SAGE Seizure Questionnaire
Your pet’s name:
Your name:
Mike Krynock & Judit Losonczi
Date of appointment:
May 24
When was your pet’s first seizure?
Week of March 7th2016 – 1 day after very first Revolution application
When was your pet’s most recent seizure?
Revolution was applied on April 29
Brooks had seizures April 29, May 2, May 11 and May16
Brooks has been on Phenobarbital since May 17th
If your pet has had multiple seizures, approximately how frequently do they happen?
Every few days, sometimes few weeks
Describe the seizures, including how long they last. What does your pet do before the seizures?
All but one seizure happened while we were asleep and Brooks was sleeping with us. Typical ~ 2-4 am. We wake up to Brooks trashing uncontrollably and foaming in the mouth.
Seizures last a few minutes
The last seizure (May 16) happened when I was just holding him. He started hissing at the empty bed and then went rigid and started trashing and contorting. Was hard to even hold him down to keep him from hurting himself. This seizure felt more violent than the ones before and happened earlier in the evening.
What does your pet do after the seizures? How long does this last?
Brooks seems confused/ he licks himself dry after the foaming and spitting and walks around in circles or just goes walking around the house all confused. After maybe 5 min he comes back to us and starts purring very loud and settles in and goes back to sleep.
If you try to get your pet’s attention during the seizures, what happens?
No response. All we can do is hold him so he doesn’t fall off the bed.
Does your pet have access to any toxins (pesticides, medications, garbage, lead paint)?
No. We do believe there is a correlation between the flee medication (Revolution) we put him on.
Please list any veterinarians/veterinary hospitals where your pet has had testing or treatment for the seizures.
Our general vet is dr. McKinley at the South county Animal Hospital in Morgan Hill. She referred us to Sage and all testing related to the seizures were done at Sage
If your pet has had any blood work done for this problem, please list it below (and when/where it was done). Please list any other testing that has been done for the seizures.
Blood work and liver function testing was done at Sage just very recently. All negative.
If your pet is receiving medications for the seizures, please list below (list name of drug, # of milligrams per dose, how often it is given, and when the medication was started). Please list the most recent change in medications or doses.
Our local vet started him on Phenobarbital after the last seizure (May 17th), to be sure he is OK while we waited for this appointment.
16.2 mg tablets – ½ tablet twice a day
Are there any other medications that have been tried in the past? Please list them and why/when they were stopped.
Please list any side effects of the medications that your pet is on. Are they at an acceptable level at this time?
We have not noticed any side effects. If anything, Brooks is more energetic and playful then during past few months
Have you noticed any changes in your pet’s gait, behavior, or personality? If so, please describe.
He has been more subdued since we started him on Revolution or since when seizures started. Not clear which, if either, the cause.
Please list any other medical problems or surgeries in your pet’s history.
We found Brooks as a starving kitten – at 6 months he was less than 2 lb and severely malnourished.
Please list the date(s) and type(s) of your pet’s most recent vaccinations.
All recommended vaccinations up to date. Rabies update due in December.
What are your goals for your visit?
Understand whether seizures are linked to using Revolution or if Brooks has other neurological issues that could be causing the seizures. Find a way forward to keep him healthy and seizure free.