 11 (g) / Report of the Overview and Scrutiny Commission
14 February 2005-
Minute 105. / 46 / Horsham District Council Local Development Framework / Non-Prejudicial
(Resident and Councillor of Ifield)
J Stanley / 11 (h) / Report of the Executive –
16 February 2005-
Minute 100. / 57 / Council Tax and Budget for 2005/06 / Non-Prejudicial
(Member of the WSCC Pension Scheme)
64. Questions

Questions asked in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 10.2, together with the answers, were tabled as follows:-

Questioner - / Councillor A C W Crane.
Addressed to - / Executive Member for Housing
Subject - / Sale of Council Houses.
Questioner - / Councillor A J E Quirk
Addressed to - / Chair of the Executive.
Subject - / Land Holdings, Purchases and Investments.
Questioner - / Councillor A J E Quirk
Addressed to - / Executive Member for Community Engagement.
Subject - / Community Wardens
Questioner - / Councillor A J E Quirk
Addressed to - / Vice-Chair of the Executive.
Subject - / The Recording of Questions and Answers at Full Council Meetings.
Questioner / Councillor A C W Crane.
Addressed to / Chair of the Executive.
Subject / Analysis of weekly rent, local tax and water charges for a typical three bedroom house since April 2000 and the current economic rent for this property. Funding Analysis of Housing Revenue Account. Cost of homelessness borne by the Housing Revenue Account and the General Fund in 2005/2006 and the effect on local tax and rent levels. Rent equalisation. Number of housing dwellings, estimated annual rent income and average weekly rent levels for 2005/2006. Estimated Business Rates payable within Crawley for next year and how much was to be retained towards funding services. Expected average Council rents for West Sussex districts in 2005/2006 and what the increase was over the current year. Proposed Council Tax for each district council in West Sussex and the percentage variation from the previous year. The number of domestic rated properties in Crawley, how many fall into the band C category and the weekly / annual amount payable for CBC, WSCC and SPA for band C council tax.
Questioner - / Councillor R J Hull
Addressed to - / Chair of the Executive
Subject - / Government Settlements and Council Tax.

65. Reports by Executive Members

Councillor S J Joyce (the Executive Member for Housing) announced that an innovative new Extra Care Housing Scheme for Older People was to be developed in Brighton Road in Crawley after a successful bid for Government funds.

Staff in Housing Strategic Services, assisted by colleagues in Planning and Property Services had been working closely with Crawley Primary Care Trust, West Sussex County Council and Housing 21 to co-ordinate a joint bid for funds from the Department of Health.

The project was one of 21 bids selected from 140 submitted nationally, and the 50-unit scheme, which was an alternative to residential care, would give older people their own flat along with the benefit and reassurance of 24-hour care and support.

Councillor Joyce conveyed his congratulations to all involved in the successful bid.

66. Questions to Executive Members

Questions asked pursuant to Council Procedure Rule 10.1 were as follows:-

(i) Question by Councillor D G Crow to Councillor D J Shreeves (as Executive Member for Community Engagement) on whether Councillors had been consulted on the current toleration of travellers at Tilgate Park. In response, Councillor Shreeves indicated that both the Leader of the Council and Ward Members were consulted on this matter. A separate court case was underway which affected the travellers on this site, and the nature of the case meant that the Council could not evict the travellers from its land until the case had been settled. It was decided that the best option was to tolerate the travellers on a site of the Council’s choosing that would create the least inconvenience for local people and for the travellers. There were strict conditions covering the toleration order and the site was monitored by the Community Wardens and by security staff. A consultation meeting with local residents was to take place the following evening.

(ii) Question by Councillor S A Blake to Councillor B J Quinn (as Executive Member for Leisure and Cultural Services) on the need for signage at the Milton Mount Tennis Courts to include the revised telephone number for information on access arrangements. In response, Councillor Quinn indicated that he would raise this matter at a meeting to be held shortly with the Director of Community Services.

(iii) Question by Councillor C L Denman to Councillor C J Redmayne (as Chair of the Executive) on procedures for covering any absence of the Chief

Executive, in terms of the availability of an appointed deputy (if required) as a contact for Members. In response, Councillor Redmayne pointed out that such procedures were in place, but that he would seek full clarification of these arrangements from the Chief Executive.

(iv) Question by Councillor J Stanley to Councillor B J Quinn (as Executive Member for Leisure and Cultural Services) on the number of fines that had been issued by the Council’s Community Wardens for dog fouling offences. In response, Councillor Quinn indicated that, to date, 2 on the spot fines had been issued in the sum of £50 each.