Richland High School
Health Education Department
Instructor: Coach Broxterman (Brox)
Class Format
Teachers Motto You may not be able to choose your lot in life, but you can choose how to handle your lot.
Class Rules
- Get to class on time.
- Raise your hand to speak.
- Do not get out of your seat when the teacher is speaking.
- Bring necessary materials to class each day.
- All rules found in the student handbook apply in the classroom at all times.
- Respect = Respect.
- All students must have on a visible ID.
- No talking during announcements.
- Work until the bell rings
- Your name on board=
- 20 min. detention before school
- Once check=
- 30 min. detention before school
- Two checks=
- 45 min. detention before school
- Parent contact
- Three checks=
- 30 min. detention before school
- Lunch detention
- AP Referral
No show for detention = Write up referral to AP
Daily work, homework and quizzes
- Daily assignments are due at the end of class.
- Quizzes are usually timed. They are due at the specified time.
- Homework is due at the beginning of class. No late homework is accepted.
- Students with an excused absence will be allowed to make up the work. It is the student’s responsibility to find out what assignments they missed.
- All students are required to turn in a current event article every Friday. This article must be from a newspaper or internet source no earlier than one week prior to its due date. All students are required to write a brief summary and present their article to the class. Students must staple the article to their paper. Article must be cut out, not torn out. If you are absent on Friday, your article will be due the first day that you return to school. No exceptions.
Necessary information needed for your Current Event
- StandardRichlandHigh School heading at the top of the page.
Full name
Class period
- Title on the top line centered.
- The name of your source on the second line.
- Section and page on the third line
- Date on the fourth line.
- There is no talking at all during tests.
- Students will be allowed one retake each six weeks.
We will split the difference. That means if you made a 70 on the first test, the highest grade that you can make on the retake will be an 85.
- Enrichment can be available at my discretion based on the class average. Enrichment will bring failing grades to 70 if directions are followed correctly.
Test- 50% of the student’s six weeks grade.
1. Chapter test.
2. Six weeks test.
3. Project (s).
Daily- 50% of the student’s six weeks grade.
1. Quizzes.
2. Current events.
3. Vocabulary.
4. Homework.
5. Activity assignments.
6. Participation.
SuppliesPaper, pen or pencil, three ring binder (2 inch min.),dividers, student planner, journal, color pencils, and poster board.
Binder format (4dividers) Due at each 3 week point
- Daily Notes
- Assignments
- Tests/quizzes
- Journal Entry/ Daily warm-up exercises
Syllabus:Chapter 1 Living a Healthy Life
Chapter 3 Being a Health-Literate Consumer. (consumer project due)
Chapter 4 Physical Activity for Life (design a fitness program)
Chapter 6 Managing Weight and Body Composition
Chapter 8 Managing Stress and Anxiety
Chapter 10 Skills for Healthy Relationships
Chapter 11 Family Relationships
PAPA Parenting and Paternity Awareness
Chapter 12 Peer Relationships
Chapter 15 Skeletal, Muscular, and Nervous System
Chapter 21 Tobacco (Poster project and presentation)
Chapter 22 (Alcohol) & 23 (Medicines and Drugs)
Community awareness project
Abstinence program
Chapter 25 Sexually Transmitted Infections and HIV/AIDS
CPR in the Schools
Chapter 27 Injury Prevention and Safe Behaviors
Teacher infoCoach Broxterman
Office in Fieldhouse Training Room
Office phone: 817-547-7089
Tutorials: by appointment