School Accountability Report Card Reported for School Year 2009-10 Published During 2010-11
ExecutiveSummarySchool Accountability Report Card, 2009-10
PeraltaElementary School
Address: / 460 63rd St. , OaklandCA94609 / Phone: / 510-879-1450Principal: / Rosette Costello / Grade Span: / K- 5
This executive summary of the School Accountability Report Card (SARC) is intended to provide parents and community members with a quick snapshot of school accountability. The data presented in this report are reported for the 2009-10 school year, except the School Finances and School Completion data that are reported for the 2008-09 school year. For additional information about the school, parents and community members should review the entire SARC or contact the school principal or the district office.
About This School
Peralta is a small North Oakland Elementary located on the Oakland/Berkeley border at the intersection of Alcatraz and Telegraph Avenues. Presently, our enrollment approaches 300 students nestled in 12 K-5 classrooms. We are a designated Title 1 school and have the distinction of being one of a dozen Title 1 elementary school in the State of California in which African American students have an API over 840. In 2010, Peralta was acknowledged as both a Title 1 Award School as well as a CaliforniaDistinguishedSchool. Our SPSA, the School Plan for Student Achievement, references the staff as a professional learning community and summarizes the vision of the school as reflecting the commitment of the entre school community to high standards and a collaborative spirit.
Student Enrollment
Group / PercentAfrican American / 25.3 %
American Indian or Alaska Native / 0.7 %
Asian / 5.1 %
Filipino / 0.7 %
Hispanic or Latino / 5.4 %
Pacific Islander / 0.7 %
White (not Hispanic) / 42.4 %
Multiple or No Response / 19.9 %
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged / 48.00 %
English Learners / 4.00 %
Students with Disabilities / 5.00 %
Total Number of Students / 297
**The data in this table are not available to the CDE due to delays in receiving CBEDS information. Therefore, these data must be provided by the LEA.
Indicator / TeachersTeachers with full credential / 14
Teachers without full credential / 0
Teachers Teaching Outside Subject Area of Competence / 0
Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners / 0
Total Teacher Misassignments / 0
**The data in this table are not available to the CDE due to delays in receiving CBEDS information. Therefore, these data must be provided by the LEA.
Student Performance
Subject / Students Proficient and Above on California Standards TestsEnglish-Language Arts / 73%
Mathematics / 83%
Science / 79%
History-Social Science / 0%
Academic Progress
Indicator / Result2010 Growth API Score (from 2010 Growth API Report) / 910
Statewide Rank (from 2009 Base API Report) / 9
2010-11 Program Improvement Status (PI Year) / Not in PI
School Facilities
Summary of Most Recent Site Inspection
The site is in good condition. Some restrooms are new. There is a new roof. All over repair status is good.
Repairs Needed
Corrective Actions Taken or Planned
Curriculum and Instructional Materials
Core Curriculum Areas / Pupils Who Lack Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsReading/Language Arts / 0
Mathematics / 0
Science / 0
History-Social Science / 0
Foreign Language / 0
Health / 0
Visual and Performing Arts / 0
Science Laboratory Equipment (grades 9-12) / 0
School Finances
Level / Expenditures Per Pupil (Unrestricted Sources Only)School Site / $5,045
District / $4,872
State / $5,681
School Completion
Indicator / ResultGraduation Rate / N/A
**The data in this table are not available to the CDE due to delays in receiving CBEDS information. Therefore, these data must be provided by the LEA.
Postsecondary Preparation
Measures / PercentPupils Who Completed a Career Technical Education Program and Earned a High School Diploma / N/A
Graduates Who Completed All Courses Required for University of California or CaliforniaStateUniversity Admission / N/A
NAEP Reading, Grade 4
Level / ResultAverage Scale Score - State / 209
Average Scale Score - National / 220
Achievement Level - Basic / 30%
Achievement Level - Proficient / 18%
Achievement Level - Advanced / 5%
NAEP Reading, Grade 8
Level / ResultAverage Scale Score - State / 251
Average Scale Score - National / 261
Achievement Level - Basic / 41%
Achievement Level - Proficient / 20%
Achievement Level - Advanced / 2%
NAEP Mathematics, Grade 4
Level / ResultAverage Scale Score - State / 232
Average Scale Score - National / 239
Achievement Level - Basic / 41%
Achievement Level - Proficient / 25%
Achievement Level - Advanced / 5%
NAEP Mathematics, Grade 8
Level / ResultAverage Scale Score - State / 270
Average Scale Score - National / 282
Achievement Level - Basic / 36%
Achievement Level - Proficient / 18%
Achievement Level - Advanced / 5%
School Accountability Report Card Reported for School Year 2009-10 Published During 2010-11
The School Accountability Report Card (SARC), which is required by law to be published annually, contains information about the condition and performance of each California public school. More information about SARC requirements is available on the California Department of Education (CDE) SARC Web page. For additional information about the school, parents and community members should contact the school principal or the district office.
I. Data and Access
DataQuest is an online data tool located on the CDE DataQuest Web page that contains additional information about this school and comparisons of the school to the district, the county, and the state. Specifically, DataQuest is a dynamic system that provides reports for accountability (e.g., Academic Performance Index [API], Adequate Yearly Progress [AYP]), test data, enrollment, graduates, dropouts, course enrollments, staffing, and data regarding English learners).
Internet Access
Internet access is available at public libraries and other locations that are publicly accessible (e.g., the California State Library). Access to the Internet at libraries and public locations is generally provided on a first-come, first-served basis. Other use restrictions include the hours of operation, the length of time that a workstation may be used (depending on availability), the types of software programs available on a workstation, and the ability to print documents.
II. About This School
Contact Information (School Year 2010-11)
This section provides the schools contact information.
School / DistrictSchool Name / Peralta Elementary / District Name / Oakland Unified
Street / 460 63rd St. / Phone Number / 510-879-8582
City, State, Zip / Oakland, CA94609 / Web Site /
Phone Number / 510-879-1450 / Superintendent / Anthony Smith
Principal / Rosette Costello / E-mail Address /
E-mail Address / / CDS Code / 01- 61259- 6002109
School Description and Mission Statement (School Year 2009-10)
School Description and Mission Statement (School Year 2009-10)
PeraltaSchool is committed to the development of the whole child and we have created a safe, beautiful and welcoming environment as the foundation for that goal. Our commitment to the arts is evidenced throughout the school and we have been designated one the three Alameda County Art Lab Schools because of our leadership and strength in using the arts to support academic excellence, and extending artistic vision and diversity both in and beyond our school community. Our goal is to support the growth of our children to reach potential as critical thinking, caring, and responsible citizens of our world.
Opportunities for Parental Involvement (School Year 2009-10)
Opportunities for Parental Involvement (School Year 2009-10)
There are ongoing opportunities for parent involvement that range from helping in classrooms to serving on a myriad of leadership committees. We recognize that all parents have valuable contributions and we need everyone’s support to embrace all aspects of school programs and events. Specific parent involvement activities include fund raising events, parent information nights, monthly gardening work parties, diversity activities and other celebrations of each other. Parents are invaluable to keeping our Salad Bar alive, too!
School achievement and success are built on the foundation of parent/caregiver and school/community partnerships. In addition to conferencing with teachers and collaborating with staff to create a healthy, safe and stimulating environment, the Peralta Parent Teacher Group funds a variety of programs such as school librarian, music, art and others.
Student Enrollment by Grade Level (School Year 2009-10)
This table displays the number of students enrolled in each grade level at the school.
Grade Level / Number of StudentsKindergarten / 60
Grade 1 / 56
Grade 2 / 48
Grade 3 / 46
Grade 4 / 44
Grade 5 / 40
Grade 6 / **
Grade 7 / **
Grade 8 / **
Ungraded Elementary / **
Grade 9 / **
Grade 10 / **
Grade 11 / **
Grade 12 / **
Ungraded Secondary / **
Total Enrollment / 297
**The data in this table are not available to the CDE due to delays in receiving CBEDS information. Therefore, these data must be provided by the LEA.
Student Enrollment by Group (School Year 2009-10)
This table displays the percent of students enrolled at the school who are identified as being in a particular group.
Group / Percent of Total EnrollmentAfrican American / 25.3 %
American Indian or Alaska Native / 0.7 %
Asian / 5.1 %
Filipino / 0.7 %
Hispanic or Latino / 5.4 %
Pacific Islander / 0.7 %
White (not Hispanic) / 42.4 %
Multiple or No Response / 19.9 %
Socioeconomically Disadvantaged / 48.00 %
English Learners / 4.00 %
Students with Disabilities / 5.00 %
**The data in this table are not available to the CDE due to delays in receiving CBEDS information. Therefore, these data must be provided by the LEA.
Average Class Size and Class Size Distribution (Elementary)
This table displays by grade level the average class size and the number of classrooms that fall into each size category (a range of total students per classroom).
Grade Level / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10Avg. Class Size / Number of Classrooms / Avg. Class Size / Number of Classrooms / Avg. Class Size / Number of Classrooms
1-20 / 21-32 / 33+ / 1-20 / 21-32 / 33+ / 1-20 / 21-32 / 33+
K / 23.0 / 1 / 1 / 23.5 / 1 / 1 / 23.0 / 3
1 / 19.5 / 2 / 20.0 / 2 / 23.0 / 2
2 / 20.0 / 2 / 20.0 / 2 / 24.0 / 2
3 / 25.0 / 1 / 20.0 / 1 / 25.0 / 2
4 / 31.0 / 1 / 30.0 / 1
5 / 26.0 / 1 / 27.5 / 2
K-3 / 20.0 / 1 / 20.0 / 2
3-4 / 25.0 / 1 / 30.0 / 1
4-8 / 29.5 / 2
III. School Climate
School Safety Plan (School Year 2009-10)
This section provides information about the school's comprehensive safety plan.
The school reviewed, revised and submitted to the Board in 09-10 an updated Safety Plan that included: school site safety programs, procedures for complying with school safety laws, and Disaster/Emergency/Crisis Response procedures. We have just completed initial implementation of an earthquake/disaster plan. This plan designates specific roles for the on site staff and we are in process of scheduling practice evacuation drills in both the Fall and Spring trimesters. In addition, we have accrued ample supplies, first aid and search and rescue equipment to support our school community in the event of a disaster evacuation. Fire and earthquake drills are scheduled monthly.
We consider cleanliness and prompt response to site facility needs a component of the safety plan. Facility needs are put on line in a timely manner and the condition of the site is well maintained by staff and students.
Suspensions and Expulsions
This table displays the rate of suspensions and expulsions (the total number of incidents divided by the total enrollment) at the school and district levels for the most recent three-year period.
Rate / School / District2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10
Suspensions / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 4.1 / 12.9 / 8.1
Expulsions / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.0 / 0.1 / 0.1 / 0.1
**The data in this table are not available to the CDE due to delays in receiving CBEDS information. Therefore, these data must be provided by the LEA.
IV. School Facilities
School Facility Conditions and Planned Improvements (School Year 2010-11)- Data provided by Department of Facilities on 12/6/2010
This section provides information about the condition of the school’s grounds, buildings, and restrooms, and a description of any planned or recently completed facility improvements.
The site is in good condition. Some restrooms are new. There is a new roof. All over repair status is good.
School Facility Good Repair Status (School Year 2010-11)
This table displays the results of the most recently completed school site inspection to determine the school facility’s good repair status.
System Inspected / Repair Status / Repair Needed and Action Taken or PlannedExemplary / Good / Fair / Poor
Systems: Gas Leaks, Mechanical/HVAC, Sewer / N/A / X
Interior: Interior Surfaces / N/A / X
Cleanliness: Overall Cleanliness, Pest/ Vermin Infestation / N/A / X
Electrical: Electrical / N/A / X
Restrooms/Fountains: Restrooms, Sinks/ Fountains / N/A / X
Safety: Fire Safety, Hazardous Materials / N/A / X
Structural: Structural Damage, Roofs / N/A / X
External: Playground/School Grounds, Windows/ Doors/Gates/Fences / N/A / X
Overall Rating / Exemplary / N/A
V. Teachers
Teacher Credentials
This table displays the number of teachers assigned to the school with a full credential, without a full credential, and those teaching outside of their subject area of competence. Detailed information about teacher qualifications can be found on the CDE DataQuest Web page.
Teachers / School / District2007-08 / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2009-10
With Full Credential / 12 / 13 / 14 / 4203
Without Full Credential / 0 / 0 / 0 / 162
Teaching Outside Subject Area of Competence / 2 / 2 / 0 / N/A
**The data in this table are not available to the CDE due to delays in receiving CBEDS information. Therefore, these data must be provided by the LEA.
Teacher Misassignments and Vacant Teacher Positions
This table displays the number of teacher misassignments (teachers assigned without proper legal authorization) and the number of vacant teacher positions (not filled by a single designated teacher assigned to teach the entire course at the beginning of the school year or semester). Note: Total Teacher Misassignments includes the number of Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners.
Indicator / 2008-09 / 2009-10 / 2010-11Misassignments of Teachers of English Learners / 0 / 0
Total Teacher Misassignments / 0 / 0
Vacant Teacher Positions / 0 / 0
Core Academic Classes Taught by No Child Left Behind Compliant Teachers (School Year 2009-10)
This table displays the percent of classes in core academic subjects taught by No Child Left Behind (NCLB) compliant and non-NCLB compliant teachers in the school, in all schools in the district, in high-poverty schools in the district, and in low-poverty schools in the district. High poverty schools are defined as those schools with student participation of approximately 75 percent or more in the free and reduced price meals program. Low poverty schools are those with student participation of approximately 25 percent or less in the free and reduced price meals program. More information on teacher qualifications required under NCLB can be found on the CDE Improving Teacher and Principal Quality Web page.
Location of Classes / Percent of Classes In Core Academic SubjectsTaught by NCLB Compliant Teachers / Taught by Non-NCLB Compliant Teachers
This School / 100.0 / 0.0
All Schools in District / 91.0 / 9.0
High-Poverty Schools in District / 89.0 / 11.0
Low-Poverty Schools in District / 94.0 / 6.0
**The data in this table are not available to the CDE due to delays in receiving CBEDS information. Therefore, these data must be provided by the LEA.
VI. Support Staff
Academic Counselors and Other Support Staff (School Year 2009-10)
This table displays, in units of full-time equivalents (FTE), the number of academic counselors and other support staff who are assigned to the school and the average number of students per academic counselor. One FTE equals one staff member working full time; one FTE could also represent two staff members who each work 50 percent of full time.
Title / Number of FTE Assigned to School / Average Number of Students per Academic CounselorAcademic Counselor / 0 / N/A
Library Media Teacher (Librarian) / 0 / N/A
Psychologist / 0 / N/A
Social Worker / 0 / N/A
Nurse / 0 / N/A
Speech/Language/Hearing Specialist / 0 / N/A
Resource Specialist (non-teaching) / 1 / N/A
Other / 9 / N/A
**The data in this table are not available to the CDE due to delays in receiving CBEDS information. Therefore, these data must be provided by the LEA.
VII. Curriculum and Instructional Materials
Quality, Currency, Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials (School Year 2010-11)
This table displays information about the quality, currency, and availability of the standards-aligned textbooks and other instructional materials used at the school, and information about the school’s use of any supplemental curriculum or non-adopted textbooks or instructional materials.
Core Curriculum Area / Quality, Currency, and Availability of Textbooks and Instructional Materials / Percent of Pupils Who Lack Their Own Assigned Textbooks and Instructional MaterialsReading/Language Arts / 100% / 0
Mathematics / 100% / 0
Science / 100% / 0
History-Social Science / 100% / 0
Foreign Language / N/A / 0
Health / N/A / 0
Visual and Performing Arts / N/A / 0
Science Laboratory Equipment (grades 9-12) / N/A / 0
VIII.School Finances
Expenditures Per Pupil and School Site Teacher Salaries (Fiscal Year 2008-09)
This table displays a comparison of the school’s per pupil expenditures from unrestricted (basic) sources with other schools in the district and throughout the state, and a comparison of the average teacher salary at the school site with average teacher salaries at the district and state levels. Detailed information regarding school expenditures can be found on the CDE Current Expense of Education & Per-pupil Spending Web page and teacher salaries can be found on the CDE Certificated Salaries & Benefits Web page.
Level / Total Expenditures Per Pupil / Expenditures Per Pupil (Supplemental / Restricted) / Expenditures Per Pupil (Basic / Unrestricted) / Average Teacher SalarySchool Site / $6,452 / $1,407 / $5,045 / $62,194
District / N/A / N/A / $4,872 / $54,157
Percent Difference – School Site and District / N/A / N/A / 3.56% / 14.84%
State / N/A / N/A / $5,681 / $68,179
Percent Difference – School Site and State / N/A / N/A / -11.18% / -8.78%
Types of Services Funded (Fiscal Year 2009-10)
This section provides information about the programs and supplemental services that are available at the school and funded through either categorical or other sources.
This school strategically allocates (omit its) resources to support professional development for teachers and inside and outside of classroom intervention and extracurricular opportunities for students. The Aspiranet program served over 100 students in the after school program.
Teacher and Administrative Salaries (Fiscal Year 2008-09)
This table displays district salaries for teachers, principals, and superintendents, and compares these figures to the state averages for districts of the same type and size. The table also displays teacher and administrative salaries as a percent of a district's budget, and compares these figures to the state averages for districts of the same type and size based on the salary schedule. Detailed information regarding salaries may be found on the CDE Certificated Salaries & Benefits Web page.
Category / District Amount / State Average For Districts In Same CategoryBeginning Teacher Salary / $39,456 / $42,377
Mid-Range Teacher Salary / $54,328 / $67,667
Highest Teacher Salary / $70,934 / $87,102
Average Principal Salary (Elementary) / $90,068 / $108,894
Average Principal Salary (Middle) / $91,589 / $113,713
Average Principal Salary (High) / $97,187 / $124,531
Superintendent Salary / $250,600 / $223,323
Percent of Budget for Teacher Salaries / 0.20 % / 0.40 %
Percent of Budget for Administrative Salaries / 0.00 % / 0.00 %
IX. Student Performance